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★ Important: ------------ If you are going to share my skins, do it with my links. Thank you. ★ Changelog 31-07-2018: (Fixed)QuickView *************************************************************************** ★ Skin details: --------------- Name: Call Of Duty Version: 3.0 Author: M0514H Background music: 12 Stones - We Are One ★ Links: -------- skins with music: skins without music: Layouts: *************************************************************************** ★ My other Skins ---------------- (Aurora 0.6b) (Aurora 0.7b)
Boruto Next ★ Skin details: ------------------ Name: Boruto Next - Default Version: 3.0 Author: M0514H Background music: Nightcore Baton ★ Links: ------------------ With Music: Without Music: Dragon Ball S2 ★ Skin details: ------------------ Name: Dragon Ball S2 - Default Version: 2.2 Author: M0514H Background music: Dragon Ball Z Goes Metal ★ Links: ------------------ With Music: Without Music: Naruto Shippuden ★ Skin details: ------------------ Name: Naruto Shippuden - Default Version: 3.0 Author: M0514H Background music: Kana-Boon - Spiral ★ Links: ------------------ With Music: Without Music: WebOS ★ Skin details: ------------------ Name: WebOS - Default Version: 2.1 Author: M0514H Background music: Crystal Echoes ★ Links: ------------------ Call Of Duty ★ Skin details: ------------------ Name: Call Of Duty Version: 3.0 Author: M0514H Background music: 12 Stones - We Are One Available: Aurora 0.7b ★ Links: ------------------ With Music: Without Music: [media][/media]
- 34 replies
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Hello everone, When i start up Call of duty Black ops 2 zombies and open Link it doesn't find any zombie players. Multiplayer works fine but zombies doesn't. And it's not that i am having bad luck at finding people because it happens everytime at different moments of the day and i even can't ever find anyone when i join a specific zombie lobby. Is there a way to fix this?
Everyone from Pakistan, join black ops 2 lobby made by me on LiNK from 8pm till 9:30pm. PS: didn't post on PakGamers because there isn't a thread of System LiNK (only XBLIVE is there)
- 1 reply
- system link
- im dead
- (and 12 more)
★ Skin Details: ------------------ Name: Call Of Duty Versión: 2.7 Author: M0514H Background music: 12 Stones - We Are One ************************************************************* ★ Links: -------- Skin: Layouts: ************************************************************* ★ My other Skins *************************************************************
- 4 replies
- aurora 0.6b
- call of duty
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Hi all i have had Black Ops for ages and long before i got my Jtag. I have all the DLC's for the game from Xbox Live which i got before to mod. I have the first 3 working but i know the Moon map and the waw map are not working at all. all the DLC's are unlocked and are visible if I check them in aurora and in the default dash. Also I have check contpatch is enabled in Dashlaunch. I have also tried deleting all the content for the game and then reinstalling it and nothing has worked....any ideas would be great help.
Help please, I'm trying to help my son with this game, but it won't work. It downloads the update, but when we hit play it says it has exclusive content that must be downloaded. But it's not downloading, we checked the Active Download list, but it's not there.
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- black ops 3
- xbox 360
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How To Properly Install DLC For Call Of Duty Games 1. Put DLC/Compatibility Pack on Computer 2. Download LicenseCleaner (created by Swizzy) 3. Click on DLC file, Drag it onto the LicenseCLeaner exe and wait for the magic to happen 4. Delete the old DLC file (not the patched file) 5. Delete these letters from the name of the new DLC file "_patched" 6. Transfer the fixed DLC Back into the Proper Location on the xbox(content...002) using FTP, FlashDrive etc 7. Make Sure You Have The Most Recent Title Update Downloaded and Enabled! 8. If Needed Unlock DLC with xm360 etc 9. Personally I had to disable FAKELIVE in dashlaunch for TU3 to work on BO3. 10. Enjoy playing the game, zombies matches can only be joined while in lobby status. (use find lan game) Originally Posted by begallegal1 *************************************************************************** Some important info I have found so far in my testing... **************************************************************************** 1. The game must be launched by a "live" profile or it will error in the menu (you cannot switch to a live profile once in menu, error will occur) 2. You must have an active LOCAL network connected to the console (internet access is not required, I just tested this on a spare router) else you will get LAN connection error in menu. 3. Make sure your xbox kernal is updated, usually not required, but good idea to update if your behind. *This method should work with all call of duty games. add more tips and I will edit the tutorial... **I have attaced the LicenseCleaner Program LicenseCleaner.rar
- 3
- compatability pack
- install
- (and 8 more)
call of duty black ops 3 skin aurora 5b skin Aurora 5b call of duty balck ops 3 background music and animation Rolling Stones - Paint it Black DESCARGA Call of Duty Bo3.rar Para una mejor vista del background o fondo utilicen cualquiera de estos tres estilos (layout) solo descargan y lo pegan en : Aurora/Media/layouts luego reinician oprimen B va a estilo y fondo/ estilo de listado y selecionan el layout que mas les guste For a better view of the background or background using any of these three styles (layout) just download and stick it on: Aurora / Media / layouts then B will reset oppress style and background / style selecionan list and the layout that you like layout Flock samall : layout small : layot one :
CoD Black ops and went 3 for Xbox 360 RGH ?
Hi guys, I have got a copy of the iMARS release and am having some troubles as a couple others in here. I have copied the Content data and unlocked them with xm360, the campaign works perfectly, when going into multiplayer mode i get the message: "The required content has been added to your active downloads. The content is free and is required to access mulitplayer". Then i am forced back into the Main Menu. I have copied the two Content files to: Content \ 0000000000000000 \ 41560914 \ 00000002 Unlocked them And have the Disk 2 contents in a God Container stored on my External HDD. I have tested without any TU's applied and with the latest Tu9. Same deal. Can anyone please advise? Regards, Scott
- 6 replies
- 1
- Advanced Warfare
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camos trainer cod aw use only once CAMOS AW.rar
Please help.... ive got the first 3 dlc's for call of duty black ops on my jtag and they run beautifully... but the 4th and 5th are not working....i used horizon to inject them into my system and i am running on tu 11 which as far as i know and have seen on it is the latest tu for the game....any help or suggestions would be great Thanx guys
- 7 replies
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- black ops
- call of duty
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Hi! I'm using FSD3 (Great job guys, much love from Hungary) and my problem would be the following: When I go to COD:BOII in Games, I choose Title Updates, then I press Download TUs, it downloads them (pretty slowly tho, using wifi (~35kbps)), after that, I press to activate the latest (TU6), I enter the game to play multiplayer via System Link, but the SysLink panel shows me I have TU0. What I've tried so far: -Download TU6 manually, place it in Cache, and let FSD find it -> FSD didn't find it -Delete the complete Cache folder, download all TUs again -> Didn't work either -Activate TU5 -> Game still says TU0 Is it possible I have a wrong game version? Help is really appreciated, since on TU0 there's like 15-20 people only, and I'd like to play with the rest 160. Waiting for your helpful replies, Adrn_
hello! i have the newest TU (TU #15) and all the DLC. but i dont know whay when i enter a room on system link i cant see all the players/games when i press join game in COD Ghosts. i see some half the time but in the room its say that there is 20-30 players so whay i can't join them on the join game batton? thanks for the helpers!
- 10 replies
- cod
- callofduty
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hello! i install this DLC for COD Ghosts: Onslaught Devastation Invasion Free Fall and i install 1 & 2 compatibility packs. and season pass. i see the maps but i can't access to the DLC weapons... how do i do that? thanks guys!
- 3 replies
- call of duty
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Hello people from liNK, I would like to make a clan on call of duty ghosts/black ops 2/modern warfare 3 so we could be a team. plz contact me: kik: stenvl gmail:
Hey guys. I got some problem with my black ops 2. When I play Black ops 2 Dlc Zombies and Add Local Players for Split Screen this error appears "Fatalcrash intercepted" I am in Latest DashBoard 16547, Latest FSD REV 775, Latest DashLaunch 3.11 I Delleted all other TU and kept the Latest TU 16 for the Game. Even for the Dlc is used the Yaris Swap and Transfer to my XBOX by Horizon. Please Help Me Out Guys...
- 3 replies
- call of duty
- black ops 2
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Since I've update Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 TU#12 I'm unable to view or play DLC Maps in game. Can Anyone Help Me. Also If somebody can provide me good source or torrent for Max Payne 2: Fall of Max Payne & Grand Theft Auto San Andrea for Xbox 360 (Jtagged) #WFQ
- 2 replies
- CallOfDuty
- BlackOps2
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Dear LiNK support and dev-team, First of all, thank you for your efforts, because even though I am having certain issues with my LiNK, most people are able to play OK, and those who are not almost instantly get help from people on this forum. Well, let's hope I will be able to proudly stand among those who have been blessed with a resolution for a LiNK problem. So, let's begin with describing the software/hardware I use and then get to the problem. I am using a Xbox 360 (thanks, captain !) phat, with Jasper motherboard (or at least I guess this is what/who Jasper is) and a glitch hack. My current dashboard version is 14719, dashlaunch - 3.05 (I updated from 3.04 hoping to solve the issue, but with no luck) with conpatch and devlink off, pingpatch on, the FSD version is, obviously, the latest one. My console is connected to a Dlink DIR-615 router via a patch cord. All ports are open, UPnP is enabled, although LiNK says that it can't find a UPnP enabled router. FSD successfully passes all connection tests in LiNK menu and is able to download covers and title updates. Well, now it's time for me to tell you the whole story. A month ago, or perhaps a little bit earlier, LiNK started experiencing connection problems. For instance, I sometimes get that "Unable to connect" message when I am trying to play that goddamn Call of Duty, just like some other people do. However, that's not the problem I am concerned about. At this point you might want to ask me a question "yo man hawsthat ya not playin cod isnt da problm?/?1/?". Well, let's put it this way: not being able to join games is only one half of my problem, the other half is not being able to find them. You see, I am always playing with my friend (whom I helped set up LiNK, which means that we had the same settings when I began experiencing problems, plus he also uses a Dlink router, which is similar to mine) and he can always see 3-4 different hosts in a room, while I can see only one (usually a host with a pretty bad ping) or none at all. I can't even find my friend's games (we both live in the same city and are connected to the same ISP). While we were playing Dead Island, I was also experiencing the same issue with not seeing my friend's host or not being able to connect to it. HOWEVER, at that time we figured out a way to solve this problem: he hosted the game, I rebooted MY console (when I say "rebooted", I mean "turned off and then on"), got back on LiNK and ta-da, I could instantly see his host. If we didn't do it this way (e.g. both of us rebooted our consoles, he hosted the game after I entered the room and so on), we couldn't establish connection. Unfortunately this "resolution" of ours doesn't work in Call of Duty. Oh and I forgot to mention that NOBODY can see my hosts, even my friend. I tried reinstalling the whole F3, but it didn't help me in any way. Man, this situation usually gets so damn awkward. I am all like "Ðй, друг, пойдём поиграем", he says "Ладно, друг, пошли", aaaaand...nothing. Both of us end up being disappointed. This is even worse than attending a Pentecostal service while they are "speaking in tongues" ! Well, I hope I provided all the information you need. Patiently awaiting a reply. Best wishes, promostyle
- 12 replies
- LiNK
- Connection
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I am buying nuketown 2025 code for xbox 360. Send me a mssg if u have any for sale
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- blac ops
- black ops 2
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