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Everything posted by gavin_darkglider

  1. I always use extract-xiso and filezilla for this. Then again, I run linux on my computers, and manage my nand data in a virtual machine. I dont know of any other apps that will do what you are talking about other then Qwix, and i think that only works on original xbox iso images. Honestly the ftp server has some issues, so it would be smarter to copy the game to a usb drive and copy it that way. Not only is it way faster, but I have found it a more reliable option.
  2. When I said lobby, I was not talking about the Link room, but the game you are trying to join. I get this in BO2 all the time, then try a different host, and it works perfect.
  3. Install it to Content folder as you would with any XBLA game, and point your arcade path to the content\00000000000000\ with a scan path of at least 3. the rescan library. Now all XBLA games should show up. Contpatch will automatically unlock the full game.
  4. I have had this problem with a lot of games, for the most part I attribute it to the host being to far away, even with ping patch, or a bad connection. Try a different lobby.
  5. the only way I can think of is to modify it with a hex editor.
  6. I agree with Swizzy, and if you give him the code behind it, you may be able to get your name in the credits, which will put your name in the Xbox Modding scene, right next to Swizzy's. That would be awesome.
  7. If you are thinking about a built in unity store, it would be nice if you could download official aurora trainers from it also. Also, a built in text editor would be nice. Not that it is really needed anymore, but it was a nice feature that was in the original xbox dashboard replacements, that I have yet to figure out why it was never implemented on the 360. Then again most of those dashboards used XML for their menu structures, and these days the only real text file is launch.ini
  8. Team FSD modified the guide to add a file manager, and link. That is the only example I can think of. All of the xui files are included with the latest FSD, and Aurora. As far as skin developers, I cant see any reason this should matter.
  9. Yes, everyone in the scene knows that microsoft always releases an update between thanksgiving and christmas. Honestly, I was expecting it a bit sooner. As it is, I still havnt found a game I cant play on 16747. I cant really blame the dev teams for not releasing their software, as they wrote it, and release it for free, and never complain about that fact, and dont demand donations. It is a lot of work, and even then the stealth people have stolen that with their unofficial "Crap" versions of dashlaunch, and their unofficial xebuild updates.
  10. You had to see this coming. Microsoft always puts out the big updates right around thanksgiving. The xebuild and dashlaunch teams knew this, and that is why they released it when they did. I wouldnt expect to see another xebuild update, or dashlaunch update any time in the near future.
  11. Are you running fsd, or aurora on them. if so, make sure both boxes are playing with the same TU versions, and disable/unload freestyle plugin, as it forward system link games to unity servers.
  12. Awesome news. Still having problems with FSD Plugin not loading, or crashing on load. Dont know what is causing it, but will post a log the next time it happens. I just know it is quite annoying that I chose a game, then go to chose a link room and get no plugin. I have no Idea what is causing it, as I have no additional plugins, and have been using the same launch.ini file I used with FSD, except the XHTTP option, and auto loading Aurora instead of FSD.
  13. Not having a problem with spaces. Actually, It isnt even that big of a game, It was the original Starwars BattleFront, I found a copy on an old computer I had from my Original Xbox days, and Figured it would be fun to play again. Unfortunatly, I have no idea what I did with the disc, as I havnt played it since I broke my old xbox in 2007. lol. I think I will pull out a flash drive later and try copying it that way, as yesterday I spent 5 hours and only successfully copied 500MB out of 2.2 GB. Talk about a waste of time.
  14. Everytime I try to transfer files to my xbox, i keep getting errors like Command: OPTS UTF8 ON Response: 502 Command not found Command: APPE kam.lvl Response: 502 Command not found Error: Critical file transfer error after transferring 207,270 bytes in 1 second It is doing this with any file that is more then a couple MB. Not sure if this is a bug with aurora, but I never got these mesages using FSD, and thought it should be mentioned. Also if anyone knows a fix, that would be nice also. FYI I am using FileZilla as a ftp client, not that that should matter.
  15. No one on this site will help you get your RGH on xbox live. Stealth is not supported here. If you want to play on live by a retail, or a system with a flashed drive. The devs dont support this, which is why they waited until right before the new xbox update to release the files. If you really want to use stealth, figure it out on your own, like all the rest of the live hackers.
  16. And I would expect better from a TX admin. lol. We all have our days.
  17. How do you flash a drive to read burned games with FTP? RGH and Flashed firmware are 2 completely different things. You can FTP games to a HDD on a RGH, but the drive is still not equiped to read burned games with the stock firmware. While I am sure it would be possible to write an app for the xbox to flash a drive, most stock drives in newer consoles are locked, so they cant be flashed at all without some sort of hardware hack. eg. Sputnik switch, kamikazi, probe v3, MRA hack, LTU, etc. The best advice anyone can give is find out what drive your console has, and check the jungle flasher tutorial.
  18. So basically you want it to tell you which ones you have and which ones you dont have? This would be a pain to implement, as then they would also have to add to the database on xboxunity, with all of the dlc information, and the database for aurora, as you will still want to be able to see the data when you are disconnected from the internet. That is a lot of work. I dont think that microsoft keeps a non live server database of dlc, so doing it that way may cause banning problems.
  19. I was getting my information here http://www.xyzmods.com/index.php/topic/3409-video-tutorial-loading-trainers-with-aurora/ about needing to unload fsd plugin. havnt actually tested any of the trainers yet.
  20. fairly certain it saves images in aurora folder with png extension.
  21. It is simple, download XBDM.xex, copy it to hdd, add line such as plugin1=hdd:\xbdm.xex to launch.ini. Build 16747 xebuild Image(Freeboot), flash that to nand. Run Xbmovie on computer, and point it at the xbox's ip address. Link will load like it normally does, and you can now use XDK apps with your xbox, and run link. NO RGLoader needed. As for link not working with RGLoader, it requires dashlaunch to propperly load the Freestyle Plugin, as it was designed to run on Freeboot images, as most end users will never need a devkit nand image. Back in the day TX were producing Fusion, which was like RGLoader, but had a bunch of features for gamers and developers. It was really nice, but they dropped the project because of lack of interest.
  22. On the same topic, over at XYZMods, they recommend unloading the Freestyle Plugin when using trainers. I would assume as Aurora is designed to work with the plugin, that it would be compatible with all the new trainers that are designed to work specifically with aurora. Is there a specific reason for this, and is there a plan to fix this potential issue in future builds of aurora?
  23. XBDM is a plugin from a dev kit, which is what the computer communicates with when trying to use features such as XBMovie, and Xbox Neighborhood. Alot of RPC plugins require this plugin also, as they use some of the dev features to swap out variable values in the ram. So if you install freeboot, and add xbdm plugin to your dashlaunch settings you will be able to use the XBMovie app on the computer. RGLoader/DevKit is not required for this. IF you were actually making an app, such as FSD or Aurora, then RGLoader would be helpfull, as you can monitor variable values in real time on the xbox. The Dev kit comes in really handy for debugging new apps, but for the end user(You) it will do nothing, except for make your life more difficult.
  24. So not only are you asking for support with cheating on XBL, but you are also asking for new features to be added to an unofficial/crap version of dashlaunch. Bravo, you have hit the trifecta of stupidity.
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