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About Jumbo_Blunt

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman
  1. To hear all this good news is great. I wish I could help in a way. Im signing up for school and start next year. How many people would be online in beta probably on LiNKv2? Anyone also possibly know any ways to get in on beta? If you would like me to expand on my rep, and have beta offer pm me.
  2. I was wondering if it would be possible to make a LUA Script allowing access to friends from xbox unity from using other scripts, or your own. Then if you could make a party chat for your friends to talk to them in game and from Aurora dash. I would also like the party option to be on the pop up dash, in the same part as joining xbox link/unity. But also it justing being a script works to. If possible to have the party chat script or in, pop up dashboard. To has access to xboxunity website friends list to create a party on the website and you join from website. Finally to have the option to join anyone or create your own party on xboxunity site. So the choices are run party chat from xboxunity site, 2nd to run on jtag/rgh from scripts menu on aurora dash, 3rd to have the option on the pop up dash. A special please and thanks if created and for reading my suggestion.
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