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Found 72 results

  1. NetISO server is designed to connect with more than one console simultaneously. You can even stream the same game at the same time on both consoles with the obvious side effect of the game running slower cause the seeking is jumping all over the place between multiple consoles. That said, it hasnt been physically tested yet- but in theory, it should work just fine. Also yes, we will be releasing the netiso server source code with the hopes that people will be able to port it to other systems and to add features to it, optimize it, etc. Currently, it is written in C# >.>.
  2. I am good with getting what is done out now. The changes look significant enough for it to be a major upgrade. The netISO would be really nice yo have though. If we can release .7 without netISO and NOT hold up dev on that front then I am all for it.
  3. At the moment it is basically the same. The only new feature is NetISO, which might not be included if 0.7b is released as it is, as Ro was taking about disabling it until the bugs are worked out. Link works the same, as this is just the beginning of things to come for nova. Yes, it will be released along with 0.7b, but it is basically the same plugin with some backend fixes, and some rebranding for aurora. It will be exactly the same as the freestyle plugin you are currently using, as far as interacting with it, unless we put off the release for fixing NetISO, and finishing the WebUI. Other than that there are no noticable changes from a end user standpoint. LinkV2 is still in early development, so dont get your hopes up for any of the features that were promised in the Nova teaser thread.
  4. Just saw that the dev stopped... too bad i must admit i was waiting patiently for NetISO (i use a NAS for iso loading through connectx atm but ye SMB version is full of vulnerabilities, tho it’s just a home server so as long as no one breaches in my network i’m safe)
  5. You dont have to put GOD formatted games in the content folder. DLC yes, but Aurora will launch the game fine from the folder that is scanned for games. This sounds like a content patch issue, or a file corruption issue. As for dissassembling nova, not sure what the point in that would be unless you were looking for the netISO code, which was disabled for a reason. lol.
  6. Been messing with my PS2 lately & loved the idea of loading games via SMB with OPL. Just wished the 360 had something similar, & just found it has.... For awhile too with ConnectX.... But, Im not sure whether or not to test it out now or wait for Netiso. Hopefully everything is going well on it & have a release in the near future.
  7. Thanx alot @gavin_darkglider ive gotta question any eta on NETISO sounds good and promising lol 😁
  8. could we maybe get a nibble of whats being worked on right now or maybe something new coming to the table something like a teaser of a teaser been quite on here lately. i love the last release and in noway saying get back to work or put out a update if this was the last update i be fine with that. i just know its not from your guys talk. i cant wait for netiso to come out (actually i can wait ) i just mad ea unraid sever and love to use it for my 360 i already use it for my ps2 ps1 games (opl) now if only some one would make a wii game streaming program then i could get rid of the usb hdd on the wii. anyway love your guys work playing on donating when i get paid. have you guys thought of patreon. just wandering i be will to pledge some each mouth anything to help. also when i come on here and read post about when will it come out or just release it now i find that so ignorant, i mean its not yours to dictate. thats so like the uk say usa give me all coke products right now for free its no there call its yours. i also wanted to ask this i know this is not going open source for many reasons as i can read old post and just just ask and be lazy. but will you guy open it up once all of you deside one day ya we're done. not going to work with it anymore, im moving on the xbox one. i would just hate for it to get lost that way. like with the original xbox i like User Interface X and the just give up and after a while some one got the beta of uix 2 but was buggy and unfinished and if that had the source there was a guy saying he try to complete it. i just hate for that to repeat itself with this project. but at the end of the day its your call, not mine, or anyone elses. just been wanting to ask this for a while. ps sorry for mistakes in the writing as im on my phone with some loud kids running around me so plz forgive me -jen
  9. It is mainly just bug fixes. Stuff the community found, that the testers missed. A few tranlation bugs, removes NetISO from HUD for now. It also adds a lot of the community translation files, since the team is lacking in translators. It should also fix the RSS feed bugs that have been randomish.
  10. killigeo


    eh i was just curious. i thought Netiso was going to be service provided by you guys.
  11. Swizzy


    Hasn't happened for Aurora, why would it happen for NetISO?
  12. I just wanted to say THANKS!! To the people involved in this project, it's awesome how everything has evolved. Aurora works perfectly fine, all the options available are really useful. I want to ask too about what is netISO, haven't found anything related online. And also will like to know more about the implementation of some sort of communication platform in link (as I read is being worked on). That would be great, as of right now is the only thing that I've missed :) Thanks a lot guys!!!!! ps/ to the whoever say shit about aurora..... F*ck you!!!!!!! ;)
  13. https://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/search/&q=Netiso&search_and_or=or
  14. Thanks for the update guys.Also i am getting a new NetISO option (on that thing that pops up when you press the XBOX icon on the controller sorry can't remember what it's called) so what's it about?
  15. It all depends... for NetISo you do need all titles to be iso's, so connectx still has it's function....
  16. No, but NetISO might make connectX obsolete. SMBDLL only covers the server, ConnectX is a client for SMB servers.
  17. First, Nova is way more than just a webUI. Nova handles Link, NetISO, Webui, etc. There is much more planned for Nova, this is just the beginning. The WebUI is just a small piece of what Nova has to offer.
  18. I'm super excited about NetISO, can we expect this feature will be released at this year?
  19. Thanks for the awesome work guys! Great release with some great features Now for NetISO which i am sure will be amazing when its ready for its limelight
  20. First, how can you say that Nova looks great if you have no idea what it is. Nova is the replacement for the freestyle plugin. It handles the new webUI, Link, NetISO, and the Custom Hud. It has been upgraded in the backend, and will include a ton of other stuff, as time goes on. There is a whole redesign to link that has been planned for years now.
  21. At this point, for the end user, Nova is basically an upgraded Freestyle Plugin. Other than the new WebUI, the only other new feature in Nova is the NetISO stuff, and it is disabled, as the community voted that they didnt want to wait for us to finish it for the Aurora 0.7b release. This doesnt include an upgrade to the Link Service, which we teased about in the Nova thread so long ago. That is still to come, just not with 0.7b, as there was a lot of stuff that needed to be updated in the back end of the plugin, before we started adding that stuff. It also would mean some serious reconfiguration of the server stuff as well.
  22. I think you mean NetIso not netbios(Microsoft networking protocol, similar to DNS)
  23. The Xbox 360 is far from dead. There are still tons of people who still have RGH/JTAG boxes, and dont have the next gen systems. The fact you think you would have finished the project along time ago is laughable at best. For those who have never programmed before, let alone programmed for a big endian processor like the PPC64 in the 360, keep your mouth shut, because you have no idea what goes into a project like this. Parts of it work with the API in the Xbox360 XDK, other parts have to be written in assembly, such as taking over the HUD with the plugin, because microsoft never intended for people to do this. So when you learn to program in Visual C++, Assembly with a PPC Processor, and work around the stripped down version of DirectX 9.0c that the xbox 360 depends on, then you can tell every one what a badass programmer you are, and how fast you feel it should take to finish a project as intense as Aurora. Truth is, it takes time to work out the bugs, and sometimes, fixing a small problem in one spot could change something else completly, and cause new bugs. On top of that, other then most of the new features, we are also pushing out the first version of nova with this build, which fixes alot of the bugs in the FSPlugin, and we are still trying to work out a few small bugs there, so we can get the rest of the new stuff like NetIso, and LinkV2 complete. The first version of the new webui also comes with that. You have no idea how much has gone into this build alone. On my computer alone, I have 15 different versions of 0.7b. If you want it so bad, I will PM you the copy that crashes the moment you hit a button. Then you can say you have 0.7b, but will still be stuck in the same boat as everyone else running 0.6b, because you cant use 0.7b. Lets just put it this way, you seem to think we arent working on it, but 0.6b was released at r1238, and the current test build is r1554. That means that between 0.6b and 0.7b currently there have been 316 versions of 0.7b, and it still isnt ready for the public quite yet. That being said, this comes to the either put up or shut up, and stop complaining, because you really have no idea what you are talking about.
  24. NetISO only works with SVOD(GOD), and ISO formats currently. dont worry though, you can still use ConnectX, which will continue to be supported..... unless someone ports a better SMB client to the xbox 360, in which case that might get included, and connectx removed. doubtful though.
  25. ConnectX will never be updated to run faster. It is out of our control, as it is a plugin from an actual devkit, that has been byte patched to work with a retail kernel. Aurora/FSD load, and run the functions in the XEX/DLL. We understand it is slow, but never fear, we are working on a new solution called NetISO, that will be included in Nova, when it is ready. From my testing, using ethernet, it is super fast, but it also requires that your games be in ISO/SVOD format(Currently) I think you are confusing the SMB plugin with ConnectX. The SMB Plugin is a server plugin, so you can access your xbox hard drive via SMB Shares. ConnectX connects to SMB shares, but is really slow and dated on the SMB standard, as the plugin is older than Windows Vista. lol. For the rest of you, here is a quick update..... I think we are close to release..... The Nova WebUI is finally being tested, and is quite a bit nicer than the one included with FSD, if you ask me. Since that was the last major thing, it should be soon.....
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