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Everything posted by gavin_darkglider

  1. If it were easy, everyone would have already done it.
  2. MultiDisc games should work just the same using connectX as it does if using them off the HDD. You just have to create the correct folder structure. Other than that, there are some fixes for connectX handling coming, but that has more to do with multiple Xbox's playing the same game.
  3. Currently TX is working on hacking the xbox one. Other than that they have lifted their forum restrictions, so now you can help people with hardware that isnt from TX. So now their forum is more like ours, but more hardware oriented, than software. Other than that, they are keeping their research close to the vest, as they dont want things they have found to be fixed before they can release them. I did hear they are working on an XKEY like solution for the Xbox one, but from what was said, there wont be any real information on it until sometime next year.
  4. It is kinda hard to change ROM(Read Only Memory), ROM that can be written to requires being erased first, so if that were the case, people would be suing the shit out of them for erasing their games. RAM is Random Access Memory, which is made to be changed alot on the fly, but doesnt stay after power is lost then returned...... Well, If you freeze it first, you can dump it, but that requires alot of precision timing, and is completely off topic.
  5. Cheat Engine is essentially the same idea as a trainer. If you want to get super technical, you might as well call it a game genie, or pro action replay, as all of these things work in a similar manner by adjusting ram values to a preset value from the user.
  6. Trainers arent available for retail systems. You need to wait for a hack that will allow you to run unsigned code on a ps4, then you will need to wait for trainers for your game to be developed.
  7. If you want full debugging support, there isnt much to say other than get a devkit, or flash a devkit nand. If your RGH doesnt already have a demon or other dual nand chip, this would be a perfect reason to get one. You could flash RGLoader to the second nand, and switch between Freeboot, and RGLoader. As for the software side of things, that gets a bit trickier, as the XDK is hardish to source(not impossible, but we wont give links, as that is illegal.) Also, other than the documentation that comes in the help files with the XDK, there isnt much to go on out there in the way of help or examples. So, if you are as good of a programmer as you think you are, then you should be alright, but if not, then you are in for a hard road. All of that being said, there are other impediments, such as the non standard hardware you have to work around. PPC64 isnt the easiest CPU to code for, and if you find yourself in a situation where you have to write a function in ASM, for maximum performance, then I dont know of many people that could help you with that.If you feel you have decent experience with the architecture of the CPU, and Microsoft's idea of C++(Visual C++), than by all means go for it. You might also want to study up on DirectX 9.0c API's, and also Direct3D Calls, because without a really good knowelege of those also, you are in for a world of disappointment. Just my 2 cents.
  8. I dont have those games, so I cant test the problem. In general, unloading dashlaunch is a bad idea, especially if you are using it to block live. The freestyle plugin also takes advantage of dashlaunch features. That being said, I was talking about things like XBDM.xex or a live server plugin being loaded could cause issues. As for it saying you are running TU0 that is just a representation based upon what the system sees, and I would bet the TU file was corrupted on download. Easy way to check is to enable it, launch the game, then check on the hdd in System Settings, under the game. It will tell you if there is a corrupted file. if that is the case, you will have to delete the file from aurora, and download it again, re enable it, and try again. You could also try disabling the screenshot portion of the plugin, which could be causing you issues with the game. without more information, it is hard to say what the issue is.
  9. You dont have to point out how powerful the Utility Scripts can be. I already know what is capable with them, I was just pointing out a few caveats that would be difficult to overcome with the current API. Even if you could stream them in an MP4 format, which would be much more bandwidth intensive than flv, or html5, you would still have to find a way to interact with the Video XUI element, which is really restrictive on what it can do. And since you cant currently take advantage of the video card hardware, to do on the fly conversions to formats that would be usable by the Video element, it would be a lot of work. Also, Kodi uses Python for most of its stuff, which in a lot of ways is similar to a scripted version of C, there is a lot more that can be done there, since you can expand the api with an addon .py file. Not saying you cant do this with LUA, but what is included is very basic, and would need huge libraries added with a script. These libraries would also have to be coded for the PPC64 arch the xbox is running, which is a pain also. As you said, to do this, and do it right, you would need more for the API, and possibly a port of FFMPEG, that is tied into the api. Long story short, it is a lot of work. MaesterRowen has been playing with a port of a basic MP3 library, and even that is a lot of work, video is on a whole different level than sound.
  10. There are a lot of fixes coming to a bunch of things this go around. The real question is what is causing the problem. The plugin has generally never caused any issues with games, as it runs in a different memory space, and is not connected to game memory. There might be a conflict with a combination of a dashlaunch plugin, and the freestyle plugin that causes an issue with that game specifically.
  11. Not quite sure how you would stream them with out a html5/flash video player, which is not included in Aurora Scripting. Patching out live checks would probably be the easier option, which could be done with a trainer, but this would need to be modified everytime there is an update to the app. Maybe you could tie it into the built in html5/flash libraries of the xbox browser, but I dont know if this is feasible at this point either.
  12. This is much better than what I released a year or so ago. I would recommend using this, as it has a much better representation of what is going on, and gives you the ability to easily change values. I tried to keep my script as simple as possible, as I wrote it on a lunch break while I was working. lol. That being said, keep up the good work.
  13. It is possible, you have to join your account to a room for the game in question on the unity website. Then you launch the game, and it should work. Due to the emulator, you cant use the hud, but it doesnt unload the plugin, so the link service still works.
  14. If you edit the ini, it will set the values back to the stock values that are stored in the INI file. The hasRun option is set on first run so it doesnt overwrite the stock values everytime you run the script. If it shutsdown, it got to the end of the script, as that is the last line. It was a simple script, I wrote as a proof of concept, but I honestly havnt thought about it since I wrote it, which was about a year ago. Honestly, I dont think I have it on my computer anymore, as that is how much I cared about it. All it does is log the values that are currently set if hasRun != 1, and then it will take the current value and decrease it by a percentage, which can be changed in the script, and writes the values to the smc_config, then shutsdown. If I remember correctly, the changes werent implemented with out a hard reboot, hence the shutdown. Hope that helps, but if you dont understand, then I would suggest not using the script, and changing the values manually to the temps you prefer.
  15. it modifies the smc_config in the nand. The temps stored in the ini are for returning it to default. The only way to verify that it worked as it should would be to dump the nand, and see if the values change in the smc_config.
  16. The only risk to removing the x-clamp is how you do it. EG. if you dont have the tool to do it, and are using needle nose pliers or a flat head screw driver, and your hand slips, you could knock a component off the board. Just be careful, and everything will be fine. Also, make sure you get all the old stuff off, or the residue will interfere with the thermal transfer.
  17. You put the folder in the rar into aurora\user\scripts(i think, it has been a while), or with the rest of the scripts. Then run it. the console should reboot. It will then decrease the target temps by 15% to 20% every time you run the script. You can change how much the script decreases the temps by modifying the percentage. I tried to make the script as simple as possible, but it is kind of dangerous also, if you dont understand what it is doing.
  18. Could easily search by name and filter out everything that doesnt support link on unity. Should give you a decent idea.
  19. I havnt had that problem. Maybe the server isnt redirecting you to the https instead of http. Then again, I just tried that, and it redirected me, so I couldnt tell you why you are having this issue.
  20. Did you try enabling fakelive in dashlaunch? I dont know, I havnt tested this on an RGH.
  21. This will be fixed in Aurora 0.7b which will allow you to set things like fakelive in game settings, so if a game requires it, it will be enabled for that game, and disabled when leaving the game. There are a few other settings that will be able to be set on a per game basis also.
  22. I believe felida included my version in this tutorial. It has been a long time since I worked on this, or even thought about it.
  23. There werent SSL errors, as there was no SSL to begin with, that was added with this site update. The errors were more about the server not being able to handle the amount of connections at any given time.
  24. While you see FPS stuff in the video, that is for testing purposes for aurora, for the devs, to help track graphical problems. Adding such a feature to a "games" in general is not possible, as that would need to be added to the game code, and has nothing to do with Aurora. If you can get all of the game developers to release their source code, then the feature could be added, but that will never happen.
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