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Found 301 results

  1. I will list here all things i recognize. Aurora 0.4b - Fatal Crash when launching xex from CD - Title Update Backup really needed ? - Aurora does not apply older TU when there are newer ones in XXXXXXXX / 000B0000 directory @ 09.04.2015 - First Aurora detected already installed TU´s , but after some days aurora do not longer recognice this already installed TU´s and DLC´s !
  2. Installing and using FSD3 and Aurora at same time. Does this make complications or is it working fine ? Is a Database (Savegame) integration from FSD3 / FSD2 to Aurora in the future a added feature ?
  3. I didnt found a thread about this. So i start one. Team Xecuter Fusion - called TX Fusion or Fusion FreeStyleDash 2 - called FSD or FSD2 FreeStyleDash 3 - called FSD3 or F3 Aurora - called Aurora Am i right when i say that FSD and Fusion are dead projects and no longer supported ? So Aurora is the only one thats made for the future.
  4. Hi, Is it possible to make a backup from my game names and covers? The problem is when i install a new version of Aurora i simply delete the old Aurora folder and copy the new one on my external HDD, but then i have to change my game names all over again and change all the covers i manually changed with the Unity website. So is there a solution that i won't have to edit all the names and covers again and simply backup a file with all the information?
  5. moh97

    .asset file

    I can't sleep in the night thinking how to extract the .asset file (the file in aurora GameData folder) i try every thing to know what's really type using "trid" but i got nothing plz help me and tell me how to extract it i'm trying to make a program like GaDaBaMa NOTE:I'm a real noob i got my first xbox 360 from 1 month ago :$ :$ GC41560845.zip
  6. Hey,i've seen that people have a game description and a proper marketplace rating when pressing "Details" at some game.. when i press Details it shows the stars of rate but they are white (which means no rate given). The description says "Synopsis this is an installd game , to play insert the original game disc" (of course the game is working without it but still no proper game description) Any idea how to get it work ? it might be a small thing but its a good add-on and i want to know how can i fix it (maybe i did something wrong and thats why its not working) Thanks!
  7. Pt-Br Pessoal, obrigado pelo excelente trabalho. As minhas sugestões são as seguintes. Uma forma de baixar os trainers direto da Aurora, assim como é feito com as TU's. Tornaria muito mais rápido a forma como são feitas as buscas e os downloads. Um feed de noticias relacionadas as novidades da xbox unity ou da cena xbox. Tenho outras sugestões, irei elaborar com mais calma e volto ao tópico assim que souber explicar do que se trata. En-Us Staff, thank you for the excellent work. My suggestions are the following. A way to download the trainers straight from the Aurora, as well as is done with the TU's. Would make it much faster to how they are made searches and downloads. A news feed related to the news of the xbox unity, or of the xbox scene. I have other suggestions, I will elaborate with more calm and get back to the topic so that you know to explain what it is. Thank you all and I apologize for the bad English.
  8. thanks to all participating realmodscene and everyone that surfaced possible link you are genius. I have some suggestions to improve aurora is before before playing a game with system link I can see how many people are playing the game and so if you have not nobody playing I need not open the game and see it is a waste of time. See list of friends add delete, block. and able to see through the dawn screensshots and can delete. if we can send xbox files to the PC through the own aurora makes it easier. When we are playing and a friend comes online example we warned: "PLAYER" THIS ONLINE. And to improve the plugin can configure dawn to automatically enter one in fuller light rom never pass 32
  9. This is just the default aurora skin with an animated background and a slightly altered game title bar, everything else is stock. I'm not going to do any major work on these designs atm , maybe once these guys decide to take a break but for now i'm going to put out a couple new skins and a couple I'm going to redo from some old skins that people used to like back in the day (yea im talking FSD2 days LOL ) More.. VIDEO CLIP Sorry vid freezes in middle, xbmovie is crap lol Many thanks as always to the dev team and site staff for their outstanding work!! Enjoy, begal moonNstars(0.5b).rar
  10. I will first thank all of you for giving me a realmodscene online experience in a rgh console, My suggestion is to update the FSD / AURORA plugin to a new function, and this function will be, have a group where consseguimos communicate via hedset or Feedback from text. I hate communicate through the game or through skype, and much easier for me to communicate a more private place where only one person can hear. If it can do this thanks
  11. Hey guys, I'm from germany and i want to connect me to the System Link. But only the UPNP failed in the settings and i can't connect to system link :/ I unlocked the ports in my router. And there iaren't who i can manage UPNP. Please help (router:speedport w724V) I'm sry for my bad english
  12. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to show your avatar (from the currently logged-in user) on the left side of the game selection screen? You still keep a good overview of the games and the avatar you've put a lot of time in isn't going to waste. I think it brightens up your Dash ;-) Possible options: - turn the avatar on or off - edit, create new, or switch the user / avatar Thanks for your fantastic work on Aurora. I'm new in Xbox 360 land and began experimenting with FSD, but when i started with Aurora i immediatly switched over.
  13. SLX360! System LiNK Xbox 360 IMPORTANTE: Destinado exclusivamente a los que usan la modalidad de interconexión (System Link) en la consola Xbox360. Si no cumple esos requisitos, esto no le servirá para nada actualmente. También decir que es reservado para la comunidad hispanohablante, tanto española como latina. Buenas a todos! El caso es que Actualmente, que yo sepa, no existe ninguna plataforma estable y actualizada (recalco actualizada) en la que los usuarios de System Link puedan darse a conocer y concretar partidas, campeonatos, y lo que surja. La idea no es distinta que las ya planteadas en algunos foros (o en este mismo), pero un poco más tomada en serio por así decirlo. Concretamente trata de crear una base de datos, disponible para todos, en la que podamos acceder y ver de manera rápida quienes juegan a nuestra hora, su país, juego preferido, etc. Mayormente lo que se pretende es crear una comunidad amplia de estos usuarios donde sepamos acabemos sabiendo horarios, días, juegos, y demás variables que nos faciliten el conocer personas afines a nosotros. Ha sido denominada esta Comunidad como Slx360 (System Link Xbox360) y para llevarse a cabo, se ha pensado lo que podría ser la mejor opción es la de crear un foro exclusivo para ello (http://slx360.foroactivo.com) en el que mediante el registro (necesario para ver todo el contenido) puedas postear en distintos juegos y a su vez ver quienes lo hacen, así detectar personas para luego buscar su franja horaria y bueno, eso ya que cada uno lo use como quiera Para la comunicación de la Comunidad Slx360 se ha creído oportuno también: - Crear un Twitter: @Slx360 (http://twitter.com/slx360) - Apertura de una página de Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/systemlink360) - Elaborar un Formulario mediante Google Drive para la base de datos púbica o agenda. - Creación de la aplicación Slx360 para Android, pudiéndose descargarse desde el dispositivo mediante el siguiente enlace: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55572629/slx360.apk (Nota: ha de habilitarse la opción “fuentes desconocidas†en el dispositivo para su correcta instalación, de cualquier modo te lo pregunta al instalarse) Sobre la aplicación. Antes de descargarla pueden verla online en vuestro navegador e interactuar con ella desde el siguiente enlace: http://h.fanapp.mobi/slx360 Importante: para poder rellenar la inscripción es necesaria una cuenta de Google (con tener Gmail es suficiente). ¿Por qué?, porque Google Drive permite, como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente, la creación de un formulario. Pero lo realmente interesante de este formulario es que las respuestas se almacenan en otro documento Drive. De ese modo, en el momento que un usuario ingresa, en el icono de contactos automáticamente se añadirá este usuario a la base de datos, y como comprenderán, tener ese proceso automatizado es muy ventajoso ya que nuestra base de datos, la de todos, iría creciendo automáticamente. Por supuesto todo esto se ve completado con el foro, que a falta de un chat estable que funcione bien (se ha puesto uno estable pero… deja que desear), nos apañaremos por los post de foro y el chat interno del mismo (situada en la parte baja del índice del foro Slx360) Ni que decir tiene que soy más nuevo en esto que la mayoría de los que lo estáis leyendo, y que mi conocimiento en la materia es ínfimo. Las ganas de poder jugar con gente al Blur (XDD) es lo que me ha llevado a aprender y conocer todo lo que os he ido comentando. La verdad que aunque no se lleve a cabo me he llevado una grata experiencia con todo ese aprendizaje (en plenos exámenes… jajajaj), y bueno, ni que decir tiene que espero que pueda llegar al máximo número de personas posibles. Naturalmente, todo lo explicado está actualmente operativo. Un saludo y gracias por su tiempo. Alfonso Pérez. Nick Xbox: fonzito_____/_____Gametag JQE360/XboxUnity: ThaMaster
  14. SLX360! System LiNK Xbox 360 IMPORTANTE: Destinado exclusivamente a los que usan la modalidad de interconexión (System Link) en la consola Xbox360. Si no cumple esos requisitos, esto no le servirá para nada actualmente. También decir que es reservado para la comunidad hispanohablante, tanto española como latina. Buenas a todos! El caso es que Actualmente, que yo sepa, no existe ninguna plataforma estable y actualizada (recalco actualizada) en la que los usuarios de System Link puedan darse a conocer y concretar partidas, campeonatos, y lo que surja. La idea no es distinta que las ya planteadas en algunos foros (o en este mismo), pero un poco más tomada en serio por así decirlo. Concretamente trata de crear una base de datos, disponible para todos, en la que podamos acceder y ver de manera rápida quienes juegan a nuestra hora, su país, juego preferido, etc. Mayormente lo que se pretende es crear una comunidad amplia de estos usuarios donde sepamos acabemos sabiendo horarios, días, juegos, y demás variables que nos faciliten el conocer personas afines a nosotros. Ha sido denominada esta Comunidad como Slx360 (System Link Xbox360) y para llevarse a cabo, se ha pensado lo que podría ser la mejor opción es la de crear un foro exclusivo para ello (http://slx360.foroactivo.com) en el que mediante el registro (necesario para ver todo el contenido) puedas postear en distintos juegos y a su vez ver quienes lo hacen, así detectar personas para luego buscar su franja horaria y bueno, eso ya que cada uno lo use como quiera Para la comunicación de la Comunidad Slx360 se ha creído oportuno también: - Crear un Twitter: @Slx360 (http://twitter.com/slx360) - Apertura de una página de Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/systemlink360) - Elaborar un Formulario mediante Google Drive para la base de datos púbica o agenda. - Creación de la aplicación Slx360 para Android, pudiéndose descargarse desde el dispositivo mediante el siguiente enlace: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55572629/slx360.apk (Nota: ha de habilitarse la opción “fuentes desconocidas†en el dispositivo para su correcta instalación, de cualquier modo te lo pregunta al instalarse) Sobre la aplicación. Antes de descargarla pueden verla online en vuestro navegador e interactuar con ella desde el siguiente enlace: http://h.fanapp.mobi/slx360 Importante: para poder rellenar la inscripción es necesaria una cuenta de Google (con tener Gmail es suficiente). ¿Por qué?, porque Google Drive permite, como ya se ha mencionado anteriormente, la creación de un formulario. Pero lo realmente interesante de este formulario es que las respuestas se almacenan en otro documento Drive. De ese modo, en el momento que un usuario ingresa, en el icono de contactos automáticamente se añadirá este usuario a la base de datos, y como comprenderán, tener ese proceso automatizado es muy ventajoso ya que nuestra base de datos, la de todos, iría creciendo automáticamente. Por supuesto todo esto se ve completado con el foro, que a falta de un chat estable que funcione bien (se ha puesto uno estable pero… deja que desear), nos apañaremos por los post de foro y el chat interno del mismo (situada en la parte baja del índice del foro Slx360) Ni que decir tiene que soy más nuevo en esto que la mayoría de los que lo estáis leyendo, y que mi conocimiento en la materia es ínfimo. Las ganas de poder jugar con gente al Blur (XDD) es lo que me ha llevado a aprender y conocer todo lo que os he ido comentando. La verdad que aunque no se lleve a cabo me he llevado una grata experiencia con todo ese aprendizaje (en plenos exámenes… jajajaj), y bueno, ni que decir tiene que espero que pueda llegar al máximo número de personas posibles. Naturalmente, todo lo explicado está actualmente operativo. Un saludo y gracias por su tiempo. Alfonso Pérez. Nick Xbox: fonzito_____/_____Gametag JQE360/XboxUnity: ThaMaster
  15. thought, he left the more social dawn? do not say talk for text etc ... just to let more sociable?
  16. Hi. I've been using FSD for a while now, but have recently made a switch to Aurora (which looks great by the way!) but I am having trouble with cover downloading. Covers are downloading alright, but some are refusing to appear, even though I have managed to auto-download them on FSD with no trouble. An example of this is Football Genius. Cover downloads fine on FSD, but on Aurora it remains blank. Synopsis does get populated though. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong, or if I can manually add covers to these titles? ~ Chris.
  17. Hi everyone, I have some ideas for aurora: In the highlighted area, create one button (that can be acessed pressing d-pad left) called options, this button have some dash launch network options. For example, i select "fake live", in GTA V and aurora save this option for that game only. So I don't need to go dash launch for do this, and set this option for all games, only the game that I need. Something like this but with the options in aurora style, i just copied an image of dash launch A = Select B = Back X = Save Y = Details I remember in System Link menu, in last tab, have options like this, for be active during the gameplay. I think this will be a great update, thanks if implemented.
  18. Hello, guys I have just installed Aurora 0.4b here (I used to use FSD), but i've noticed that whenever I press the Xbox Guide button, the menu still shows and boots Freestyle and I always have to load Aurora manually from the File Manager instead. Is there anyway I can configure the "Home Option" to boot Aurora instead of FSD?
  19. Hello again here is my 2 additional filters for Aurora before anything i want to tanks swizzy because he give me the main script i just add the TID and the name xP bot of them are basic scripts who add games by is TID there are alot of games but there are missing games because i didnt play all xboxs games (but they can be added) Script One Co-Op: shows only Co-Op campaign games includes xbox 360 xbox classc arcades kinect and indies (all game can be played betewen 2 or 4 players in the same xbox in campaign mode) this will not show for example fighting games Script Two Multiplayer: Shows all game can be played betewen 2 or 4 players in the same xbox includes xbox 360 xbox classc arcades kinect and indies To make them work you need to place them in aurora/media/scrpts/UserFilters you can use your pc or aurora filemanager (if you use the last one you need to restar aurora to make the filters appear) i thinks thats all here is the link for the filtrers https://mega.co.nz/#!8ZclFYYb!fm81toFLXVmsZiVLQg5uMyzoIWbu-F8Mm1yN1HOgFog If you want to add a TID to the list just reply the Game, TID and if its for co-op list or multiplayer list also i do find this in swizzys topic and try it but there was alot of missing games like borderlands 2 zombie apocalypse and others thats why i made the topic and the filtrers
  20. Hi i was using the new TU management (in rute secction) frist i check all my TUs (restar aurora) and then i use the delete bottom but i didnt see any diference.. all my TUs activate and deactivate ones still there what does delete option do? the only thing it do in my case, just delete my indie TU (so i cant play indies) i suggest to dont do that also i read in (i dont remmember the post) that to many activate TUs make aurora slower so it be good to add a button to deactivate all of them because in large list of games you may activate TUs and then you forgot to deactive them what do you think?
  21. before anything i was apogize for my bad english and i dont know if this post does belong to this section so delete it if you must Welcome in this threat i will show you how i make covers and also give you the tolls you need to make your own New style create by Kira125 Here some examples XBOX360 XBOX ARCADE KINECT INDIE APP EMULATOR Also i implemented a simple rate sistem that can be visualize from the dash The tutorias are made in spanish because im from argentina but they are explained by themselves of course if there are lot of peole who wants them in english i could make a try to make one How to modify a cover to fit in new style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPFGPlnI0Kg&list=UUY-XZv7bQyc6Aq6HkFY1Arg How to use the rate sistem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXyo_rHrq-k&feature=youtu.be how to upload covers to unity, push them to your xbox and ask for missing titles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seIoMFd21A4&list=UUY-XZv7bQyc6Aq6HkFY1Arg Tolls used in the videos Photoshop Cs5 spanish version http://www.mediafire.com/download/myb1hwq97x4xbcm/Photoshop+Cs5+Espa%C3%B1ol.rar Mirdonet http://multiple-image-resizer-net.software.informer.com/2.9/ Covers style from kira125 https://mega.co.nz/#!gNMTVYyZ!L38Hq5mve5wSY4JCSrjTLSZJHUlKVs5XA0eywxlYFLY Unity http://xboxunity.net/ Ask for a game or report bugs http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/forum/52-unity-support/ I hope this could be usefull for somebody i want to thanks BlotarenSS from deviant art from him i get the basic stuff from my new cover style original files from BlotarenSS https://mega.co.nz/#!tVVQzSKC!juAXgPRttU2WqFSiAbJ4Aynn3fEVevWaPQDj-cps2t0 in case you want to create your very own style you just need Photoshop Cs5 and some imagination
  22. I'm working on it since Aurora 0.2 and I finally found a bit of time to create a working version. This is SteamOS, a dark skin (the first one! ) inspired to the popular game library software. To display the Steam splashscreen, you need to activate the alternative splashscreen option in the Aurora settings. Inside the archive there is also an image to place in the "Background" folder. With the 0.6b version I have also included the Aurora plugin patch by gavin_darkglider. Log-in to see the download links. SteamOS-0.4b.rar SteamOS-0.5b.rar SteamOS-0.6b.rar SteamOS-0.7b.rar Report here if you find bugs. I will try to keep this skin updated as much as possible. I don't accept custom requests. Why? If you are looking for the version with the transparent panel, check the modified SteamOS++ skin by malim.
  23. Red and blue version of the Aurora default skin. Log-in to download. With version 0.6b, the Aurora plugin patch by gavin_darkglider is included. Aurora-0.4b-metro-blue.rar Aurora-0.5b-metro-blue.rar Aurora-0.6b-metro-blue.rar Aurora-0.7b-metro-blue.rar Aurora-0.4b-metro-red.rar Aurora-0.5b-metro-red.rar Aurora-0.6b-metro-red.rar Aurora-0.7b-metro-red.rar
  24. First off thanx if you helped me out in anyway. This is a TUT on how I change my Aurora covers for my games. I can't connect my XBOX 360 to net cause I'm deployed so I figured out away to do it. All it takes is some time and good friends. Things you need. 1. Good Friend with lots of games and covers on them. 2. Thumb stick or hard drive or FTP (I used thumb stick) 3. Aurora .4B (What I have not sure if it will work with other versions but should) 4. Time if you have a lot of games. 5. PC and internet or some way to get your friends files. Ok I cant put pics up cause this net sucks in AFGANY LAND so sorry for attach files. Now lets get started first get your friend to send you there GAME DATA FOLDER, its in the Aurora DATA FOLDER, get yours as well put them on pc. Open them up put them side by side. As you can tell his folders are different name yes don't matter all you need is the TITTLE ID'S the same. Be like Ur's 4B4D07DE_000000CC Friends 4B4D07DE_000000AB Something like that fine like said all you need is the TITTLE ID. After you find one same TITTLE ID open both up. Copy all the data that's in your Friends folder to your folder. That's it keep doing that to all your games. After your done just copy your GAME DATA FOLDER to thumb stick or hard drive or FTP it back to your XBOX 360. I used XeXmenu2.1 I didn't let Aurora start up yet and transferred my files than I started Aurora. That's it now what ever covers he had for his games you should have on yours now. Hopes this helps some people like me and NO I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO CHANGE THE FILES IN THE FOLDER TO MAKE YOUR OWN COVERS. Sure there is away to do it but I have no clue. If you want to help others post your GAME DATA FOLDER. Thanx Ya'll. AURORA GAME DATA FOLDER FOUND IN. HDD1/AURORA.4B/DATA........
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