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Found 178 results

  1. Hey guys! So yesterday I was trying to set up Xbox Neighborhood. Used Dash Launch to select the xbdm plug in and decided to reboot the console, but after reboot it seems Aurora is stuck at scanning new title updates screen. I left it overnight hoping that would fix it but it didn't Is it a problem or is it normal? What else can I do?
  2. The Dream Theme v2.5 (Released October 13th, 2013) What's in this Skin? - 212 HD backgrounds - 100 different stages - 15 different content tabs - 15 different icon sets - 26 Coverflow layouts Changes since v2.4: - Added 62 new HD backgrounds - Changed the coverflow look for people who want to use the status bar - Some minor Tweaks How to use: 1- Go with a ftp program to your Freestyle 3 folder 2- Place "The Dream Theme v2.5.xzp" file in your "Skins" folder. 3- Go with Freestyle 3 to the Skin menu and choose "The Dream Theme v2.5" skin. 4- Restart your Xbox360 5- Go to settings menu and select "reset skin settings" That's all Don't forget to reset your skin settings before using this new version otherwise things will not work properly! Some screenshots below The Dream Theme v2.5.rar
  3. A week ago my modded xbox 360 slim's nand got corrupted. And when i turn it on, the power button becomes red, and i get an E79 error. Fortunately Xell reloaded works. The bad thing is i dont have a nand programmer, and whats worse is i dont have my nand for the console, so i need to create one in J-runner. So now i opened up my xbox, to know what kind of rgh chip i have, and to solder a nand programmer chip into the motherboard later. Well, i have this kind of RGH chip in my xbox: And if you ask why i dont opened up my xbox yet is because i just bought this in used condition. And as i said, i dont have a nand programmer chip, so i need to buy one. Its going to be a bit difficult to find one. And by the way, i have an Corona (4gb) motherboard in my xbox. If you have some tips or ideas for the fixing, then just reply.
  4. Coverflow BigCover diseñado por mi para Aurora 0.7B Xbox 360, espero sea de su agrado BigCover I Default: BigCover Default by adriancaz.cfljson BigCover II Default: BigCoverII Default by adriancaz.cfljson BigCover I WebOS: BigCover WebOS by adriancaz.cfljson BigCover II WebOS: BigCoverII WebOS by adriancaz.cfljson
  5. Hi Everone. I have a slim trinity rghed xbox360. I got a corrupt nand and saw a thread explaining how to fix if i don't have the cpu key and the original nand which i do not have actually. I have cr3 lite already installed. All is good except for that i don't know how to install jr programmer v2 which i have ordered now. Do i connect with cr3 lite or solder it and if soldering is the case where to? I have no clue what these things are how they work and i would be just followimg everything step by step what is said in that forum but it doesn't really explain how to setup jr programmer v2. This is the forum I'm talking about: Few couple of things bothering me. 1)My j runner shows an error saying connection error is it because i have window 10 and how to fix it. 2) which dashboard number should i keep i read above 14719 is fine but it wasn't specific on which one to keep . 3) is glitch 2 and rgh 2 the same thing?
  6. I have been talking to marty28 the coder who is porting xbmc to the 360. Check his work out here After alot of bugging from me he sent me a built xbmc for the 360 to test. He is working on a alpha release that should be soon looking at his github There is some bugs that to be expected. Overall it works alot better than he said it would audio and video are in sync If any one would like to help port this project please get in contact he has added and edited alot since he shared a build with me the github been updated daily Cosmetics (code spacing/indentation) … marty28 committed 5 hours ago b8e5c7d Added video codec factory … marty28 committed 6 hours ago d3aaef8 Remove some files that should not have been committed marty28 committed 8 hours ago a5e78e0 Commits on May 8, 2018 Added audio codec factory … marty28 committed a day ago b7cacc3 Remove unused X86 assembly code … marty28 committed a day ago 1044a27 Commits on May 7, 2018 Added the seek bar … marty28 committed 2 days ago
  7. i know you can put updates,dlc and arcade games in the content folder. i was wondering if it's possible to make a second content folder that has the same funtionality as the content folder on the 360 so is it?
  8. how do i install mods for skyrim on my rgh cause i have no idea
  9. RGH with hard drive and menus paid it comes with 4 controllers a HDMI, power brick, console, leds with remote and play and charge kit plus mic comes with lifetime on different servers message me for more proof and details
  10. how to create a standalone game like xbox invaders, what does it take to achieve such a feat? If anyone knows, can you comment to help? If post is in the wrong area, move to the right part. Alias is very important. Moved from Phönix requests and suggestions ---> Xbox other topics, coz its here better in place ! Dr.Gonzo.
  11. So i got a slim E series (corona v6) with a ace v3 installed. Problem is it takes forever to boot sometimes, its very incosistent, sometimes its insta boots, sometimes boots within 3-5 cycles but most of the times it takes between 10-15 cycles before it boots. So i did some research and found that i could tune it with some capacitors for a better and more consistent boot ( i already trimmed the wires but that didnt improve boot times) So the caps i bought are ceramic 10uf 50v. Is it ok to use a cap with such a high voltage, if not what rating caps would u guys recommend. Also my 360 has the winbond 2kb ram, heard 360 with them are problematic to glitch, could this contribute to the inconsistent boots? Link to caps i bought: https://m.ebay.com/itm/20Pcs-Lot-50V-475-335-106-225-Monolithic-Ceramic-Chip-Capacitor-5-08mm/192156148520?_mwBanner=1&ul_ref=https%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F0%2F0%2F0%3Fmpre%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F192156148520%26rvr_id%3D0%26rvr_ts%3Dc7adcac11630aad325468656fff9c2fc&ul_noapp=true
  12. Dash Launch 3.19 God All you need from it now is in an executable package for your console. The news already know about the updates, but how about testing to see if it's good. The project I did intend to expand alternative forms of use, but development is part of the c0z team. -easy access -intuitive -No folders to search for -All compacted -Credits c0z by MathuwsGamerMW Check out the video to see the pictures and the arguments VIDEO DOWNLOAD HERE
  13. Soon the dashlaunch in god format in this new version 3.19, will be functional as the previous one, for those who need it a little more practical and fast to access by MW credits for author
  14. Hello everyone, is there a possible way to bypass the server scan that spartacus legends have when you start up the game? i enabled fakelive but that just bypasses the xbox live notification stuff and not the scan for the spartacus servers. And one extra small question: What is sockpatch?
  15. I just bought LEGO Dimensions plus the Portal 2 and Doctor Who add on packs, and it requires a Title Update to properly use the add-on figures and levels. I had a look in xboxunity but there aren't any title updates listed there yet. My box is RGH, just updated to 2.0.17489.0 thanks to Swizzy's Kernel Updating Guide. I remember hearing long ago that it was a bad idea to connect a modded 360 to the internet, and specifically to XBOX Live. The rumour at the time was that it was likely to get banned, and that getting banned somehow corrupted the hard drive as well. I've kept my box offline all these years out of fear, but never really known the truth. What's the truth of the situation these days? Is it a really bad idea for me to try connecting so I can download this Title Update? I don't really care if I get banned as long as it doesn't wreck my machine in some way.
  16. Watch videos on your Xbox 360 RGH Console, it is an adaptation of another tool but in god format.c Credits for author DOWNLOAD CLICK HERE
  17. Hello guys ! I hope all of you are doing great ! I need ur help/suggestions for setting up my new internal 2TB HDD1 for Xbox360 Slim RGH Corona K17511. I started with formatting the HDD in retail dashboard settings in Xbox to configure to use it as internal HDD1. Problem is i cant move the data which is almost 1.2TB that includes (Content - Homebrew - Emulators - Games) from external USB Seagate HDD to Xbox Internal HDD1. I tried xexmenu, it works for small size folders and files but for some folders randomly it behaves weirdly and it wont copy at all or stops transfer on the way of progress ! I have tried Filezilla and it works only for single files to copy into HDD!. Also i tried xbox360 content manager same as Filezilla! how do u guys transfer ur data into a new internal hdd ! Any help will be highly appreciated !
  18. Hello, first of all sorry for my english Can someone provide the latest youtube app for xbox360 ?? 423607D3 title id. I have on my xbox360 console an old version from 2011 title id - 423607D1. In may 2014 Microsoft anunoced that netflix; hulu and youtube app will work without xbox live gold services. I'm using netflix on my 360 and is working great. I would like to try youtube app. I'm not using other metods to enter online with my rgh to download the youtube app because i have an xbox one on the same network and i don't want to be baned. and for phoenix team keep up the good working and sorry to mention about online on jtga/rgh
  19. I have never seen no cd/dvd auto installer for the 360. There was afew for old xbox. It would be handy to have every think we need to setup a fresh xbox all on 1 simple to use dvd. I not a coder so unsure if would be possible is just a idear I do remeber reading about a king kong explot along time ago that boots from the game so i cant see why not possible
  20. I bought an Xecuter DemoN to put into a corona v5 but ended up with the wrong QSB (the V1). I'm looking for the V2. It'll say V2 on the QSB itself. I've scoured all the sketchiest Chinese/Russian/Brazilian/Italian sites with no luck. I'm in the USA. Let me know if you have a spare I could buy. I can pay however necessary. Thanks in advance!
  21. Freestyle 775 in god format, a mod still in beta, so let's say it works correctly 97% - It can block the file manager - There are errors that I did not report for the lack of tests -Credits for tool owners -Mod by MathuwsGamerMW - This in "BETA" still, help commenting defects of this version DOWNLOAD HERE
  22. I was wondering if it would be possible to make a LUA Script allowing access to friends from xbox unity from using other scripts, or your own. Then if you could make a party chat for your friends to talk to them in game and from Aurora dash. I would also like the party option to be on the pop up dash, in the same part as joining xbox link/unity. But also it justing being a script works to. If possible to have the party chat script or in, pop up dashboard. To has access to xboxunity website friends list to create a party on the website and you join from website. Finally to have the option to join anyone or create your own party on xboxunity site. So the choices are run party chat from xboxunity site, 2nd to run on jtag/rgh from scripts menu on aurora dash, 3rd to have the option on the pop up dash. A special please and thanks if created and for reading my suggestion.
  23. I have an RGH'ed Xbox 360 kinect 320 GB. I installed FSD3 because there was some errors intercepted on the last FSD (1.02) so updated it to 3. I downloaded some games for my xbox and can still copy extracted iso. I remember the last games that moved are Madagascar 3 and Prototype 2. That was transferred after I installed FSD3. But nowadays, I downloaded CODBO2 and Halo 4. I extracted them and it seems that I cannot copy nor move them to the HDD via usb. It shows "operation failed" after a few transfer of files. I wonder there is something wrong with my console. There are huge space left on the hdd so I do not suspect on the storage. I extracted the ISOs via xbox360iso extract (latest). Seems fine after extraction. The only fails me is that the transfer operation. I only use "card reader with micro SD (8GB) in it". It operates like a USB dongle though. regards,
  24. So I got Aurora 0.6 on my 360 and everything seemed to be working just fine but for a couple of days I'm trying to run Star Wars The Force Unleashed but no matter witch release i download i gets that Disc is unreadable error but it's digital on my hard drive anybody knows what i can do ? or maybe a place i can download it from if it's just from the releases that i find.
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