Mattie 0 Posted July 7, 2014 OMG love dis releaze, just one small thing, could you change it to be exactly like FSDD3 rev 775 cause tabs are super duper and I hate learneing how to do new things and also could you make it be like M$ dash instead cause I changed my mind and also will this be live safe cause if it's not you guys are total boner heads cause I saw a guy do it on youtube with COD sniper modz and it was totes legit cause it was on youtube, plus I won't be donating my monies cause I'm totes broke from buying a $300 RGH and also it should grant wishes and make my dad respect me. K thx bye! People like you make it all worth while Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tx3 5 Posted July 8, 2014 hey i may sound rude or dumb, i am really dont lol. but look here's my point : and please it's just my thought, dont get hurt or anything! i know you have an idea at what you doing and why you doing it like that ...but look at this: first of all i dont have my box around n i did not have the Chance to try your diamant myself but as far as i understood and correct me if i am wrong filters are spaces that i can fill myself..right? if that is true Tabs > Filters ..why? well F3 did it for me, splitted my games and filtered it in xbox, xbla ..and so on and gave me the option to move it also. U said go away if you dont like it please! why you mad bro XD just kidding u didn't say that..i really want to leave F3, if you felt it's rude what i said, i am sorry.i really am..i really happy you guys doing this and try new thing's .but old thing's are not bad all the time..i just want to help or at least give my thoughts...every big company Listen to there customers right?! one more Thing ...let it boot into coverflow, great idea...totally with it..but have it filter my other thing for me, maybe in a sub menu press 'A' and a The background gets dimmed and 4 Symbols come up with the icon's of XBLA, Homebrew, Emulators. wouldn't that be cool? if you like it ..give it a go, if dont ..well we have filters ..not so bad thank you guys! i really mean it! i gonna play some COD now on my 300$ RGh Xbox .maybe watch some youtube later..saw some good things there you might also check out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teemo Kog 0 Posted July 8, 2014 Plz make a decent menu to boot to and make at least 85% of the wallpaper visible because if there is no menu then there is no replecement for FSD3 and if there is no wallpaper then why not stick with M$ dash. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spkleader 1 Posted July 8, 2014 This is the right place for the infamous "Feature Request"? How about a option *per game* to control fakelive setting in dashlaunch? So one could leave it disabled by default and enable only in games that requires it. e.g. Call of Duty Ghosts requires fakelive on in order to get voice chat working while Halo Spartan Assault crashes if that option is turned on. That would be the end of this problem. Thanks again for Aurora. Awesomeness! SpkLeader Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattie 0 Posted July 8, 2014 This is the right place for the infamous "Feature Request"? How about a option *per game* to control fakelive setting in dashlaunch? So one could leave it disabled by default and enable only in games that requires it. e.g. Call of Duty Ghosts requires fakelive on in order to get voice chat working while Halo Spartan Assault crashes if that option is turned on. That would be the end of this problem. Thanks again for Aurora. Awesomeness! SpkLeader I can put that one on the bottom of the list see if we could ever do something with that or not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flappyraccoon 0 Posted July 8, 2014 It's probably just how I have multi disc games set up on the hdd but the auto swap feature included in the Freestyle plugin doesn't auto swap discs for every multi disc game. Normally I use dashlaunch auto swap and all of the multi disc games are in GOD format. Disabled Dashlaunch auto swap to test out the Freestyle plugin to see if that was fixed since 735/775 plugin versions. Some games work with the Freestyle plugin like Castlevania Lords of Shadow but others like Blue Dragon fail. Not sure if this is a known issue and planned for a fix or not. Going back to Dashlaunch auto swap for now. On the plus side games that failed to load in FSD 775 but would load in 735 seem to all load in Aurora so good work! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheNiceSpy 0 Posted July 8, 2014 Hi guys! First of all I wanna thank you for this awesome dash you made for us, it's so fast and smooth. As I have read through the comments I saw a lot of people are asking for some kind of category switching between 360 games, XBLA, homebrew, etc... I think it could be done in a really easy and clean way by assigning the D-pad up and down buttons (or LB/RB) to jump between categories. So the dash could start with loading the 360 games in front of us and for example if we press down on the d-pad it would show the XBLA games, if we press down again, the Xbox Classic games and so on, and so on... The selected category name could be written in the upper left corner. I already love this dash, but if you could add a feature like this it would be even more awesome! Thank you guyz again, and wish you the best! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
porcusor40 0 Posted July 8, 2014 Hi, I use the "Aurora" and I'm very satisfied. Thank you!I dont know yet why, after using "system link" after the game is complet, get me out of the game and appear the error "fatal error intercepted".I did update the "Title manage", but appear with red colour in the interface "System Link", as if it was made ​​this update. Maybe it's a bug and I wish(my observation) to help you the next version of "Aurora". Best Regards Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Walter Lambert 2 Posted July 8, 2014 This is the right place for the infamous "Feature Request"? How about a option *per game* to control fakelive setting in dashlaunch? So one could leave it disabled by default and enable only in games that requires it. e.g. Call of Duty Ghosts requires fakelive on in order to get voice chat working while Halo Spartan Assault crashes if that option is turned on. That would be the end of this problem. Thanks again for Aurora. Awesomeness! SpkLeader I gotta second that one, it'd be pretty nice to have custom DL settings for some games. Loving Aurora so far though. It's sexy and god damn is it fast! Put's FSD to shame there. I would like to see like a wallpaper option (without having to change the theme) though. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moses_373 154 Posted July 8, 2014 Just booted my console without my externals plugged in and noticed that all the titles belonging to both of those drives were dimmed out and the dashboard would not attempt to launch them, bravo! Little touches like that are making this a great dash! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barelynotlegal 3 Posted July 8, 2014 nice, would like to say thanX for keeping this alive. i like fsd but felt that it was a little laggish at times, and almost seemed like i was running evox or unleashX from the original xbox days. dont get me wrong have alot of respect for FSD team. cant wait to try this out. just got DL'ing it and plan to run.can i run it as app until final release or does it auto install once XeX is ran? one thing would be cool is while using link to browse rooms would be some type of chat or messaging. thanX in advance Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saywaking 291 Posted July 8, 2014 I gotta second that one, it'd be pretty nice to have custom DL settings for some games. Loving Aurora so far though. It's sexy and god damn is it fast! Put's FSD to shame there. I would like to see like a wallpaper option (without having to change the theme) though. Like activating custom title updates. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johan1973 1 Posted July 8, 2014 I am getting multiple entries of "Child of Light" in my list in Aurora. is there any way to fix this? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saywaking 291 Posted July 8, 2014 Is it just that or other stuff also ? Where did you put it into? did you check the folder and its content ? how is the path setup (incl depth) ? You should answer all these questions and give all of them information Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johan1973 1 Posted July 8, 2014 Yes, I checked the folder and its contents. Its in USB0:\Games\Xbox360\C\Child of Light folder. Scan depth is 8. So far it is the only game I have found that ends up in a multiple entry like that. Update: Any logs etc. that I can contribute to help solve it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saywaking 291 Posted July 8, 2014 Yeah, put always all info what you can provide, if you expect good support. So what exactly is tyou scan path I think your scan settings are just bad Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Walter Lambert 2 Posted July 8, 2014 nice, would like to say thanX for keeping this alive. i like fsd but felt that it was a little laggish at times, and almost seemed like i was running evox or unleashX from the original xbox days. dont get me wrong have alot of respect for FSD team. cant wait to try this out. just got DL'ing it and plan to run.can i run it as app until final release or does it auto install once XeX is ran? one thing would be cool is while using link to browse rooms would be some type of chat or messaging. thanX in advance It isn't an installer, it's a stand alone app. Atm I've still got FSD as default and I can run Aurora as needed too but despite being alpha it's pretty solid. I could definitely see using it by default. It seems like they're going for a more simplistic streamlined design and even the alpha seems to handle that pretty good. It managed to scan all my folders and get pics in probably a quarter of the time it would of took FSD. edit: Honestly probably the only reason it isn't my default yet is laziness. It definitely will be soon. Like others have said FSD always felt like unleashx (xbox 1) to me and this feels like homebrew on the 360 should. 2nd edit: I downloaded a new game so I thought it'd be interesting to time FSD and Aurora at scanning my hard drive (aside from the new game both already had their library's built), my hard drive's got 900gb worth of content already but FSD took 7:25 and Aurora took 3:10. Obviously these numbers are very scientifical and should be taken quite seriously Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kebob 5 Posted July 9, 2014 This is great to see! I do think it should lean a little towards the original FSD concept back in 1.x where there would be 4 groups, Games, orig, Homebrew, and Emulators. But maybe that can be done some other way now, I guess it is still a alpha. So it looks really promising. And the speed is impressive to say the least. If there is something else I could say it would be to make it so that the community could add things into the Dashboard application through plugins. For example you could create a Main Menu that has Games(which goes to where it is now in the alpha) | Then any other tabs could be added in by Plugins. That would go to the plugin so that way people could add in other systems that work with Aurora. You could even create a API to give functions to the plugins... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johan1973 1 Posted July 9, 2014 I also get duplicates of Dragon Age:Origins, path HDD1:\Contents\0000000000000\, Scan Depth 2. The games that has multiple entries, seems to gain one each time there is a scan performed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tamasnemeti 1 Posted July 9, 2014 As one other person said before me, it would be nice if you could implement some kind of menu - the console boots into the games page (which is already filtered and FINE), but by pressing back/start or one of the thumbs there would be a menu popping up, with all the saved filters (or predefined folders/filters like XBLA/homebrew etc.) you've created before. So this menu wouldn't be always visible - only when the user wants to see it by pressing for example the right thumbstick. Well it works like pretty much as the folders in F3, but the skin would remain minimalistic due it would be just optional to use. I think more people would accept the skin this way. It's kind of the same if we could have a filter save option, so we can have so to say 4-5 filters saved, then pressing the thumbstick, a menu popping up and a filter can be choosed. It is pretty much the same thing. Scratch that. Finally got to try Aurora. My thoughs: the filtering works just fine (not really, can't list any other type of app than xbox 360 games, and combining the different filter options is not possible - eg. list all all arcade and standard games but not the homebrew apps - homebrew list option does not work at all I might add (at least for me)), but you should make it easier to access the filtering options. Pressing B, scrolling down, choosing it then going back all the time is not really a good solution imho (TheNiceSpy's solution also seems considerable for me). You should make the filtering more accessible by binding the the filter tab (or pop-up window, whatever) to a unique button (like Left/Right thumbstick push). One (or two) other thing I would like to ask for: first of all please include temperature values and HDD space status on the information tab (theres pleanty of space to add them there). Secondly, please add the possibility to change the background image on the dash (some pre-defined color schemes would also be nice). These are not number one priority issues (or issues at all), but please think about them, it wouldbe terrific if you could implement these features. Also, let me thank you for your work, I was looking for a good minimalistic appeal for a long-long time. One more thing to add: is there any ETA for updates/final release? No pressure, I am just keen to see Aurora in it's full beauty as soon as possible. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tx3 5 Posted July 9, 2014 i just tried it out the first time ...yep i thought ..filter..are no solution...i stay on FS3 for now, everything is better organized with tab's. but it's fast ..that's good Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swizzy 2086 Posted July 9, 2014 i just tried it out the first time ...yep i thought ..filter..are no solution...i stay on FS3 for now, everything is better organized with tab's. but it's fast ..that's good Filtering does work, if you use it correctly... Homebrew/Applications are filtered based on the script data and not content type... if you check the lua it tells you alot more then you think, even if you don't know coding Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tx3 5 Posted July 10, 2014 ering does work, if you use it correctly... Homebrew/Applications are filtered based on the script data and not content type... if you check the lua it tells you alot more then you think, even if you don't know coding no no u got me wrong,.i can confirm it works, i just think it's no replacement for tabs that's all ..i like the box animation when you flip the games it's all well done .stable ..super!..looking forward what you guys will bring up next, as far as what i saw, i know yo gonna do a great job. But for now FS3 is better for me, i pay the price for that and have to use the slower software :,(.very guys could be the soul of the scene. good luck! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dar Ren Wen 0 Posted July 10, 2014 How to migrate from FSD to Aurora? or just launch it as new dash? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swizzy 2086 Posted July 10, 2014 How to migrate from FSD to Aurora? or just launch it as new dash? Just launch it like you do with F3... no difference really... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites