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Everything posted by saywaking

  1. they all work, for my purpose, i think the image Browser is the easiest to use.
  2. Actually, it would be more useful if Aurora could be able to provide both, GOD and normal. That's a +feature on the development list.
  3. Most Multi Disk games brings a second disk to install content only. Most of that you can extract the content folder to your HDD. If the Games are really needed as Multi Disk you can create two Directories, DVD1 and DVD2 ... in the game Folder. Default Settings should handle that structure.
  4. Hi there, ever wondered how the Aurora Database looks like? You don't know how to get the Information from a database? This simple Script gives you the ability to view the Database of Aurora. Script: Icon: Name: DB Viewer Description: "View your Aurora Database" What it does: - Gives you the ability to navigate through all Tables - Displays the Database Content and Tables directly on your Console Screens Why did i create this?: You can check your Database Content straight on your console. Maybe you want to check your content for errors or need some information. ... What are the benefits?: - Check the Database Content. Yes even that could be useful. ... Is it final?: Work In Progress. Also here are some Limitations, which are already known. Anyone who wants to contribute, can report Bugs, Suggest Features/Fixes or extend by using GitHub or this Thread. Where is the download?: When it's released, with the Aurora Script Repo, you can download it directly to your console.
  5. can you take a screenshot of you settings in aurora connectx? Also try your NAS on Windows if it works properly. The standard Windows Domain is WORKGROUP, but your NAS might have set a different one, which is the important one. In the ConnectX Settings, If there is a Domain(Share Name?) field (cant remember now), you would have to type WORKGROUP (your Domain-Share-Name only). That should work.
  6. Your console will get banned. The kvs are temporary only.
  7. İ actually have more fun playing on the 360 than playing with the new gen.
  8. With aurora and link you can only play system link supported games "online" You wont have xbox live access anymore, otherwise your console gets banned. With multinand modded consoles, you can switch your console between original and modded mode, so you can still use xbox live services (but still only signed applications/games)
  9. There is a save file editor. Full Mod packages are not simple to port/develop as the files, binaries and structure is different to the PC. İf some is developing/porting you might habe luck, but you never know that and it can take some time. There should be at least two sites where you can find Mods for 360 games.
  10. The XDK Documentation is also not the easiest and detailed. İt requires experience. You can't get along with basics. You can try the Unity Engine to develop for Multi Platforms.
  11. The Coverdownloader should also have a Preview functionality. I only see Thumbnails and have to download the cover to verify if i like it or not. "Y"-Button is available for that.
  12. https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=de&tl=es&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.realmodscene.com%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F7547-aurora-06b-by-phoenix%2F%26page%3D9&edit-text=&act=url Many People apperently using this and we keep wondering why the people are posting in different languages. <- this is written in english.
  13. What? Please get some of your friends and let them read the title and your post and they should explain to you what the hell you want. You will find out what mistake you did.
  14. İ recommend to filter all the suggestions which arent finished yet, to have an overview of all features whats left. There are plenty of things which still can be implemented to make aurora better. More flexibility on utility scripts is one point on the list. And for Nova you will also need much more time. There is hopefully many things to do to keep this project alive.
  15. saywaking

    Site Maintenance

    No, try to navigate with Firefox and in private/Inkognito mode to https://www.realmodscene.com
  16. saywaking

    Site Maintenance

    Ok, i found out that the Certificate is not working with https://www.realmodscene.com/ when it's ../index.php ... and has Sub Structure, it's working. I always have to add the "root" Site as Exception, so the forwarding works.
  17. saywaking

    Site Maintenance

    SSL Certificate is missing?
  18. saywaking

    Site Maintenance

    Thanks for the info. İ hope it gets better.
  19. 1.) is your Xbox connected to the Internet (does Aurora also show you an IP of the XBOX when pressing Back-Button)? 2.) Can you login on website with your credentials? Make sure, they are 100% working.
  20. this may be deprecated when nova is released, so i started creating this script. But there are technical limitations, with no progress at all from my side. İf i can make those needed requests, there would be a version of this.
  21. There are already integrations with dashlaunch in Aurora. I don't know how much further Dashlaunch will be integrated.
  22. can you provide an auto update service?
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