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Found 30 results

  1. Welcome to my Freestyle Dash Theme Thread! Been away from the theming scene for some time... got my creative spirit again, so i updated all my old themes. Screenshots: METRO WALL View and METRO COVER View (Thanks Tomamas14) Banner View Bug Fixed: Thanks TeamFSD for all the hardwork you guys done for all to enjoy!!! PLEASE ASK MY PERMISSION FIRST BEFORE COPYING THIS THREAD OR USING IMAGES FOR USE ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES!!!! I do not take credit for the pics used, credit goes to their creators. I merely used pics and edit them for the themes. Hope you guys enjoy them and please leave me any comments/feedbacks! Thanks!!! Many thanks goes to themer, blackened dove for being a great mentor on theming. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have made it this far in FSD theming! Many thanks my friend! After learning from him, I have changed the theme colour from default green to purple. Latest skin.xur gave me a few issues on purple palette for colour bar, thus as a result, I have used dove's skin.xur as a template for my themes. ====================[iMPORTANT - PLEASE READ]==================== RaR Password: xbox360themes97 ======================[LATEST EDITIONS]====================== TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES REMIX SCREENSHOTS SOON... Download NFL - ATLANTA FALCONS SCREENSHOTS SOON... Download NFL - OAKLAND RAIDERS SCREENSHOTS SOON... Download BATMAN - THE DARK KNIGHT RISES SCREENSHOTS SOON... Download WARCRAFT X STARCRAFT Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download MASS SKYCRAFT Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs - 3 Versions Stages - NEW- Got idea from Gromber's MGR theme. Download GTA V Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download METAL GEAR SOLID V Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download THE QUEENS OF HEARTS Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download BIOSHOCK INFINITE Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download MARVEL X CAPCOM HYBRID Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download METAL GEAR SOLID REVOLUTION Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download FRANK MILLER'S BATMAN Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download BATMAN: UNDER THE RED HOOD Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download BLACK OPS NUKETOWN 2025 Wallpaper Content Tabs Download HALO - CORTANA Wallpaper Content Tabs Download MORTAL KOMBAT OUTWORLD Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download BEN 10 Wallpaper Content Tabs Download RESIDENT EVIL 6 Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download OUTRUN ARCADE ONLINE Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download RUMBLE ROSES TRIPLE-X Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download SOUTHPARK Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download GUILDWARS Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download CHAINSAW LOLLIPOP Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download GEARS OF WAR Wallpaper Content Tabs Download GTA COLLECTION Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download FINAL FANTASY WORLDS Wallpaper Content Tabs Download SILENT HILL ZERO Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download RESIDENT EVIL: OPERATION RACCOON CITY Wallpaper Content Tabs Download BLEACH RELOADED Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download DEVIL MAY CRY Wallpaper Content Tabs Download NARUTO Wallpaper Content Tabs Download NINJA GAIDEN Wallpaper Content Tabs Download MASS EFFECT: SHEPARD'S ELEVEN Screenshot Wallpaper Content Tabs Download DRAGON'S AGE Wallpaper Content Tabs Download DARKSIDERS Wallpaper Content Tabs Download CALL OF DUTY COLLECTION Wallpaper Content Tabs Download EZIO THE ASSASSIN Wallpaper Content Tabs Download FINAL FANTASY - SERAH FARRON Wallpaper Content Tabs Download METROID - SAMUS ARAN Wallpaper Content Tabs Download GOLDEN AXE - TYRIS FLARE Wallpaper Content Tabs Download SYSTEM SHOCK - SHODAN Wallpaper Content Tabs Download SOUL CALIBUR V Wallpaper Content Tabs Download DRAGON'S CALL Wallpaper Content Tabs Download FANTASIA Wallpaper Content Tabs Download WARCRAFT Wallpaper Download TRANSFORMERS CLASSIC REMIX Wallpaper Download PLANTS VS ZOMBIES Wallpaper Content Tabs Download GOD OF WAR - KRATOS Wallpaper Content Tabs Download SONS OF ANARCHY Download
  2. SLX360! System LiNK Xbox 360 IMPORTANTE: Destinado exclusivamente a los que usan la modalidad de interconexión (System Link) en la consola Xbox360. Si no cumple esos requisitos, esto no le servirá para nada actualmente. También decir que es reservado para la comunidad hispanohablante, tanto española como latina. Buenas a todos! El caso es que Actualmente, que yo sepa, no existe ninguna plataforma estable y actualizada (recalco actualizada) en la que los usuarios de System Link puedan darse a conocer y concretar partidas, campeonatos, y lo que surja. La idea no es distinta que las ya planteadas en algunos foros (o en este mismo), pero un poco más tomada en serio por así decirlo. Concretamente trata de crear una base de datos, disponible para todos, en la que podamos acceder y ver de manera rápida quienes juegan a nuestra hora, su país, juego preferido, etc. Mayormente lo que se pretende es crear una comunidad amplia de estos usuarios donde sepamos acabemos sabiendo horarios, días, juegos, y demás variables que nos faciliten el conocer personas afines a nosotros. Ha sido denominada esta Comunidad como Slx360 (System Link Xbox360) y para llevarse a cabo, se ha pensado lo que podría ser la mejor opción es la de crear un foro exclusivo para ello (http://slx360.foroactivo.com) en el que mediante el registro (necesario para ver todo el contenido) puedas postear en distintos juegos y a su vez ver quienes lo hacen, así detectar personas para luego buscar su franja horaria y bueno, eso ya que cada uno lo use como quiera Para la comunicación de la Comunidad Slx360 se ha creído oportuno también: - Crear un Twitter: @Slx360 (http://twitter.com/slx360) - Apertura de una página de Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/systemlink360) - Elaborar un Formulario mediante Google Drive para la base de datos púbica o agenda. - Creación de la aplicación Slx360 para Android, pudiéndose descargarse desde el dispositivo mediante el siguiente enlace: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55572629/slx360.apk (Nota: ha de habilitarse la opción “fuentes desconocidas†en el dispositivo para su correcta instalación, de cualquier modo te lo pregunta al instalarse) Sobre la aplicación. Antes de descargarla pueden verla online en vuestro navegador e interactuar con ella desde el siguiente enlace: http://h.fanapp.mobi/slx360 Importante: para poder rellenar la inscripción es necesaria una cuenta de Google (con tener Gmail es suficiente). ¿Por qué?, porque Google Drive permite, como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente, la creación de un formulario. Pero lo realmente interesante de este formulario es que las respuestas se almacenan en otro documento Drive. De ese modo, en el momento que un usuario ingresa, en el icono de contactos automáticamente se añadirá este usuario a la base de datos, y como comprenderán, tener ese proceso automatizado es muy ventajoso ya que nuestra base de datos, la de todos, iría creciendo automáticamente. Por supuesto todo esto se ve completado con el foro, que a falta de un chat estable que funcione bien (se ha puesto uno estable pero… deja que desear), nos apañaremos por los post de foro y el chat interno del mismo (situada en la parte baja del índice del foro Slx360) Ni que decir tiene que soy más nuevo en esto que la mayoría de los que lo estáis leyendo, y que mi conocimiento en la materia es ínfimo. Las ganas de poder jugar con gente al Blur (XDD) es lo que me ha llevado a aprender y conocer todo lo que os he ido comentando. La verdad que aunque no se lleve a cabo me he llevado una grata experiencia con todo ese aprendizaje (en plenos exámenes… jajajaj), y bueno, ni que decir tiene que espero que pueda llegar al máximo número de personas posibles. Naturalmente, todo lo explicado está actualmente operativo. Un saludo y gracias por su tiempo. Alfonso Pérez. Nick Xbox: fonzito_____/_____Gametag JQE360/XboxUnity: ThaMaster
  3. Defect Report Xbox 360 model / Corona v2 You turn on the Xbox and the Xbox cooler instantly goes to 100% After starting Dash, after a few seconds the cooler speed returns to normal, but the temperature shown in CASE/MOBO is above 200°C 🌡️ - It is not a defect in the thermal paste - It's not ksb defect - No GPU defect ---------------------------- After a search I didn't find any information so I started looking for a way out of the problem. 😥 Solution to the problem After an analysis on the board we found these 0r resistors that make the communication, after a long time of use they lose their contacts thus losing communication and presenting the Case / Mobo defect shows a temperature above 200ºC🌡️ 👇👇 you must use a good flux and weld the 04 resistors again If any of them are open or varied and you don't have a resistor to replace you can simply make a jumper and check the contact between the points After doing this, as you can see in the image below, the Case/Mobo temperature will be shown again normally without claiming overheating . 👍 I hope that somehow this publication of mine has helped you to solve this problem in a simple way. 👍 Everything you need is above, but if for some reason you want to see my video solving the problem the link is here https://youtu.be/NuWe_KmWAJo 👆 Thanks for the encouragement : - Josh Davison - Leandro Br47 - StelioKontos - Mattie - FabricioMG ( they are amazing people that encourage me to do amazing things , thank you ) .
  4. Hello everyone Recently, I saw reports from people who claim to receive errors like (F3 CRASH) when using the signal coming from Xbox Unity to download game covers and receive the Link-Up signal I started to verify that only people received this error when trying to subscribe or feature coming from Unity SOLUTION Go to DashLaunch and leave these options enabled (same as in the image above) livestrong = true liveblook = true xhttp = true This solves your problem and you can download things again using the Unity signal without receiving F3 CRASH errors on your screen I hope I helped, because I noticed that many people are looking for a way out to solve this problem, good fun for everyone
  5. Hello friends 👦 I feel like a lot is getting lost over time I found some very interesting Skins with Freestyle support Nowadays I know that not everyone uses Freestyle on their Xbox Even so I thought it was cool to share my findings I'm not the creator of the Skins, I'm just sharing ✅ All credits directed to the creator ✅ 📌 Supports Freestyle Rev 775/780/783 [Skin] • Freestyle Rev 775/780/783 •( Vorpal 1.0 )• Xbox 360 RGH https://youtu.be/NlYYb5Vhj9s 👆👆 [Skin] _ • _Freestyle_Rev_775-780-783_ • (Vorpal_1.0_) • _Xbox_360_RGH.rar
  6. Hi there I think is time to give Aurora a try, but i'm a F3 user with XexMenu 1.1, (versions in the screenshot) So i'm a little confused about which download is the right one to make a clean (first time) installation of Aurora 0.4b (no updates) And, if i screw up, can the normal method via Xexmenu bring me back to my old F3? [non native english user by the way] I hope anyone can point me in the right direction
  7. hello very good I have a problem with the game Injustice Gods Among Us and Mortal Kombat 9 on my RGH console, when I start it says "dirty disk" error please clean, I have tried everything such as downloading it from another page, running it from disk Hard internal and external but nothing works, the most curious thing is that a few months ago I had those 2 games and I was going perfectly but now those errors jump exactly in those 2 games, help!
  8. Hello everyone, I still have FSD3 on my Xbox 360 but title updates can't be downloaded with FSD3 anymore. I downloaded some title updates manually from xboxunity onto a USB but i don't know where to install them on my xbox 360 or if i first have to unlock them somehow. Can anyone explain me how to do that?
  9. I have an RGH'ed Xbox 360 kinect 320 GB. I installed FSD3 because there was some errors intercepted on the last FSD (1.02) so updated it to 3. I downloaded some games for my xbox and can still copy extracted iso. I remember the last games that moved are Madagascar 3 and Prototype 2. That was transferred after I installed FSD3. But nowadays, I downloaded CODBO2 and Halo 4. I extracted them and it seems that I cannot copy nor move them to the HDD via usb. It shows "operation failed" after a few transfer of files. I wonder there is something wrong with my console. There are huge space left on the hdd so I do not suspect on the storage. I extracted the ISOs via xbox360iso extract (latest). Seems fine after extraction. The only fails me is that the transfer operation. I only use "card reader with micro SD (8GB) in it". It operates like a USB dongle though. regards,
  10. Hi, Do you have latest freestyle code? I have an old versio that not support Fifa 2016 and 2017. is it needed another update or just freestyle update? thanks.
  11. A mandatory update for F3 including LiNK and WebUI will be available on F3 auto-updater for authenticated users. Make sure you have your xbox authenticated with jqe360.com and have beta updates enabled in the settings panel. Auto-update for other users and a full release package to update offline will be available later this week is available below. A few important changes: Plugin now runs on Retail or Devkit (and RGLoader) Consoles. DEVLINK IS NOW REQUIRED TO BE TURNED OFF This update is MANDATORY. The LiNK website(http://link.jqe360.com) will be upgraded and the current plugin will no longer work. Be sure to cold boot (power off then on) the console after update completes in order to load newest plugin *** Authentication for WebUI is hardcoded to f3http/f3http for now ***Below is the changelog. ******** F3.0.483 ********* (Redesigned) Web site for a faster cleaner user experience (Fixed) TitleId and TUVER overrides (Added) WebUI created hotkey 's' to take a screencapture from anywhere in the page (Added) WebUI CPU key and DVD key 'not available' when empty (Added) WebUI loader for screencapture (Removed) Leader Sorting from Userlist (Enabled) HttpDaemon security (Fixed) CPU and DVD Key (Removed) Kai from HTTP (Added) Custom XGUntileSurface Function (Moved) JSON templates to external files (Fixed) DL Settings can be change in the hud (Fixed) User list and lobby list pending scn to only use loading spinner (Added) Internal MU mount point for slims to plugin ui (Added) Dashlaunch options to Hud Setting Scn (Added) Dashlaunch resolve function for getting and setting values (Added) TU to game Info (Added) Devlink and pingpatch check (Added) Dynamic Legend Updating System for Syslink HudScene (Revamed) HttpDownloadTask to have better error handling (Changed) Plugin to work on both devkit and retail consoles dynamically (Added) Multithreaded Support in SystemLink HUD (Added) Base AsyncTaskManager Skeleton (Added) Fade-In animation for Hud Temps (Added) Temperatures to hud TeamFSD.Freestyle3.0.483.7z
  12. Xbox classic game covers won't get displayed in freestyle dash 3. Im running latest F3 Rev735. I can see freestyle downloading covers so I know its downloading something. Even when I refresh artwork for current title it downloads. Yet again f3 won't display any downloaded covers for xbox classic games. Keeps showing Missing Cover. Even after restarting F3. Also tried setting up a JQE360 account and linked it to freestyle dashboard in settings to get custom covers. Loged in and installed a few, After they download I They don't show up either. Even with download custom covers enabled in f3. I've tried everything and can't get any of the xbox classic covers to display. Any ideas how to fix and get classic xbox game covers to be displayedin f3?
  13. First thing you need to do is update to FSD 2.0 RC 1.8, after it downloads and installs it will reboot into the new dash. Make sure that all of the games discs are visible in your games list, if you have disc 2 inside the disc 1 folder either take it out or add the path to disc 2 in your content paths settings. Once you are sure all your multi disc games have all of their discs visible in the games list you can go into the settings and clear your DB(utilities -> settings -> general settings -> reset settings -> clear data). This will rescan everything and download all of your art again, this may take some time depending on how much of a filthy pirate you are . While it does that FTP into your JTAG and delete the swap.xex you have in the root of your harddrive if you have setup the dashlaunch disk swapper plugin, you should also delete you multi.ini. Edit your launch.ini and remove the call for swap.xex in the plugin section. Ok so now you have everything downloaded and multi disc games auto swap for you YAY! Now having 2 copies of the same game in your games list is starting to bug the shit outta you.... no problem, go to the duplicate game in your games list and go to the options. Select move game and then no section. Now that game is still in your DB but does not show up in the visual list. Another great release team ** The Plugin now works with extracted and GoD games in Freestyle Dashboard 2.0 RC 2.0+
  14. Hello guys!I have a problem. I want to play COD Ghosts, everything works well until I run the game and wanted to press SYSTEM LINK. I can't press it, SYSTEM LINK button is in light grey colour, so I don't know where is the problem. I'm running F3 via XeXmenu, games are on my external hard drive. LiNK test works well, everything passed, also ports, I am logged in jqe360.com on website (remember me is checked) and in F3 also, but still not working, even title updates are downloaded so I am really pissed of at the moment. Please help me fix this.Greets!
  15. Yonshi

    Hitman F3 r483

    Skin Hitman r483 -20 wallpapers -2 stages -Splash with video -Teme song - Ave Maria by Shubert English version Hitman F3r483 English.xzp Spanish version Hitman_F3r483.xzp
  16. Hello, I have a cracked Xbox 360 with Aurora 0.3. The Aurora was installed over freestyle 3. When I download games, in which directory to copy the files to ? Guy
  17. My freestyle plugin will load fine when I have the following plugins: But when I add a GTA V Mod menu plugin: The Freestyle plugin doesn't load. Now is this because the Freestyle plugin needs the 5th slot to load or is it because of the GTA V plugin itself. And is there a way around this so I don't have to keep editing the launch.ini? It's not too big of a deal but I would appreciate some feedback. Thank you!
  18. If like me, you are a big fan of the rebooted Dante from the DmC series, you may like this Theme. Splash Screen Preview DmC.xzp
  19. Hey guys i need help with a super rare demo: One of my friends has a super rare Saints Row 1 demo on DVD, and we want to leak this on the internet, but we dont know how, because he says that he tried a lot of metods to extract the files from the DVD, without any sucess, he also says that its all encrypted and that we need a jtag xbox to pull the files! he will soon get a jtag xbox but in the meantime i thought you guys could help us with this, i thought that maybe you guys could guide us on how to leak this rare demo! I hope you can help us!
  20. SLX360! System LiNK Xbox 360 IMPORTANTE: Destinado exclusivamente a los que usan la modalidad de interconexión (System Link) en la consola Xbox360. Si no cumple esos requisitos, esto no le servirá para nada actualmente. También decir que es reservado para la comunidad hispanohablante, tanto española como latina. Buenas a todos! El caso es que Actualmente, que yo sepa, no existe ninguna plataforma estable y actualizada (recalco actualizada) en la que los usuarios de System Link puedan darse a conocer y concretar partidas, campeonatos, y lo que surja. La idea no es distinta que las ya planteadas en algunos foros (o en este mismo), pero un poco más tomada en serio por así decirlo. Concretamente trata de crear una base de datos, disponible para todos, en la que podamos acceder y ver de manera rápida quienes juegan a nuestra hora, su país, juego preferido, etc. Mayormente lo que se pretende es crear una comunidad amplia de estos usuarios donde sepamos acabemos sabiendo horarios, días, juegos, y demás variables que nos faciliten el conocer personas afines a nosotros. Ha sido denominada esta Comunidad como Slx360 (System Link Xbox360) y para llevarse a cabo, se ha pensado lo que podría ser la mejor opción es la de crear un foro exclusivo para ello (http://slx360.foroactivo.com) en el que mediante el registro (necesario para ver todo el contenido) puedas postear en distintos juegos y a su vez ver quienes lo hacen, así detectar personas para luego buscar su franja horaria y bueno, eso ya que cada uno lo use como quiera Para la comunicación de la Comunidad Slx360 se ha creído oportuno también: - Crear un Twitter: @Slx360 (http://twitter.com/slx360) - Apertura de una página de Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/systemlink360) - Elaborar un Formulario mediante Google Drive para la base de datos púbica o agenda. - Creación de la aplicación Slx360 para Android, pudiéndose descargarse desde el dispositivo mediante el siguiente enlace: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55572629/slx360.apk (Nota: ha de habilitarse la opción “fuentes desconocidas†en el dispositivo para su correcta instalación, de cualquier modo te lo pregunta al instalarse) Sobre la aplicación. Antes de descargarla pueden verla online en vuestro navegador e interactuar con ella desde el siguiente enlace: http://h.fanapp.mobi/slx360 Importante: para poder rellenar la inscripción es necesaria una cuenta de Google (con tener Gmail es suficiente). ¿Por qué?, porque Google Drive permite, como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente, la creación de un formulario. Pero lo realmente interesante de este formulario es que las respuestas se almacenan en otro documento Drive. De ese modo, en el momento que un usuario ingresa, en el icono de contactos automáticamente se añadirá este usuario a la base de datos, y como comprenderán, tener ese proceso automatizado es muy ventajoso ya que nuestra base de datos, la de todos, iría creciendo automáticamente. Por supuesto todo esto se ve completado con el foro, que a falta de un chat estable que funcione bien (se ha puesto uno estable pero… deja que desear), nos apañaremos por los post de foro y el chat interno del mismo (situada en la parte baja del índice del foro Slx360) Ni que decir tiene que soy más nuevo en esto que la mayoría de los que lo estáis leyendo, y que mi conocimiento en la materia es ínfimo. Las ganas de poder jugar con gente al Blur (XDD) es lo que me ha llevado a aprender y conocer todo lo que os he ido comentando. La verdad que aunque no se lleve a cabo me he llevado una grata experiencia con todo ese aprendizaje (en plenos exámenes… jajajaj), y bueno, ni que decir tiene que espero que pueda llegar al máximo número de personas posibles. Naturalmente, todo lo explicado está actualmente operativo. Un saludo y gracias por su tiempo. Alfonso Pérez. Nick Xbox: fonzito_____/_____Gametag JQE360/XboxUnity: ThaMaster
  21. Gonna pick your brains this morning.....Bought a bigger HDD for playing games on my JTAG (Seagate 2TB), formatted 1.4 tb to fat32 and the other .6 tb to ntfs. Transferred the files (not the isos) over from my other external (Nexstar 500 GB) and the games don't work/half don't even show up in freestyle on the new 2tb hdd, but plug in the 500 gb and they work no problem. Compatibility issue I'm guessing but not sure as the console doesn't have any problems detecting the new HDD, just will not allow games to be played. Any help would be appreciated!
  22. Alright guys i think u all know the software LINK its supposed to connect ur 360 to the inet without it being bricked right? well i wanna make sure of that,because if my 360 dies my dad wont get me another so plss tell me because see i get my games from the net and put em on a usb copy onto my JTAG xbox 360 so will my xbox die or not? plss anwser
  23. Hello people from liNK, I would like to make a clan on call of duty ghosts/black ops 2/modern warfare 3 so we could be a team. plz contact me: kik: stenvl gmail: goodbetterbesttutorials@gmail.com
  24. Hi guys I have been wondering with the iphone freestyle app be developed for android at all as I wont ever buy iphone and never intent to they break to easily and would love to test it out on android please like this post if you think this is a great development idea
  25. # # # # # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ########### ### ##################### ##### ##### ######## ######## ### ############# ### ######### ####### ######### ############## ############## ## ######## ######## ## ## ### #### #### ### ## # ### #### #### ### # ### #### #### ### # #### ### ### #### # #### ### ### #### ######## ######## ############### ########### ######### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ######## ######## FreeStyleDash.Mobile.v0.1.iPhone-BioHazard--------------------------------------------------------------#### Overview: ####--------------------------------------------------------------# ## This is an unsigned IPA file ready for jailbroken iOS 6+ ## devices that have AppSync installed. This mobile app is ## provided without warranty and is considered in beta ## status. This mobile app allows the end user to list all ## games on their console or to return to FreeStyleDash. In ## order for this application to properly function during ## refreshing of the game list the FreeStyleDash needs to be ## running. ## ## #--------------------------------------------------------------#### Created By: ####--------------------------------------------------------------# ## BioHazard ## ## #--------------------------------------------------------------#### Special Thanks: ####--------------------------------------------------------------# ## MaesterRowen for adding the API calls to the F3 Plugin ## required for this to function. ## ## #--------------------------------------------------------------#### Thanks to the following people & teams: ####--------------------------------------------------------------# ## BL4K3Y, Blackwolf BraveH43, c0z, J2G, jsinger47, Juvenal ## JPizzle, JQE, k3, RF1911, MartinC, Mattie, stefanou ## Spudnutz, TraJiK, tuxuser, tydye81, Team-Xecuter, TeamFSD ## #-------------------------------------------------------------- FreeStyleDash.Mobile.v0.1b.iPhone-BioHazard.zip
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