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Found 44 results

  1. hi, i have problem with my system link i have newest fsd and dash lunch 3.07 , when iam testing link every thing pass and i join loopy on link menu then open black ops multi player and when iam open system link find host nothing gome up and i press refresh but nothing :question:pleas help me
  2. SLX360! System LiNK Xbox 360 IMPORTANTE: Destinado exclusivamente a los que usan la modalidad de interconexión (System Link) en la consola Xbox360. Si no cumple esos requisitos, esto no le servirá para nada actualmente. También decir que es reservado para la comunidad hispanohablante, tanto española como latina. Buenas a todos! El caso es que Actualmente, que yo sepa, no existe ninguna plataforma estable y actualizada (recalco actualizada) en la que los usuarios de System Link puedan darse a conocer y concretar partidas, campeonatos, y lo que surja. La idea no es distinta que las ya planteadas en algunos foros (o en este mismo), pero un poco más tomada en serio por así decirlo. Concretamente trata de crear una base de datos, disponible para todos, en la que podamos acceder y ver de manera rápida quienes juegan a nuestra hora, su país, juego preferido, etc. Mayormente lo que se pretende es crear una comunidad amplia de estos usuarios donde sepamos acabemos sabiendo horarios, días, juegos, y demás variables que nos faciliten el conocer personas afines a nosotros. Ha sido denominada esta Comunidad como Slx360 (System Link Xbox360) y para llevarse a cabo, se ha pensado lo que podría ser la mejor opción es la de crear un foro exclusivo para ello (http://slx360.foroactivo.com) en el que mediante el registro (necesario para ver todo el contenido) puedas postear en distintos juegos y a su vez ver quienes lo hacen, así detectar personas para luego buscar su franja horaria y bueno, eso ya que cada uno lo use como quiera Para la comunicación de la Comunidad Slx360 se ha creído oportuno también: - Crear un Twitter: @Slx360 (http://twitter.com/slx360) - Apertura de una página de Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/systemlink360) - Elaborar un Formulario mediante Google Drive para la base de datos púbica o agenda. - Creación de la aplicación Slx360 para Android, pudiéndose descargarse desde el dispositivo mediante el siguiente enlace: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55572629/slx360.apk (Nota: ha de habilitarse la opción “fuentes desconocidas†en el dispositivo para su correcta instalación, de cualquier modo te lo pregunta al instalarse) Sobre la aplicación. Antes de descargarla pueden verla online en vuestro navegador e interactuar con ella desde el siguiente enlace: http://h.fanapp.mobi/slx360 Importante: para poder rellenar la inscripción es necesaria una cuenta de Google (con tener Gmail es suficiente). ¿Por qué?, porque Google Drive permite, como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente, la creación de un formulario. Pero lo realmente interesante de este formulario es que las respuestas se almacenan en otro documento Drive. De ese modo, en el momento que un usuario ingresa, en el icono de contactos automáticamente se añadirá este usuario a la base de datos, y como comprenderán, tener ese proceso automatizado es muy ventajoso ya que nuestra base de datos, la de todos, iría creciendo automáticamente. Por supuesto todo esto se ve completado con el foro, que a falta de un chat estable que funcione bien (se ha puesto uno estable pero… deja que desear), nos apañaremos por los post de foro y el chat interno del mismo (situada en la parte baja del índice del foro Slx360) Ni que decir tiene que soy más nuevo en esto que la mayoría de los que lo estáis leyendo, y que mi conocimiento en la materia es ínfimo. Las ganas de poder jugar con gente al Blur (XDD) es lo que me ha llevado a aprender y conocer todo lo que os he ido comentando. La verdad que aunque no se lleve a cabo me he llevado una grata experiencia con todo ese aprendizaje (en plenos exámenes… jajajaj), y bueno, ni que decir tiene que espero que pueda llegar al máximo número de personas posibles. Naturalmente, todo lo explicado está actualmente operativo. Un saludo y gracias por su tiempo. Alfonso Pérez. Nick Xbox: fonzito_____/_____Gametag JQE360/XboxUnity: ThaMaster
  3. I can join rooms on system link, but matches doesn't appear in game ( black ops 2 ). Help
  4. It seems that there is no TU for this version of the game on unity, .It looks like the site doesn't recognize it's installed. I have the file of this TU if you can update the Brazilian community I would be very grateful 🙏 (I'm using translator sorry😅) TU_16L622R_0000010000000
  5. [ Fixed ] I was messing with the dashlaunch config to make system link work, but I couldn't. I configurated things so wrongly that my Xbox wouldn't read memory properly: • When I try opening Naruto Storm Revolution, when I choose storage device, it would load the game and right after, Blasckscreen turn off. • When I try opening up BO III it just show not possible to find correct files to open DLC ( meaning also the storage devices has something wrong ). Thanks to the heaven, I had a Launch.ini file backup in my Pc, The file with the original configuration that came with my HD; So I just pasted the backup in my HD and it's fixed. Note: I still can't play on system link Edit: Details: Xbox RGH ( Freestyle 3.0 775, dashlaunch 3.21, Kernel: 2.0.17526.0 )
  6. Hello everyone! We don't have much to show and there is still lots to do. That said, enjoy this tease and stay tuned for future announcements.
  7. Hi. I wanted to know is there any xbox unity users forum or something where we can ommunicate ? Plus my aurora repo browser doesn't show new scripts which i can see being mentioned on this site why is it ? from where to download them ? and how to install mannually ?
  8. Hi Everybody! I wanted to ask you a question regarding hosting a game on system link, You see whenever I host a game all players timeout after about 15 mins and it really sucks. So is there a solution to this problem?
  9. I am trying to use LiNK through Aurora, but Port Forwarding functions always fail. I have set UPnP enabled on my router and the ports 3072 & 3071 are seemed to enabled and are picked up by upnp but the LiNK test still shows failure. Another question are these requirements enough for me to play on LiNK smoothly.. I have an internet connection of 2MBPS, somehow Downloading speed on average remains around 200kbps. Is it enough to let me play on LiNK with minimum lag?
  10. Hello, I have an error that when I change my gamertag this does not work for system link, it only works with the gamertag that it always had, all this is with non live account Is there a solution to that? 🤔 Note: I already tried to create another account in xbox and another account in xboxunity and it did not work
  11. Can some people post when they normally get on halo reach and halo 4 for LINK? Just straight up games! Thanks.
  12. World chat to find a people why ready play Xbox 360 System Link right now. We are few, but we are looking for you^^ every person is important. I know a couple chats in Discord, discord good platform for pc, But this is not the concept for Connecting people from all over the world to find a teammates . and other reason is 5 mb file limit in Discord. Join us, yr Welcome^^ https://t.me/xboxunity
  13. Hi! The past few days to play normally impossible! Disconnects continually for every 5 minutes. Region - Europe. Disconnects not only for me but also for all who play with. The settings are not changed. This is the case for about a week.. What is it?
  14. Everyone from Pakistan, join black ops 2 lobby made by me on LiNK from 8pm till 9:30pm. PS: didn't post on PakGamers because there isn't a thread of System LiNK (only XBLIVE is there)
  15. I see games but i can`t join them but ather gamers can join mine pls help! All tests pass in Aurora Sry for my bad english
  16. HI...everyone i have issue about data port & broadcast port failed...i try configure my router TCP UDP both 3071 - 3072 n my upnp enable..but my Data Port & Broadcast Port still failed..only upnp its enable..anyone can fix that issue? thanks modscene
  17. So i was playing call of duty:black ops 2 when it said connection interrupted or something like that and it quit from the game (not from cod but like the game session) and when i tried loading system link again it just kept loading and didnt do anyithing else (sidenote:on user info it sais not available) i have latest TU and it passes all of the requierments when verifying link settings. Since it quit from that session it doesnt want to load. I am using aurora 0.6b most of the time but use 0.5b for system link. I have no idea whats causing this and i would like some help
  18. Hi there, this simple Script is providing a service of Xboxunity straight onto your Console. Script: Icon: Name: Unity LiNK Info Description: "Get LiNK Info straight from Unity" What it does: - Gets all LiNK-Compatible Games and provides you a menu to navigate through the whole Title List. - Lists all available Rooms per Title - Lists all current Users per Room - Displays User Information - Displays Title or Room Information, if there are no Players at all ... Why did i create this?: When I'm on my console, i didn't want to use a second device/application, to get all the information of the current played games. I also didn't want to start each game, sign in to LiNK and check the Rooms for its players. I just wanted to have a quick overview of all LiNK compatible Games. I wanted to search for active Players and Games. ... What are the benefits?: - Quick Overview of all LiNK Compatible Games, Rooms and Players directly on Console, without use of third device/software and loosing time - Better Games, Rooms and Match-Finding. - More Players on different Games, because of a better Overview of "waiting" Players and open Rooms. - Better Support for the community ("I see, you are using the wrong Title update") ... Is it final?: It's a stable Version. It is not perfect, but there was some limitation. For a "Quick Overview" it's good enough. I planned custom Gizmo stuff for this one. Also the Unity API could change. If so, this script needs to be updated or it will be deprecated. Anyone who wants to contribute, can report Bugs, Suggest Features/Fixes or extend by using GitHub or this Thread. Where is the download?: With the Aurora Script Repo, you can download it directly to your console.
  19. Greetings everyone i have a couple of doubts about system link in general The firts one is, on public server are not allowed mods, isn it? When i connect on the Mw3, on public serverÅ› there are a lot of modded profiles "match-killers", witch their mods, destroy all the fun, and besides, they kill the matchmaking destroying or ending the match, even if i was the host. I know that with private rooms and a block list will keep then away, but sadly not all people connect to a private room if the public has some players. There's a way to fight them back, to have public clean mods rooms? By the way, i have a lot of this modders on my blacklist I attached a part of my list, where are the most modders i have found on public rooms Second, i connect 2 xbox360 from a same internet conection, with different ip of course, we made connect simultaniusly on some games, but in another games like COD:MW2 in several ocasion, if i create the match, the another player, connect, suddenly is kick with the messsage "conection with host is lost", or there are lag attacks, there's a way to fixed? I will appreciated your assistance, help or guidance.
  20. Hello,when i lunch system link on any game ,first it finds few rooms then it turns off i updated the title to the latest i did a test and everything pass i used freestyle 3 and aurora and it's the same after 5 seconds it turns off ......help please
  21. Español: ¡Hola a todos!! Tengo pensado crear una app móvil híbrida conectando con la página xboxunity.net. Quería preguntar si lo puedo hacer de forma legal, que me den un permiso de poder crearla y que más adelante no tenga un problema. Principalmente va ser para listar los juegos que se pueden jugar con system link con los usuarios que están conectados Y también un login para conectarse con su cuenta. La idea surgió porque en Latino américa utilizamos mucho este sistema. Sería crearla principalmente en español, pero está pensado en ser multi idioma. English: Hello everyone!! I have plan to create a hybrid mobile app connecting with xboxunity.net page. I wanted to ask if I can do legally, give me a permit to create and later not have a problem. Mainly it will be to list the games that can be played with system link with users who are connected And a login to connect to your account. The idea arose because in Latin America we use a lot this system. It would create mainly in Spanish, but is thought to be multi language. Sorry for my English.
  22. Hello guys! My question is exactly this: There's a plan to put Xbox Classic games to play online again on Xbox 360 on Aurora via LiNK ou NOVA? I imagine that this is not a high priority for Aurora Team right now, but i might to know if there's a possibility to do this on the future or if is possible to liberate to use the old method to play online via LiNK like was on JQE360 (where we can join in a 360 game room and use the HUD to load the "default.xbe" on the System Link Xbox Classic game)? This is the old JQE360 method that i say: https://www.youtube.com/embed/pZ4_Dirt6u0?html5=1&fs=1 (Kira135 forum member, or something like this) If not, there's a date to put this on the new NOVA? I hope so and i believe there's a lot of people that will'be joy with this! I read for several hours a lot of topics and i see that the last topic about this theme was in january/2015 and is dead. If i duplicate the topic, sorry 4 this. Thanks 4 all the work and continue like this.
  23. Hello i have a problem in a game of Black Ops 2 when he was admitted to the game and then go into a zombie, and then I want to play online via system link then click on it and enter and test the map tells me fatal crash intercepted and me out of the game and I can not play online two What's the solution?
  24. Hi, Recently updated my jtag, and setup LiNK. Initially got a lot of problem but finally with help from felida was successful in setting it up. Got the chance to play COD BO2 a couple of times only and COD Ghosts a single time. Though I have necessary files for each, now I am unable to play LiNK on following: 1) COD BO2 TU#18 2) COD Ghosts Compatibility Pack 1 (Unlocked) Compatibility Pack 2 (Unlocked) TU#17 3) COD AW Compatibility Pack 1 (Unlocked) Compatibility Pack 2 (Unlocked) Compatibility Pack 3 (Unlocked) Compatibility Pack 4 (Unlocked) Compatibility Pack 5 (Unlocked) TU#15 I am unable to connect to any game lobby in the LiNK menu most of times; gives F3000003 error. And sometimes when I connect any lobby, when I go to the System Link of the game, no host is seen... One more thing, when I verify my LiNK Setup in Aurora, the results change every time I refresh... The link below contains Screenshots of my LiNK settings and other related stuff for clear understanding of the problem... https://www.mediafire.com/folder/3mxvdx0qaaj3s/LiNK_Problem Console Information: Aurora 0.5b Dashlaunch v3.15 Kernel 17349
  25. Hello guys. My problem is,.. I've seemed to meet all the requirements to go online using a system link but it seems that my System link menu or option is whited out as seen. I dont know what could be the problem is but I desperately need your help. Thank you so much in advance. any help is appreciated. -will post pictures of data mentioned above-
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