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Is there any way to put images on game covers when connected to xbox live with an RGH? •Application, trick, website or something can anyone tell this story of what is displayed while connected to xbox live.
I've been wanting to implement a small TCP server on my RGH for a while but I've found that the server stops accepting clients once a game title has loaded. I was wondering if anyone has any idea why this may be (or even how to get around this). Relevant information is as follows: The server module is a dashlaunch plugin, it launches in a system thread. The server accepts clients just fine whilst on dashboard but no longer accepts clients when a game title is loaded. I've verified that the module isn't being unloaded or anything like that by running the "modules" command over XBDM (and looping a DbgPrint to show that the background thread can still execute whilst a game title is running, just seemingly _accept_ blocks indefinitely or does nothing). I've set the "undocumented" socket options for running the sockets unencrypted (i.e. the 0x5802 and 0x5801 flags) and, as I say, it works perfectly when just sitting on dashboard. I've even went as far as to add the "0" and "6" privileges to my xex.xml (inspired by FreestyleDash's source) - I'm not sure what these do but applied them in a last ditch effort in copying existent sources. I've come to the conclusion that some other work is involved in order to make the socket server persistent upon game loading (perhaps some kind of hook or further undocumented flags or system priority trickery). If I look at xbWatson, when a game title is launched, it says "Xbox is restarting" and I think something must be done in order to allow the bound socket (and port) to remain active once a game title has loaded. This seems like a long shot but if anyone happens to know precisely how one can get around this, I'd really appreciate to know. Similarly, if any hoarders out there happen to have a copy of nateleroux's XBDM (the one that was removed from GitHub a number of years ago) that would be equally as helpful (I've reversed various bits of it and verified that it does set the same undocumented flag etc. - but nothing I've found strikes me as a solution). Any help is much appreciated, thank you.
Pt-Br Pessoal, obrigado pelo excelente trabalho. As minhas sugestões são as seguintes. Uma forma de baixar os trainers direto da Aurora, assim como é feito com as TU's. Tornaria muito mais rápido a forma como são feitas as buscas e os downloads. Um feed de noticias relacionadas as novidades da xbox unity ou da cena xbox. Tenho outras sugestões, irei elaborar com mais calma e volto ao tópico assim que souber explicar do que se trata. En-Us Staff, thank you for the excellent work. My suggestions are the following. A way to download the trainers straight from the Aurora, as well as is done with the TU's. Would make it much faster to how they are made searches and downloads. A news feed related to the news of the xbox unity, or of the xbox scene. I have other suggestions, I will elaborate with more calm and get back to the topic so that you know to explain what it is. Thank you all and I apologize for the bad English.
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Ahojte, neÅ¡el by nÄ›kdo se mnou hrát hry napÅ™Ãklad CoD:BO2 nebo Gears of War 3 ?Hi, can you join me for your game ? I will play with you if you want ... just let me know in PM or on skype xxyoshixx51 ... than we can work something out (if is it spam or something, please delete this post :3 )
I have activated http server in FSD 3rev58 but when I try to access to the X360 IP from my PC I can't do it, Firefox shows an error: "The connection expired. The server is taking too long to respond.". I tested with and without http authentication.