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Found 306 results

  1. Phoenix has released version 0.7b of Aurora, and it includes NOVA! Check it out on the website: http://phoenix.xboxunity.net. If you like what we're doing here, feel free to buy us a virtual beer or something!
  2. When running my script, Aurora returns this error (I got it through the debug.log.last): "LUA", "message": "LUAERROR> Game:\\User\\Scripts\\Utility\\TestScript\\main.lua:14: attempt to index a nil value (global 'Script')" } this is the only part that has a "Script." : function DoShowMenu(menu) local ret = {} local canceled = false local menuItem = {} if menu == nil then ret, menu, canceled, menuItem = Menu.ShowMainMenu() else ret, menu, canceled, menuItem = Menu.ShowMenu(menu) end if not canceled then if Menu.IsMainMenu(menu) and menu.SubMenu == nil then Script.SetStatus("Teste1") end if menuItem.SubMenu ~= nil then DoShowMenu(menuItem.SubMenu) elseif not Menu.IsMainMenu(menu) then HandleSelection(ret, menu.Parent.Data, menu) else Script.ShowMessageBox("ERROR", "Test", "OK") end end end I'm new to this stuff, but I can't see what's wrong here. Any help here is useful, I'm clueless.
  3. Hello! This is my first post! I am fairly new hear and I just modded my xbox 360 last night. I was looking around and all the weather options seem to be A. Out of date! (in the case of freestyle) and B. Cost Money. Both of which I can't really comply to. I was wondering if anyone could make or mod the weather script so it uses something like Open Weather! https://openweathermap.org/ That'd would be hella rad. I am willing to work with you! Edit: If this is in the wrong spot lemme me know (unless you can move it.)
  4. Not sure if it's appropriate to post this here, however, I put together a little boot animation with some art resources that Mattie was kind enough to send my direction. Hope you enjoy it! http://www.mediafire.com/watch/4q21n9ppxccrl1c/Aurora.wmv Here is a link to the video on youtube:
  5. Hi, I just finished final fantasy XIII Disc 1, so they ask me to insert Disc 2 in my Xbox, I copy the disc 2 in my hard drive, but I can’t play because I don’t have FF XIII save Disc 2, I try to copy all FF XIII discs in the hard drive, but only one of them works. Any solutions? Thanks Thread moved from Unity Support Forum ! Dr.Gonzo
  6. I use Aurora and have disabled all Nova Modules including any and all LiNK plugins as well as enabling pingpatch and contpatch in dashlaunch. Sadly the consoles can see each other in game on all games but cannot join one another regardless if they are on the same version number and or have DLC's installed. Any help or advice on this would be appreciated. I can provide images if it can help find the problem.
  7. my made unique skin aurora. free download. check on video description thanks for watching preview bellow
  8. Hi, im new, so if you have the correct tuturiel, just linked it, I wil try it by my own. But till now, I have one issue: I install Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate do the local drive: It crashed all the times with F3 and Aurora Now I downloaded all nececcary DLC's and TU from XBOX Live as they are free I copied them to HDD1:\content Now I am able to start it without any crashes Also in Aurora it is still DoA5 Ultimate As soon as I start it, it is DoA5 LR Quite good I think But: The Xbox still tells me, that 8 DLCs are missing: Costume Catalog 02,04, 11, 17, 09, 14 and LR07, LR14 So as I still own a 2nd Xbox, I can download these DLC, but where do I have to save them? In HDD1:\Cache or Content? Can't be as I tried it allready AS I think, it has to be a subfolder, but I tried it allready in the 000000... and the 0004000 (or similar) and also in the same folder from the original Xbox360 At the moment the folder with all the game, DLCs and TU are copied to HDD1:\CONTENT\00000000000000\4B5607E8 Three folders 00000002 [Marketplace] 00004000 [installed Xbox360 Title] 000B0000 [Title Update] I also saved all DLCs here HDD1:\Cache\00000000000000\4B5607E8\00000002 But still I receive the message that the "Content is checked" after the check takes around 10minutes Any idea? Aurora 0.5b r1025 With FSD 3 I have the same Issue Dash 3.0b Rev775 Kernel 2.0.17349.0 So hopefully someone is able to help me Thank you & BR JJ
  9. I love the animation of the Xbox Series X/S and I couldn't find the animation to download and transfer it to fakeanim, as it needs an old wmv codec. Here it is for anyone who wants it. YT Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcbCo2L30Fk SeriesX1080.wmv
  10. 190 в 1 тренере XBLA 179 в 1 Сохраните редакторы 400 игры Игра Aurora Trainers pack 603 - 2018 Treners xyz 150 игра 360haven treners 54 игра Программа XPG_Chameleon_v1.30 Программа XYZProject V0.1.9 Программа XYZTrainer V2.1 + 600 траншеекопателей https://disk.yandex.ru/d/g-zjrL2jsceF2w https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DPQgVGkSmo85J03Re14zgE1DhwmyXEbQ?usp=sharing
  11. Inglés / English : Hello !, Before my question I want to clarify that my English is very bad so I'm using a translator (I hope you understand) Let's start! My problem is that when I started my account xboxunity.net in Aurora, I get the following error: "API Key Error" Failed to get the API Key has occurred. Try again later I searched various forums, including this ... I tried with: Create another account xboxunity.net Xttp = true delete the aurora folder and install another. change the Ethernet cable into another hole but as always the same result: nothing PS: last 12 ran to perfection all !. PS 2: I used the google translator Thanks in advance to those who took the time to read and respond Español / Spanish : ¡Hola!, Antes de mi pregunta quiero aclarar que mi Inglés es muy malo, así que estoy usando un traductor (Espero que entiendas) Vamos a empezar! Mi problema es que cuando empecé mi cuenta xboxunity.net en Aurora, me sale el siguiente error: "Error API Key" No se pudo obtener se ha producido el API Key. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde Busqué en diversos foros, entre ellos este ... He intentado con: Crear otra cuenta xboxunity.net Xttp = true eliminar la carpeta aurora e instalar otro. cambiar el cable Ethernet en otro agujero pero como siempre el mismo resultado: nada PD: el pasado 12 funcionó a la perfección todos!. PD 2: He usado el traductor google Gracias de antemano a los que se tomaron el tiempo para leer y responder
  12. ScriptDownloader v2 for Aurora 0.6b ONLY (for now) This scripts allows you to download skins, coverflows and backgrounds directly from Aurora 0.6b and apply them with a single button tap I've made a website for it where you can download the script and upload content: http://aurorascripts.lmhsoluciones.com Thanks to FeArCxDxGx for donating a space in his hosting I accept suggerences, critics, requests, etc. On the website there is another script i've made called DeadTuRemover that deletes TUs of games that you don't have anymore. I will wait for your comments so i can know if you liked it and what can i do to improve it. Thanks! v2 Minor bugs fixed Added backgrounds and coverflows download Replaced SQL permission to Settings (to apply) Website reborn from ashes and renewed ToDo / Ideas: List of skins in the website Ability to make a queue of downloads to make SkinDownloader downloads it automatically Script's auto-locale feature Feel free to comment anything
  13. hi guys, Aurora had been working fine, showing all content on my 2tb internal hdd & my external 500gb hdd. Then it started to show all games installed on the external hdd as being greyed out. I wasn't able to play the games from the dash but i could play them by going into my hdd and starting them fom there. I deleted all paths to the external hdd & tried to enter them again. Now Aurora refuses to scan the external hdd at all. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. SLX360! System LiNK Xbox 360 IMPORTANTE: Destinado exclusivamente a los que usan la modalidad de interconexión (System Link) en la consola Xbox360. Si no cumple esos requisitos, esto no le servirá para nada actualmente. También decir que es reservado para la comunidad hispanohablante, tanto española como latina. Buenas a todos! El caso es que Actualmente, que yo sepa, no existe ninguna plataforma estable y actualizada (recalco actualizada) en la que los usuarios de System Link puedan darse a conocer y concretar partidas, campeonatos, y lo que surja. La idea no es distinta que las ya planteadas en algunos foros (o en este mismo), pero un poco más tomada en serio por así decirlo. Concretamente trata de crear una base de datos, disponible para todos, en la que podamos acceder y ver de manera rápida quienes juegan a nuestra hora, su país, juego preferido, etc. Mayormente lo que se pretende es crear una comunidad amplia de estos usuarios donde sepamos acabemos sabiendo horarios, días, juegos, y demás variables que nos faciliten el conocer personas afines a nosotros. Ha sido denominada esta Comunidad como Slx360 (System Link Xbox360) y para llevarse a cabo, se ha pensado lo que podría ser la mejor opción es la de crear un foro exclusivo para ello (http://slx360.foroactivo.com) en el que mediante el registro (necesario para ver todo el contenido) puedas postear en distintos juegos y a su vez ver quienes lo hacen, así detectar personas para luego buscar su franja horaria y bueno, eso ya que cada uno lo use como quiera Para la comunicación de la Comunidad Slx360 se ha creído oportuno también: - Crear un Twitter: @Slx360 (http://twitter.com/slx360) - Apertura de una página de Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/systemlink360) - Elaborar un Formulario mediante Google Drive para la base de datos púbica o agenda. - Creación de la aplicación Slx360 para Android, pudiéndose descargarse desde el dispositivo mediante el siguiente enlace: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55572629/slx360.apk (Nota: ha de habilitarse la opción “fuentes desconocidas†en el dispositivo para su correcta instalación, de cualquier modo te lo pregunta al instalarse) Sobre la aplicación. Antes de descargarla pueden verla online en vuestro navegador e interactuar con ella desde el siguiente enlace: http://h.fanapp.mobi/slx360 Importante: para poder rellenar la inscripción es necesaria una cuenta de Google (con tener Gmail es suficiente). ¿Por qué?, porque Google Drive permite, como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente, la creación de un formulario. Pero lo realmente interesante de este formulario es que las respuestas se almacenan en otro documento Drive. De ese modo, en el momento que un usuario ingresa, en el icono de contactos automáticamente se añadirá este usuario a la base de datos, y como comprenderán, tener ese proceso automatizado es muy ventajoso ya que nuestra base de datos, la de todos, iría creciendo automáticamente. Por supuesto todo esto se ve completado con el foro, que a falta de un chat estable que funcione bien (se ha puesto uno estable pero… deja que desear), nos apañaremos por los post de foro y el chat interno del mismo (situada en la parte baja del índice del foro Slx360) Ni que decir tiene que soy más nuevo en esto que la mayoría de los que lo estáis leyendo, y que mi conocimiento en la materia es ínfimo. Las ganas de poder jugar con gente al Blur (XDD) es lo que me ha llevado a aprender y conocer todo lo que os he ido comentando. La verdad que aunque no se lleve a cabo me he llevado una grata experiencia con todo ese aprendizaje (en plenos exámenes… jajajaj), y bueno, ni que decir tiene que espero que pueda llegar al máximo número de personas posibles. Naturalmente, todo lo explicado está actualmente operativo. Un saludo y gracias por su tiempo. Alfonso Pérez. Nick Xbox: fonzito_____/_____Gametag JQE360/XboxUnity: ThaMaster
  15. Guys, I'm not finding anywhere to fix this ... I recently bought an Xbox and put the aurora and I'm putting the games on the External HDD but some of them hang in the cutscene and sometimes in the gameplay, how can I fix this?
  16. reserved - Lists Title IDs and Names with locally missing Cover-Assets (Technique is checking Aurora GameData-Dir for corrupted files (yet)) - Checks Xbox Unity also for availablility - in DB means, if the Title is registered in the DB. If not, it means, the Assets might be trash - results.txt for results open for testing CheckForMissingCover.zip
  17. Trainer for the Arcade game Crimson Alliance Xbox 360 console and dashboard Aurora (RGH Jtag). Crimson Alliance, Title ID 58410983, Media ID 3363AC9E, TU# 1 Trainer +2 + Inf. Gold + Inf. Items Created and tested by me. VIDEO + DWLD
  18. Hi, This Script gives you the ability to manage your Console-Temperature directly with Aurora. Script: Icon: Name: Temperature Manager Description: "This script displays and manages your fan speed and target temperatures." What it does: - Displays you the current CPU, GPU, RAM and CASE Temperature in Celcius (°C) - Displays you the current FAN-Speed - The Values are updated every Second (live), without refreshing the Scene - Optional: Sets the Target Temperatures permanently. (requires reboot) - Optional: Sets Fan-Speed temporarily. (lost after reboot) Screens Why did i create this?: Hmm, don't remember. What are the benefits?: - You can watch temperatures live - You can set permanent target Temps (Reboot required) - You can set temporary Fan-Speed (no Reboot required) - You can finally stop for asking Fan-Speed Features Disclaimer Be aware. Even though the given values should be in a safe range, i don't recommend setting anything above 70°C and under 30% Fan-Speed. If your console burns down, i won't help you. Is it final?: It's Version 1.0 Anyone who wants to contribute, can report Bugs, Suggest Features/Fixes or extend by using GitHub or this Thread. Where is the download?: When it's released, with the Aurora Script Repo, you can download it directly to your console. There was a canceled Version: TemperatureManagerCanceledVersion.zip
  19. My PC broken, I need someone to finish a skin for me, I have the files but I can't send them all here, my intention was to create a Cyberpunk skin using gifs since I learned that it was possible, I can just send a preview of what I was doing , the idea was to base it on Aurora's default skin, without sound, and transform it into transparent purple only, without changing the menu scheme and having a Cyberpunk gif skin in the background, I worked on an Aurora opening screen too, reducing its quality I can send it here to show them, but to show the main background image that I would like to use, I can only send it if anyone interested in making this skin contacts me
  20. I upload next on youtube. Or use older version
  21. hello guys I need help to convert xui to xur and after editing return it to xui 2 years ago I did not use xuitool and XuiWorkshop no longer remember how it was done
  22. Video Explains it all: default_music.xzp Edit: you can use http://online-audio-converter.com/ to convert your MP3's to wav's.. is fast, free, and online.. make sure you set "Quality" to 20khz (tape) to save on files size..
  23. https://youtube.com/shorts/9YqnKFLhJz8?feature=share
  24. I recently put Final Fantasy on my USB stick and it shows as three separate menu items on the Aurora Dash. Here's what I did do: 1. Put each disc entry in three different directories in the same upper directory, like so: Final Fantasy XIII - Disc 1 - Disc 2 - Disc 3 2. Turn on autoswap in Dashlaunch. 3. Turn on NOvA Plugin. I am at a loss of what to do.
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