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Found 79 results

  1. Just bought the game but can gain access to the online game updates, this is required to use the game packs, any way to go through for the updates offline ? Can´t access internet from the console (xbox 360) itself. Thanks.
  2. Hi everyone, I Want To Make A Gta mod menu so i can finally play a mod menu whats mine. But the problemen is, i dont know How. i searched for it everywhere but couldn't find it. If you can and want to help me out thanks. Please dont post stupid reactions AND I WILL GIVE CREDIT TO THE GUY WHO'S WILLING TO HELP ME!!
  3. cmundy79

    Custom case shells?

    Hurro, anyone have any custom xbox 360 case shells they'd like to get ride of or know where I can get one online.. Old stuff.. shells seem to be a think of the past. Thanks
  4. hi i use the website xboxunity for the covers and i use sign in to my acount in xboxunity and in my xbox360 console (i dont know why but every time i sign in to the unity acount in my console and go back to my game and go back again to the sign in it sign out... ) and another thing i dont know wahy but i push on the button "push to xbox" and than refrash artwork on my xbox and it does'nt do nothing so what can i do? it says that it moved to my Q (i dont know that is that Q that they are talking about and also where is it..) so thanks in against to the helpers saar
  5. i get error: "PLUGIN UPDATE REQUIERED TO CONNECT TO LINK" and its not see to me room (sorry thet my english is bad), the all see good (us can see this in the pictures) and i dont know what do, i can do what us speak, i very very very happy maby somebody help me, maby need more info i can supply Thanks in advance
  6. SLX360! System LiNK Xbox 360 IMPORTANTE: Destinado exclusivamente a los que usan la modalidad de interconexión (System Link) en la consola Xbox360. Si no cumple esos requisitos, esto no le servirá para nada actualmente. También decir que es reservado para la comunidad hispanohablante, tanto española como latina. Buenas a todos! El caso es que Actualmente, que yo sepa, no existe ninguna plataforma estable y actualizada (recalco actualizada) en la que los usuarios de System Link puedan darse a conocer y concretar partidas, campeonatos, y lo que surja. La idea no es distinta que las ya planteadas en algunos foros (o en este mismo), pero un poco más tomada en serio por así decirlo. Concretamente trata de crear una base de datos, disponible para todos, en la que podamos acceder y ver de manera rápida quienes juegan a nuestra hora, su país, juego preferido, etc. Mayormente lo que se pretende es crear una comunidad amplia de estos usuarios donde sepamos acabemos sabiendo horarios, días, juegos, y demás variables que nos faciliten el conocer personas afines a nosotros. Ha sido denominada esta Comunidad como Slx360 (System Link Xbox360) y para llevarse a cabo, se ha pensado lo que podría ser la mejor opción es la de crear un foro exclusivo para ello (http://slx360.foroactivo.com) en el que mediante el registro (necesario para ver todo el contenido) puedas postear en distintos juegos y a su vez ver quienes lo hacen, así detectar personas para luego buscar su franja horaria y bueno, eso ya que cada uno lo use como quiera Para la comunicación de la Comunidad Slx360 se ha creído oportuno también: - Crear un Twitter: @Slx360 (http://twitter.com/slx360) - Apertura de una página de Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/systemlink360) - Elaborar un Formulario mediante Google Drive para la base de datos púbica o agenda. - Creación de la aplicación Slx360 para Android, pudiéndose descargarse desde el dispositivo mediante el siguiente enlace: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55572629/slx360.apk (Nota: ha de habilitarse la opción “fuentes desconocidas†en el dispositivo para su correcta instalación, de cualquier modo te lo pregunta al instalarse) Sobre la aplicación. Antes de descargarla pueden verla online en vuestro navegador e interactuar con ella desde el siguiente enlace: http://h.fanapp.mobi/slx360 Importante: para poder rellenar la inscripción es necesaria una cuenta de Google (con tener Gmail es suficiente). ¿Por qué?, porque Google Drive permite, como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente, la creación de un formulario. Pero lo realmente interesante de este formulario es que las respuestas se almacenan en otro documento Drive. De ese modo, en el momento que un usuario ingresa, en el icono de contactos automáticamente se añadirá este usuario a la base de datos, y como comprenderán, tener ese proceso automatizado es muy ventajoso ya que nuestra base de datos, la de todos, iría creciendo automáticamente. Por supuesto todo esto se ve completado con el foro, que a falta de un chat estable que funcione bien (se ha puesto uno estable pero… deja que desear), nos apañaremos por los post de foro y el chat interno del mismo (situada en la parte baja del índice del foro Slx360) Ni que decir tiene que soy más nuevo en esto que la mayoría de los que lo estáis leyendo, y que mi conocimiento en la materia es ínfimo. Las ganas de poder jugar con gente al Blur (XDD) es lo que me ha llevado a aprender y conocer todo lo que os he ido comentando. La verdad que aunque no se lleve a cabo me he llevado una grata experiencia con todo ese aprendizaje (en plenos exámenes… jajajaj), y bueno, ni que decir tiene que espero que pueda llegar al máximo número de personas posibles. Naturalmente, todo lo explicado está actualmente operativo. Un saludo y gracias por su tiempo. Alfonso Pérez. Nick Xbox: fonzito_____/_____Gametag JQE360/XboxUnity: ThaMaster
  7. SLX360! System LiNK Xbox 360 IMPORTANTE: Destinado exclusivamente a los que usan la modalidad de interconexión (System Link) en la consola Xbox360. Si no cumple esos requisitos, esto no le servirá para nada actualmente. También decir que es reservado para la comunidad hispanohablante, tanto española como latina. Buenas a todos! El caso es que Actualmente, que yo sepa, no existe ninguna plataforma estable y actualizada (recalco actualizada) en la que los usuarios de System Link puedan darse a conocer y concretar partidas, campeonatos, y lo que surja. La idea no es distinta que las ya planteadas en algunos foros (o en este mismo), pero un poco más tomada en serio por así decirlo. Concretamente trata de crear una base de datos, disponible para todos, en la que podamos acceder y ver de manera rápida quienes juegan a nuestra hora, su país, juego preferido, etc. Mayormente lo que se pretende es crear una comunidad amplia de estos usuarios donde sepamos acabemos sabiendo horarios, días, juegos, y demás variables que nos faciliten el conocer personas afines a nosotros. Ha sido denominada esta Comunidad como Slx360 (System Link Xbox360) y para llevarse a cabo, se ha pensado lo que podría ser la mejor opción es la de crear un foro exclusivo para ello (http://slx360.foroactivo.com) en el que mediante el registro (necesario para ver todo el contenido) puedas postear en distintos juegos y a su vez ver quienes lo hacen, así detectar personas para luego buscar su franja horaria y bueno, eso ya que cada uno lo use como quiera Para la comunicación de la Comunidad Slx360 se ha creído oportuno también: - Crear un Twitter: @Slx360 (http://twitter.com/slx360) - Apertura de una página de Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/systemlink360) - Elaborar un Formulario mediante Google Drive para la base de datos púbica o agenda. - Creación de la aplicación Slx360 para Android, pudiéndose descargarse desde el dispositivo mediante el siguiente enlace: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55572629/slx360.apk (Nota: ha de habilitarse la opción “fuentes desconocidas†en el dispositivo para su correcta instalación, de cualquier modo te lo pregunta al instalarse) Sobre la aplicación. Antes de descargarla pueden verla online en vuestro navegador e interactuar con ella desde el siguiente enlace: http://h.fanapp.mobi/slx360 Importante: para poder rellenar la inscripción es necesaria una cuenta de Google (con tener Gmail es suficiente). ¿Por qué?, porque Google Drive permite, como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente, la creación de un formulario. Pero lo realmente interesante de este formulario es que las respuestas se almacenan en otro documento Drive. De ese modo, en el momento que un usuario ingresa, en el icono de contactos automáticamente se añadirá este usuario a la base de datos, y como comprenderán, tener ese proceso automatizado es muy ventajoso ya que nuestra base de datos, la de todos, iría creciendo automáticamente. Por supuesto todo esto se ve completado con el foro, que a falta de un chat estable que funcione bien (se ha puesto uno estable pero… deja que desear), nos apañaremos por los post de foro y el chat interno del mismo (situada en la parte baja del índice del foro Slx360) Ni que decir tiene que soy más nuevo en esto que la mayoría de los que lo estáis leyendo, y que mi conocimiento en la materia es ínfimo. Las ganas de poder jugar con gente al Blur (XDD) es lo que me ha llevado a aprender y conocer todo lo que os he ido comentando. La verdad que aunque no se lleve a cabo me he llevado una grata experiencia con todo ese aprendizaje (en plenos exámenes… jajajaj), y bueno, ni que decir tiene que espero que pueda llegar al máximo número de personas posibles. Naturalmente, todo lo explicado está actualmente operativo. Un saludo y gracias por su tiempo. Alfonso Pérez. Nick Xbox: fonzito_____/_____Gametag JQE360/XboxUnity: ThaMaster
  8. Hi everyone, I have some ideas for aurora: In the highlighted area, create one button (that can be acessed pressing d-pad left) called options, this button have some dash launch network options. For example, i select "fake live", in GTA V and aurora save this option for that game only. So I don't need to go dash launch for do this, and set this option for all games, only the game that I need. Something like this but with the options in aurora style, i just copied an image of dash launch A = Select B = Back X = Save Y = Details I remember in System Link menu, in last tab, have options like this, for be active during the gameplay. I think this will be a great update, thanks if implemented.
  9. Hello, guys I have just installed Aurora 0.4b here (I used to use FSD), but i've noticed that whenever I press the Xbox Guide button, the menu still shows and boots Freestyle and I always have to load Aurora manually from the File Manager instead. Is there anyway I can configure the "Home Option" to boot Aurora instead of FSD?
  10. So long story short I have an xbox 360 jtag and this christmas i got a headset from my mother so this morning I tried to hook it up and it ended up not working. I`m asking for help, maybe someone knows how to solve this problem.(I dont need the mic working I only need to hear sounds through it) PLEASE HELP!!!
  11. Hola a todos!! Soy ValenciaKiller y e creado una web Clan RGH que no va a estar posicionada en Google.¿Por que?...ahora lo explico...a partir de Enero en España todas las web de enlaces estarán prohibidas,estos últimos días han empezado a caer webs..www.seriespepito.com www.series.ly y muchas más que veremos caer,por eso e creado esta web,anonima..sin salir en el p**o Google. La idea es subir todos los juegos RGH con SystemLink para la descarga por Mega el que no los tenga. Subir DLC Title Update etc... Y crear Torneos de los Call of Duty. Si las cosas se ponen feas en España...que se pondran...la web se encriptaría en .onion extensión de la red Thor. La web consta de una Red Social, Chat,Noticias y Torneos para SystemLink. También se creará un Market de Ropa para Avatares. Aquí os dejo un video Intro del Site. Intro Os dejo un Usuario Demo para que podáis ver la web. Entrar Clan RGH User: demo Pass:demo Espero vuestros correos para inscribiros en la web. Un saludo ValénciaKiller
  12. Hello I'm looking for players for system link on Halo Reach.
  13. Hi, can I just downgrade my Xbox to 16747 dashboard? Is there any problem? I installed the new one (16... something) and there's no Dash Launch for it.
  14. Hello everyone I am new here with a few questions to ask I purchased an XBOX 360 with the Freestyle 3 dashboard today and I am a total noob with this stuff. From what the seller told me, all I know is it can play copied discs, games from USB drives and games from the internal drive. Further I have no clue what is going on here Firstly, how do I update the dashboard when there is updates and where do I find these? Is there a specific way for each console? Secondly, can this console connect to the internet with the Freestyle 3 dashboard without anything messing up? I read that connecting to the internet can mess up the JTAG on some consoles. I don't know if this information is relevant to any of my questions, but the dash version is 3.0 Rev58, the kernel version is 2.0.16537.0 and the skin version is 3.0 Rev63 Thank you!!!!
  15. Hello, my rgh xbox just stopped reading dvds suddenly, i have a rgh mod. Anyone can tell me whats going on?
  16. Hello everybody! I have been reading and trying to understand how to work out my problem for months but i should have made a post on a forum from the beginning; I'm useless with these thing. Please HELP if you can! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have an Xbox 360 and I've been running Freestyle Dash 3 for about a year without a problem. I live in a remote location and it is my only source of entertainment when its raining. I paid for someone to install FSD (Freestyle Dash 3.0) on my 1TB Seagate HD and I was able to download new games and convert them from their iso file and then put them on my external hd. I could play them when I started my xbox with this external hd plugged into the front usb. it was a simple thing but my External HD somehow just died (overheated maybe..) and I'm now left with a useless machine. I now have a brand new 1TB external HD and I would like to just reinstall this FSD (Freestyle Dash 3.0) system again and start playing some of these video games! I have no clue what xex menu is, I've read into it, but it seems like everything I read is too complicated for me. I read alot of things about connecting my xbox to my computer and things like that but I run off of a generator and there is only wifi in the town centre. The guy who set me up originally did it so quickly, I just don't want to travel back to the city again and pay for the service.. If someone can give me an easy to understand step by step instruction of what to do, I would be greatly appreciative. I have the freestyle.iso on my computer.. I can download things that I need. I just don't have a clue what to do! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a macbook pro and I can boot into Windows 7 and OSX, so steps in either operating system are appreciated! My Xbox 360 is as it was before the external HD crashed, so I shouldn't have to do anything with it.. Kind regards, J
  17. Hey guys. I got some problem with my black ops 2. When I play Black ops 2 Dlc Zombies and Add Local Players for Split Screen this error appears "Fatalcrash intercepted" I am in Latest DashBoard 16547, Latest FSD REV 775, Latest DashLaunch 3.11 I Delleted all other TU and kept the Latest TU 16 for the Game. Even for the Dlc is used the Yaris Swap and Transfer to my XBOX by Horizon. Please Help Me Out Guys...
  18. Hello. My name is Antony Scafa (Tony SSS),and I'm new to this forum. I'm here to need help resolving a problem that refeers to Borderlands 2,one of my favorite FPS of all time, Basically the problem is this: When I pick up a weapon and I go to my inventory backpack screen the weapon that I picked up dosen't show there. And the weird thing is that no matter how left the space of my inventory is(say for example 35/39)the guns that I pick up still don't show on the inventory(and this happens only with guns and not granades,class mods,shields etc...),unless... ...I don't exit from the game and come back,then the guns actually do now appear in the inventory screen so that I can use them. And i also wanna point out that this problem did not occurred when i didn't have all the DLC's of the game before I downloaded and putted 'em,because i couldn't play System Link for the reason that the game said I didn't have the requested Downloadable Contents and the latest compatibility pack. If you have time,feel free to reply letting me know how to fix this problem if you know what to do(cuz I really don't know what to do here). OR You can also PM me if you want. P.S. Greetings,cuz you're all awesome here!(and thx to all of you who made me happy when I discovered that I CAN play online with RGH thx with LiNK and FSD 3) But seriously,I couldn't beileve it was possible thx to all of you who made LiNK. Thanks.
  19. I'm trying to play Warcraft II - The Dark Saga on PCSXR 360, there when I load a map the characters moving around leave tracers (kinda like a PC when it starts slowing down and windows/mouse leaves trails), I pause the menu and un-pause it and I can see where it was paused on the map, not sure how or if this can be fixed, does anyone have any ideas?
  20. when i click on a game - options - manage title updates - Download TUs - HDD it gets stuck ! WHY ? it have work every time and now it DONT WORK ANYMORE ( [sORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH] please help me :/
  21. Hey fellow members. I am readvertising my JTAG console today as i am in need of some cash to fund a newly built PC. JTAG console Jasper 512mb 1 Wireless Controller Batteries inc HDMI Cable Optical Digital Cable 5.1 Audio Connector 750GB Internal Hard Drive St George Faceplate Original Faceplate Power Brick With UK Plug Lead Scart Adapter Standard VGA Cable The unit was professionally Jtagged on Feb 12th and was purchased new and sealed a few days earlier. So the Console is 5 months old and the only real usage it has had is me installing all the software etc, 15 hours at most. Software Pre installed: All the latest versions. Over 50GB of DLC and Practically all Avatar Items (10776) HomeBrew: FSD / DashLaunch / NXE2GOD / XellLaunch / XeXMenu XBLA Games 609 all fully unlocked Xbox 360 Games : COD Black Ops II / Mafia II / Forza 4 / MW3 / GTA IV / NFS Shift / Resident Evil Code Veronica / RDR Also includes 20 games backed up on verbatim media Xbox Classics: Crash Bandicoot tWoc / Halo / Halo 2 / Crash Nitro Kart / Crash Twinsanity / Shenmue II / Tom & Jerry Emulators: SNES 360 with 11337 roms PS 1 with 8 games NES 360 with 256 roms Mame 360 with 8799 roms Genesis Plus 360 with 1071 roms Original Nand & CPU Key Supplied on disc along with the proof of the JTAG work. Everything is in mint condition so you wont be disappointed. £180 Delivered to UK or can be collected from OL10.
  22. Looking to sell my Glossy Slim (4GB model) RGH Xbox 360. RGH was done professionaly by xbox-scene.com user socalbill. Works great and is in great condition, I just don't play it anymore. Sale Includes: [*]Glossy 4GB Slim Console, professionally modded with RGH [*]Official 250GB internal HDD [*]500GB External USB/iSCSI drive for backups/homebrew [*]USB cable [*]Kinect Sensor [*]Power supply for console [*]Power supply for Kinect Sensor (unnecessary with this model console, but good for use with older consoles and/or PC) Sale does NOT include controllers. Asking $450 shipped (US only) or best offer.
  23. Alex Morales


    $350 for everything, priority shipping included. NEED to sell quick!! Reason for selling: hardly play anymore, need money to fix car so I can get back to working! Condition: Used, Fully Working, Clean, No RROD Ever, All Ports Working (3 USB, Ethernet, A/V, HDMI, Power, HDD, Memory Card Slot, DVD Drive) Cleaned on the inside every 3 months from dust. No stickers have ever been attached to the case, nor written on. Type of Xbox 360: Phat: Jasper 512MB (Big Block) White with White DVD Tray 150watts KV: Unbanned, RGH Nand never been taken online, Retail Nand Online just about everyday. Type of Mod: RGH Dual Nand (Switch with blue LED indicating RGH nand is on) LT 3.0 Flashed Drive White LED Mod (all four LED's) Brand of Mod Used: CoolRunner Demon (For Dual Nand) LT 3.0 FW Dashboard: 2.0.16203.0 On Both Nands (Newest, Kinect, and Avatar Support on RGH Nand) ---------------------------------- What Comes with the console: RGH Dual Nand Xbox 360 console Power Brick Standard A/V cables (Red, White, Yellow) HDMI cable Xbox 360 Controller (Not Modded) Black chatpad 250gb OEM Hard Drive (HDD is a slim style, but is used with a Phat HDD connector) 1TB external 2.0/3.0 USB powered HDD Rechargeable Battery Pack with charging usb wire Xbox 360 Camera (Not Kinect, just the regular little web cam) 5' Ethernet cord 26 Xbox 360 games (on Disc) Black wired Triton Headset --------------------------------------------------------- Games Included: 1TB is MAXED OUT with all of the Call of Duty games and lots of other games, as well as over 100 Arcade Games. ALL playable as FULL games, not just demos. The 1TB HDD also includes a 32GB xbox 360 flashdrive partition for game saves etc.. Games on disc to play using the flashed drive (these games work 100% online) Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 4 Call of Duty BO Call of Duty BO2 Call of Duty MW2 Call of Duty World at War (Physics N' Flex V3) Dead Island Dead or Alive 4 Fear 2 Forza Horizon Forza 3 (both discs) Forza 4 (both Discs) GTA IV (Deadly Fishes Mods.. Requires a gamesave in order to boot up) GTA IV: EFLC (Not Modded) Halo 3 Halo 4 (both discs) Halo ODST (Multiplayer Disc Only) Halo CE Anniversary Mafia 2 Medal of Honor L.E. Medal of Honor Warfighter (both discs) NBA 2K8 Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Saints Row Full Games included on OEM HDD for the Retail Nand: Aegis Wings Dash of Destruction Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Doritos Crash Course Doritos Crash Course 2 Fable III Halo Reach Happy Wars Harms Way Hexic HD Rock Band 3 Small Arms TotemBall ----------------------------------------- RGH Programs on 1TB: XeX Menu 1.2 (yes, 1.2) FreeStyle Dash 3 (boots up to it, dashboards to it) Dash Launcher (Needed in order to boot up and auto-dashboard to FSD 3) Extras on blank disc: Modding Programs/tools Links to various tutorial websites for various related stuff I can NOT supply original KV, Nand, DVD FW, or anything!!! The person who modded my xbox never sent them to me for some reason....I have never had an issue to where I needed any of those things anyways! -------------------------- Ask for more details if you want at: jellyjamjiggles@hotmail.com for a faster response if needed Will ship priority mail with everything in 1 box safely anywhere in the U.S.A. Shipping IS included in the $450. This is VERY CHEAP!!! Most people sell these Dual Nand Xboxes for $300 console only!!! Not to mention you'll save a lot of time by not having to download games...This xbox is truly Plug and Play!!! Click Link below to buy directly from a website in which you can use paypal directly (I also had this on ebay, but was removed the next morning): https://www.ioffer.com/i/rgh-dual-nand-jasper-xbox-360-with-lots-of-extras-545212514 ------------------ NO REFUNDS!! NO Problems ever with this console so no need to even offer warranty!!
  24. Playing Dino Crisis 3 on the XBOX 360 This is one of my favorite all time games. Getting it to work on the xbox 360 was another thing. The game crashes after the first introduction video. After a search around YT and Google no one seems to have ever resolved it. Then I tried something else... if the game crashes when you create a "New Game", what would happen if you loaded a game.... The Result: It Worked If you need a save game, scroll down to the bottom of this post for download link. Save game saved at 1st checkpoint on each 3 modes (Easy, Normal, Hard) and is unmodded. Save games created on my xbox classic. Screenshots thanks to FSD3. Compatibility Files being used (xb1_13599_jul_2011-hacked) So, in FSD, Load Dino Crisis 3 Press Start and load your game Select your Load (Easy, Normal, Hard) Loading... And we're in, 1st save point Hello my friends, welcome to the xbox 360 Downside, you loose the first 5 minutes, woopie do, if want to see it, the big T-Rex die... youtube the first 5 minutes of gameplay Enjoy Guys * UPDATE * Dino Crisis Save now on this site as attachment. Click link below to download... xb1_dinocrisis3.zip
  25. [ Post Update: This is not an F3 Issue as suspected. If you get this same error and you've altered your fan settings or not, my advice is to check your fan settings via FSD or DashLaunch, check the side of the xbox to see if air is blowing out as well as other troubleshooting steps ] I changed the speed of my fan on my Xbox 360 s (Trinity) to 70% a few days back, then after powering off the console going back onto F3 and changed it back to Auto. Its quite possible that F3 may have saved a setting somewhere where the fan speed changed be from 70 to 0. When I powered the xbox on, the fan did not come on, at all. I've no idea what caused this, i deleted F3, reinstalled, no fix, so I just flashed the dashboard again and that fixed it. Of course, I didnt see the fan didnt come on, so took it off, instaleld new thermal paste then after powering up the console with the case open I noticed the fan didn't spin. Not sure if this glitch was on F3 or other but if you change your fan speed, keep an eye on the temp.
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