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Found 36 results

  1. can someone help me please?when i try to download covers on my games its just stucks on "downloading item(s) 49.is there any way to fix it? Here's how it looks: (it says downloading item(s) 49 btw)
  2. Hello there, after multiple tries to get LiNK to work, I finally got it by using Aurora NOVA plugin. When opening the game, It simply said that my DLC's were for another media ID, but suddenly after closing and opening the game, my cod black ops 2 just freezes on selecting "multiplayer" or "zombies" in the menu. After many tries, opening the game (from aurora, freestyle, or even any browser) makes a completely black screen. HELP!
  3. Inglés / English : Hello !, Before my question I want to clarify that my English is very bad so I'm using a translator (I hope you understand) Let's start! My problem is that when I started my account xboxunity.net in Aurora, I get the following error: "API Key Error" Failed to get the API Key has occurred. Try again later I searched various forums, including this ... I tried with: Create another account xboxunity.net Xttp = true delete the aurora folder and install another. change the Ethernet cable into another hole but as always the same result: nothing PS: last 12 ran to perfection all !. PS 2: I used the google translator Thanks in advance to those who took the time to read and respond Español / Spanish : ¡Hola!, Antes de mi pregunta quiero aclarar que mi Inglés es muy malo, así que estoy usando un traductor (Espero que entiendas) Vamos a empezar! Mi problema es que cuando empecé mi cuenta xboxunity.net en Aurora, me sale el siguiente error: "Error API Key" No se pudo obtener se ha producido el API Key. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde Busqué en diversos foros, entre ellos este ... He intentado con: Crear otra cuenta xboxunity.net Xttp = true eliminar la carpeta aurora e instalar otro. cambiar el cable Ethernet en otro agujero pero como siempre el mismo resultado: nada PD: el pasado 12 funcionó a la perfección todos!. PD 2: He usado el traductor google Gracias de antemano a los que se tomaron el tiempo para leer y responder
  4. Hello! I'm recently new to the modding scene for the console and I recently got the RGH Xbox 360, but whenever I tried to login, I always keep getting the "An error has occurred in obtaining API Key." And when I tried to manually put in my API key for install the title updates, I can't download any, nor even download covers. Can anyone please help me with these problems?
  5. I found some bugs related to the new xbox 360 E (known as super slim). After he was done writing nand Glitcher, when the unit will start, he puts the cooler to a 100% and after a while goes down until it stabilizes again. And also the temperature readings of the office this buggy (as you can see in the photos). The rest of the temperature is well below the xbox 360 slim, what do mean rushed an improved cooling device, or these dials are also buggy! I do not know if it's from the creators of interresse freestyle and small repair these errors. I'm just posting to help even as a general! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Encontrei alguns bugs relacionados ao novo xbox 360 E (conhecido como super slim). Depois que foi efetuado a escrita nand glitcher, quando o aparelho vai iniciar, ele coloca o cooler a uns 100% e depois de um tempo vai baixando até estabilizar-se denovo. E também as leituras da temperatura da gabinete esta bugada (como você pode ver nas fotos). O restante da temperatura esta bem abaixo do xbox 360 slim, oque significa que acorreu uma melhora no resfriamento do aparelho, ou estes mostradores também estão bugados! Não sei se é de interresse dos criadores da freestyle reparar estes pequenos erros. Só estou postando para ajudar mesmo como um geral!
  6. Hello, i dowload 0.7b.1 Aurora and i have a problem, i cannot download any update, my Internet is connected in Freeboot. What to do? VID_20210225_025243[1].mp4
  7. Hi, So I wanted to compile the latest build of xell-reloaded (commit f5006b1 on github as of today) and I did so successfully, using everything on default: -Debian buster host machine to compile, (also tried from an old Swizzy's VM and BenMitnicK's dev VM environnement and on both xell-reloaded compiles just fine but the issues I have still happen) -Latest libxenon grabbed from github (git clone https://github.com/Free60Project/libxenon.git commit 946f9ea) then ran "./build-xenon-toolchain toolchain" to build it. No issues there so far. -Latest xell-reloaded grabbed from github (git clone https://github.com/Free60Project/xell-reloaded.git commit f5006b1 as mentioned earlier) and then simply ran make to build it. At first it gave me errors because there are unrecognized strings in source/lv1/startup.S apparently caused by recent changes made in the a commit to fix compilation errors when using GCC 4.9 but libxenon uses GCC 4.7.1 so I had to revert those minor changes to get it to compile properly (more details here: I simply unmade all of these changes, changing @high to @h https://github.com/Free60Project/xell-reloaded/commit/62c0bfe430c364cb0729bd0bbd4b228f2390465f#diff-12a7bfe5bade2168aa8d8f8f95fc7c27) After that it gave me different compile errors but that's not really an issue because running "make" twice in a row builds everything properly. I assume it has to do with version.h being missing during the first run of make, but once it's created, the subsequent make compiles everything correctly. Don't quote me on that tho. It's just a wild guess, I didn't really investigate it. Anyways, now on to the REAL issues: First, whether I boot the newly compiled xell binary from XeLLLaunch or directly by flashing it makes no difference. These issues happen nonetheless. I should perhaps mention I have a RGH 1.2 Falcon. So I'm using xell-gggggg.bin (renamed to updxell.bin of course) to flash it entirely, and xell-1f.bin to launch it from XeLLLaunch. The issues: after it has finished initializing, xell will flood the console with "[iso9660] Error: fs_iso9660: disc is not iso9660" and "! dvd0:/updxell.bin does not have the correct size of 256kb. Aborting update!" Now, I obviously don't have a DVD in the drive, so this issues is weird. I tried looking in the source files but honestly I couldn't find anything relevant and attempt to find the root cause and possibly fix it. I suspect it's more a libxenon issue rather than xell-reloaded, but even after trying different (older) libxenon builds and also xell-reloaded, I couldn't get a single compiled xell that didn't produce these errors. I'm completely lost at this point lol. Also, another minor issue, xell no longer prints (I replaced the actual values with X's for privacy): * MSerial: 00000000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX * CSerial: XXXXXXXXXXXX * F/G LDV: XX * Console: Falcon" Again, no idea why. I couldnt even find any reference to these strings in either xell or libxenon, so I don't even know how this is printed to the screen in the first place. Like I said, I'm complete lost at this point lol. I've been trying to find the cause and fix this for days but I didn't get anywhere. I tried compiling various builds of both libxenon and xell-reloaded to no avail. I attached a screenshot of the iso9660/updxell.bin error to better reflect what it actually looks like. I also want to make clear that I'm not looking for a workaround like disabling the DVD drive in the config.h file. I'm looking for an actual fix. Plus, that wouldn't fix the other issue of MSerial/CSerial/LDV/Console not printing anymore, so... Hopefully Swizzy or someone else capable of helping me on this is still around in this forum!
  8. Hey there, I store every game on my hdd. Today while playing PES 16 I noticed that it needs some updating as a lot of players are where they shouldn't, so considering I can't connect to internet I googled some tutorials about how to update it. I finished up downloading a program called Horizon, where I have to open the updates downloaded from some sites. After some issues and unsuccessful attempts I somehow ended up deleting the file "default.xex" located inside the game's folder. Then I reconnect the hdd to the xbox and try to play PES and it says something like "the game cannot be opened, download it again, visit support xbox dot com bla bla bla", and the same thing happens with every game... I tried recovering the file with a program but I didn't have luck. Then I tried with some original games I have in disc and they worked. After a lot of searching, so far, I have 2 options: 1) Clearing cache data 2) Reinstalling FS3. What do you think? About the option 2, would be okay just deleting the "Freestyle" folder in my external hard drive and install it again?. Thanks!! UPDATE: I SOLVED THE PROBLEM BY UPDATING TO AURORA. EVERYTHING WORKS FINE NOW, BETTER THAN BEFORE THOUGH!!
  9. hello very good I have a problem with the game Injustice Gods Among Us and Mortal Kombat 9 on my RGH console, when I start it says "dirty disk" error please clean, I have tried everything such as downloading it from another page, running it from disk Hard internal and external but nothing works, the most curious thing is that a few months ago I had those 2 games and I was going perfectly but now those errors jump exactly in those 2 games, help!
  10. after my xbox is cracked it is showing "A system update is required to use kinect"when i try to run any kinect game. this is a pic of my console info. guys please help
  11. Hi, while I was trying to download a title update, an error shows up saying "An error occurred downloading "GTA V Title Update 27". I have xhttp enabled and I have no HDD installed, the game is running on an external hard drive. Any ways to fix this problem? Thanks
  12. Some (i don't know how much but every game I tried to update) Title updates won't work I tried to update CoD Bo2 main version was 7 I installed the latest version I think it supposed to say 44 in-game but It kept saying 7 I don't know why I wanted to add DLC but because of title updates won't work I cant I need help or update at aurora should i go back to 0.6 ? but if I go to 0.6 I cant enable FSD plugin HELP PLS
  13. Hello people i want to know how i can fix the problem with Title update in watch dogs? i download the title update from xbuc.net the game MID: 54A95DF1 and then i copy the TU in the folder when start the game this shows that the TU is not compatible because the game was updated in another version i have rgh with dash 16756 and the TU is version 4 anybody knows the solution?. thanks. Attach the default.xex default.rar
  14. So I got Aurora 0.6 on my 360 and everything seemed to be working just fine but for a couple of days I'm trying to run Star Wars The Force Unleashed but no matter witch release i download i gets that Disc is unreadable error but it's digital on my hard drive anybody knows what i can do ? or maybe a place i can download it from if it's just from the releases that i find.
  15. Hi there, i installed aurora a lot of time ago, it never worked bad to me, but now i am having a problem that i could not understand, consist of this, when i enter in a game for example: blur, and i play for a while, when i press the home button of the control and after i press "Y" for return to the dash sometimes freezes in the AURORA screen in the message "Reading content from the database",but sometimes it dont freeze,however. when i try to launch a game, it freezes in the message of "Applying update", i've formated my xbox but it worked well only 1 or 2 weeks, and the problem return, i hope that you can help me
  16. Hi. I have some things to say Most Important thing: reset (password) or creating new unity account will not work. not able to recieve mails to .de adresses. 1. Xbox instantly shutdown when unity/link connection is missing when you press to connect (because of blocked ports) 2. old links doesnt work 3. virus warning still not fixed ? 4. bring the old structure back please i think it had a better overview Topic added. Dr.Gonzo.
  17. I've successfully gotten xell to pop up and wrote down the key. Entered the key in JRunner with nandumb1.bin in the source then clicked the xecbuild to create the modded dash and I get a error box that says im missing ini's. Now, to further explain. I'm not connected to the internet. Reason why is because JRunner crashes instantly when the internet turns on. I downloaded the core pack from TX and run as Admin. Sooooo because I have this problem I downloaded the dash 17502 from the internet and extract to the xbuild folder. So now 17502 appears in the add dash drop down box in JRunner. The reason why I'm running 17502 is because my other console I made has it and it runs great for me. I'm very familiar with it and don't like change. I'm kind of kicking myself because I know I should had updated it first. I have successfully put the original dash back and it works great. Tried updating through USB to the newest dash and get a update error. The modchip is installed. But maybe it's a bad update. So I'm gonna try and redownload the newest update tomorrow and see if that works. Dunno if the chip being hooked to the console will be a problem. Whats the deal with the missing ini's? Anybody know a easy fix?
  18. Hi All, (maybe the search not worked for me... in this case please drop it into the right place!) Just found in my archived storage an old game... Air Conflicts: Secret Wars http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Air-Conflicts-Secret-Wars/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024b5907e0 I've got a message: This game is not currently supported by LiNK, when we'd like to play on LiNK with my friends... Please support it! Thanx!
  19. Hello guys. Well, many times i've seen people using a hudscene in Aurora, just like in Freestyle, and then I realized that my hudscene in Aurora wasn't showing. I really want to use it because it's very useful. The archives are all properly installed, but the hud just doesn't appear! Can anyone of you help me? PS: Sorry for the bad English, I'm brazilian.
  20. Hello everyone I upgraded to the Dashboard, an error occurred. I tried to write original nand was, Rawflash v4 were posted, but it does not work. All he writes that no signal input. I apologize for my bad english please help me console type: Slim Cronona V2 4GB
  21. Im completely lost. So, I had to format my 1 TB maxell, external hdd for other things, now that its done, i formatted it back to Fat32, copied only 1 file from my pc: a gta 5 dlc when i plug it in, aurora notificates me that a new hard drive has been plugged in, and after a refresh and going to the file manager the files wont appear correctly. For example: On pc: there is only 1 file on the freshly formatted Hdd: the dlc - 35EA63388DFB83AD82C29955A8CD62CCC5708E3854 like it should be But then in the aurora file manager there are multiple files like: mpotent.val Date: 2002-09-13 ale_free.mod Date: 2034-03-04 1.1 GB 23'3 ho.le' Date: 2016-09-28 160 mb and many other files like this. I know it is hard to explain and I hope that someone can help me out in this situation. The hard drive is fully functional on pc. The xbox recognizes it. But the files on it looks weird. I have tried configuring in the default xbox menu, then of coure my pc wont see it, so then i formatted it to fat, and copied a dlc file to it, and it just wont work. Any help would be appreciated, thanks a lot!
  22. ureeb

    Cannot find games!!!

    Hey everyone. the problem is that i start black ops 2 and then i join a room but after that the game doesn't show amy matches in the system link games section. i try to refresh by pressing the X button but it does not work. any help would be appreciated.
  23. Hi everybody. Sorry for posting this all over the place, but I'm trying to get some help. I'm trying to make a new skin (starting with a loading screen) and can't do it. The problem is that I can't save my keyframes. I've followed the video posted by felida (http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/5378-tutorial-changing-the-loading-screen/) a zillion times, second by second. I'm doing the exact same thing he is, just with a different image. But my keyframes won't stay set when I reload the file. That means, of course, that they don't show up when I load the skin on the console. Here's a video of me trying to do it. Has ANYONE seen this? I refuse to believe I'm a unicorn in this world filled with skins for Naruto, Batman, and a ton of football clubs. I'm starting to go bald from tearing out my hair. My system is Win7 32-bit, my XUI tool is version 2.0.21256.0. I'm also missing the "2" key on this keyboard, but that's just because my wifey dropped a golf putter on it. I'll give a cookie (and maybe even a PayPal donation) to anyone who can help me solve this. Thanks in advance. (Again, sorry for all the x-posts. I'm new here and trying to find an active forum. I have hope for this one.)
  24. Please help! every time I try to build the updflash.bin file, I keep getting this error. Below is part of the output log: Using xell-reloaded for Glitch hack ERROR: Copying of xell-reloaded FAILED Including dashlaunch... Done! Including custom dashlaunch settings (launch.ini)... Done! Copying nand to data directory, this may take a while... Done! Checking if SMC is Glitch or Retail... Dumping current SMC... Done! Checking SMC... SMC is Glitch patched! it will be used the way it is... Disabling FCRT.bin check... ERROR: There was one or more fatal errors: 1 errors during the build process Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done! ****** The app has now finished! ****** P.S. I'm a noob!
  25. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Multiplayer is false recognized as Halo: Reach in System Link. In the game main menu it is correctly shown but after selecting Multiplayer it swicthed recognization to Halo: Reach Title ID: 4D5309B1 Media ID: 00394009
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