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Found 15 results

  1. Hello, I've attempted to run DJ Hero 2 from my internal storage in multiple different ways and nothing seems to work. Disc version runs fine but loading from internal causes crash when trying to load the main menu after the intro cutscenes. Disc to GOD = crash Downloaded back up disc rip to internal storage = crash I've tried to use latest TU and no TU. Crash. Disable my only plugin which is proto. Crash. No DLC installed for game. Internal storage is a 1TB SSD. This is the only game that causes an issue. Running Aurora 0.7b. IDK what else to try. Anyone have any insight? Logs are attached. debug.log.last debug.log
  2. its been years since this game got out i know, but ive been having this problem for a long time now and i cant complete the game! The game start off fine, everything goes smooth for a while until after a few missions it shows "Fatal crash intercepted" and the whole xbox just freezes. I thought it might be a problem with my account or my save file or some thing, so i restarted the game from scratch on a new account and on a clean hard drive and yet at the same point it crashes again. ANY IDEA WHY THIS PROBLEM IS OCCURRING ? PLEASE HELP!
  3. I was going to record some footage for my brother-in-law of some of the stuff I made in Minecraft, but it just keeps crashing. I thought it may have had to do with a dashlaunch setting that I had to change because of San Andreas HD crashing last year, I switched that setting back but it still does nothing for Minecraft. Things I've tried: 1. Moved game save to USB to see if it was a corrupt save, apparently that is not the issue. 2. Cleared System Cache from NXE, did not help. 3. Tried different TU's, did not help. At this point I can't even get to the point of loading the world, it crashes just after the publisher/developers screens at the beginning
  4. Hi, earlier today I was patching DLC for The Walking Dead through 360mpgui to get it to work. Seeing it worked, I tried the same with season 2 DLC, extracting it through Horizon, patching it with 360mpgui and putting it back in with Horizon again. I haven't put any plugins in my ini file or however it works, the only things I did between the last time it started Aurora fine and now that I get the Fatal Crash Intercepted Error are the ones listed above. I'm still new and learning about these things, so when experimenting I tried deleting all the files that I changed through Horizon and 360mpgui, plugging the HDD in after the console startup (showing my Arcade games inside "My Games" tab, and being able to play them) and deleting the HDD cache. Anybody knows how to fix this please? Thank you. So I changed launch.ini to access directly to the Xbox 360 dashboard. Inside I launched xexmenu and tried to start Aurora's .xex and that's what giving me the fatal crash.
  5. I need help please, anyone who may know the answer. Im using Aurara 5b on a RGH corona, I had GTA 5 working just fine, I install some trainer from XZY mod and now my GTA restarts the xbox, I tried delete the game and reinstall, I delete the DLC's, I unstall the tralers, I installed different tiltle update and uninstalled them, still the same, the game restart the Xbox, can anyone tell me how to fix this.
  6. I own a standard JTAG that uses XeX Menu. When I tried switching from FSD to Aurora, the system would crash. I tried opening the "default.xex" for both verion 0.5b, and 0.6b. But they both would crash XeX, send me back to the normal console home page and display this error message: " The game could not start. Please download the game again. For more help, go to www.xbox.com/support. " Hit me up if you got a solution because I really need to use the updated LiNK since FSD is no longer supported. ASAP
  7. hi, First: Sorry for my bad english. i hope u can understand my Problems. i have installed Aurora 0.6 and everthing works perfecly. It download the GamesCovers (like my first Dash FSD 3). But when i download TU´s it will Show nothing (only the Install Path). Also when i will Play (Black Ops 3) in System link, i press system link on the guide. Then my xbox shutdown immidiently. I logged in with my Unity ACC (no Problem) and everything passed on LiNK test. i activate the portforwarding and Extendet Host fo my xbox IP adress. i checked with Dashlunch the settinges. but no success... please help my :-) Greetings for Germany
  8. I recently got a new 1TB HDD. I was using a 320GB HDD internally, and wanted more space. Oblivion and Skyrim worked without issue on the 320GB. Skyrim runs fine with the base game with TU10. When the game tries to load DLC from the HDD, the game causes a fatal crash. The DLC worked on the 320GB HDD. I have tried several times to move the DLC over. I have done it via FTP. I have done it via a jump drive formatted as a memory unit. I even found another source for the DLC, thinking perhaps my first source had somehow become corrupted. The new source did the same thing. Testing each DLC individually, Dawnguard loads, but Hearthfire and Dragonborn cause a crash. Oblivion is kinda the same. When I tell it to search the HDD for DLC, it doesn't crash, but when I tell it to start a new game, the 360 just locks up. For some reason XboxUnity does not have a TU for Oblivion, so I had to look online to find TU3. Any ideas on what could be causing these issues? EDIT: I have figured out the Skyrim issue. Aurora downloaded TU10, but for some reason, did not not enable the TU to be applied. The Oblivion issue still persists.
  9. Today i had the Problem that when i search with FileZilla the Xbox completly freezes also the NXE Guide Button is not working. FileZilla - Server - Search for Data on Server After a few seconds the FTP Connection breaks and Xbox Freeze. And another thing. Searching via FTP using Windows Explorer ( Windows 7 x64 Bit ) is not doable. 1. it is only searching for Files not for Folders 2. it is not working when you search for longer names Greeds BestNoob * Edit Okay Aurora / Xbox only crashes when you search the whole system or HDD my be because of to many requests in a short time.
  10. Hi, I wanna to request something which is often seen from emulators: Savestates. Reason: Who don't know that moment, you play something like Splinter Cell Conviction, there is a fight or something else and sometimes, you are tired about trying and failing the last part of a level before you can save. Happens oftenly in Alien Isolation or Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005) because... THE FUCKING GAME CRASHES SOMEWHERE AND I DUNNO HAVE A LOG ABOUT IT!... Ok... srsly... that's not so nice... but as mentioned before, there are many games where you can not safe there, where you want or make more than one safe... without any large sentences, it's possible because the RAM of the 360 is only 512mb big so in worst case, dumping the full RAM if needed, will take 50sec which is acceptable if you think about how many new ways you'll get or profit from this function. I know that making savestate don't always work like I think, that there are probably smarter and faster ways but anyway, I would like to suggest this function which would be cool Hope we can discuss about it. Have a nice Day Pascal
  11. Hi folks I am using a 2TB internal HDD and all my content is stored there. My games are stored as GOD. My drive structure is as follows: / -Content -Cache -RGH: With the following subfolders: --SYSTEM: (With utilities folders lile F3, Dashlaunch...) --XBOX360GAMES: My XB360 games (60) --EMUS --HOMEBREW --XBLA: My XBLA games (600+) I have a small 60 XB360 game library that F3 goes along well with. No problems when I am on the XB360 area. I have the full collection of XBLA games until May 2014. It is a big library with more than 600 games. Around 30 seconds after going into the XBLA section in F3 the dashboard crash miserably on me I have disabled automatic scanning on start and have scanned all the content manually. I choose directly the XBLA type before setting the path, I don't use AUTO and use middle resolution for the game covers. How do you deal with big libraries so F3 does not crash when loading the section? I have to still check any crash logs. Have still not read where I can find them. Any advice is very welcome. Thanks.
  12. I've been using FTP for around a few months and transferred around 30 to 40 games to my jtag. but recently , i've been having a really annoying problem. Everytime I FTP a game over , and load it (both through the .xex and shortcut in the game library) it says "Fatal Crash Intercepted". I've made sure that all the files have been transferred. It's happened with 3 games already. Although the last game I did it on (Street Fighter x Tekken) Worked just fine. I haven't tried doing it directly from a USB because i dont have access to one. If I could hook up my JTAG HDD to my PC and install the games directly with the SATA cable, could that fix it ? Thanks for reading (:
  13. Hey guys. I got some problem with my black ops 2. I played Black ops 2 in sigleplayer perfectly but on LiNK it's impossible. When I try to join the game on link It crashes. "Fatalcrash intercepted" I don't know what is the problem... I hope you can help me out! I'm using the latest FSD and Dash lunch.
  14. Hello everyone, So I'm having a problem loading Skyrim from a ConX location. I've got the latest TU, FSD version, and Dashboard version. Other games load from their ConX location without issue and Skyrim loads from the internal HDD without issue. Has anyone else experienced this problem and have a fix? Or am I just gonna have to bite the bullet and keep Skyrim stored locally? Thanks
  15. Hi guys! Have a BIG Call of Duty Black ops 2 problem!When i try to join with mine another controller in Zombies, Multiplayer (Offline) i always getting instant Fatal Crash Intercepted and when Cod is closing. Who can help me?P.S Dashlaunch 3.06 no freezing but fatal crash intercepted, i can play perfect when im single, but cant play split-screen.
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