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Juan Carlos Cardoso

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About Juan Carlos Cardoso

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman

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  • Location
    SP - Brasil

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  1. I wish there was an option in Aurora's settings to use a different RSS, as the current RSS hasn't been updated in a while. This way, each user could put their own RSS link and see their news.
  2. Hi everyone, I have some ideas for aurora: In the highlighted area, create one button (that can be acessed pressing d-pad left) called options, this button have some dash launch network options. For example, i select "fake live", in GTA V and aurora save this option for that game only. So I don't need to go dash launch for do this, and set this option for all games, only the game that I need. Something like this but with the options in aurora style, i just copied an image of dash launch A = Select B = Back X = Save Y = Details I remember in System Link menu, in last tab, have options like this, for be active during the gameplay. I think this will be a great update, thanks if implemented.
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