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kira125 last won the day on June 30 2020

kira125 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

51 Excellent

About kira125

  • Rank
    RMS Sophmore

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  1. Hola kira125, gracias por el tutorial sobre modificar y crear los cover de xbox 360. Quería preguntarle algo, ¿por casualidad sabría cómo cambiar el color de la caja de los juegos de verde a blanco? 


  2. this happen to me too
  3. server related.. so its server problem but why crashes? it could be better if only shows a windows "unable to connect to Xboxunity.net" also if i stop to donwload covers from unity (using aurora asset editor) it wont crash? thanks for the answers
  4. i dont understand... can you simplify it plz
  5. I wan to report some issues when using Aurora Asset Editor i try to use FTP Assets (put my ip and conect to my xbox) then get avaible assets but when i started to change stuff it crashed (sometimes i change a cover save it and crash somethimes 2 covers 1 bacground and crash) im not sure why it does that i found this error log (i hope it is usefull) does anyone have this problem? how do you solve it? if more information is need it just ask
  6. Thanks Team Phoenix i love aurora i just get a job today, i want to donate too also thanks for the new hud
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