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Everything posted by gavin_darkglider

  1. Are you using a cable or wireless? I would run a cable, you will get better results. If not using wireless, the host may be far enough away that the signal is bad.
  2. In that case, refer to my previous post. I already told you what you needed to rip an iso.
  3. Under content settings there is an option to download covers, and an option to download assets. you can set it up to scan for new content on aurora start up also.
  4. It depends on the game, because some games dont allow using mic on system link, and others dont require fake live for the mic.
  5. Just use j-runner to create an ecc for falcon from your current nand dump, you dont need an image. Basically, the zephyr likes the falcon cb for most hacks. It is worth a try.
  6. You could also look into this. http://team-xecuter.com/forums/showthread.php?139673-Demon-Dual-HDD-with-Automatic-Switch-%28WIP%29, it will auto switch 2 internal hdds, and if you are running a slim, with a few small modifications to the plastic, you can mount this, and both HDDs in the xbox, so there are less cables connected.
  7. 1. probably not coming 2. will be there when they are ready to do it. 3. Can be done by you, as anyone can make a translation in any language for aurora.
  8. If the xbox mounts it, it doesnt matter. I believe it will need to be formatted to fat32 though. I do know NTFS doesnt work.
  9. that only works with an image file, you still have to be able to rip the disk, which is a matter of having an x360usb, a 0800 drive, xbox backup creator and possibly abgx. this should get you a proper rip of the disk. Now as for leaking it on the internet, that is piracy which is not tolerated on this site.
  10. I have been busy, and forgot all about this, it is about time I update it. If I get some time, I will update it.
  11. Have you tried creating the image for a falcon, or trying different timing files on the coolrunner?
  12. While libxenon stuff is also homebrew, homebrew is any code that is written independent of any company. So while stuff written with the XDK is technically illegal, it is still homebrew. I think you are thinking about open source, which can also be homebrew, but doesnt have to be.
  13. for the most part no one cares about the avatars. I can honestly say that I havnt changed my avatar since I set up my xbox. If this gets added, and that is a big if, i wouldnt expect to see it in the next couple of versions. From what I can tell, before that happens, we will probably see the SMB server, webUI and plugin redesigned for aurora. That is alot of work already, and who knows what else might get thought up in the mean time. Long story short, adding the avatar at this point with the options you are mentioning would involve coding all of that in, and I personally dont know how easy/hard that might be, but I would assume it would be a bit of a pain in the ass, and since it doesnt have any functionality like noises(which have also been asked for), i dont think the developers will do much with this idea anytime soon. I could be wrong, but I dont think so.
  14. I have never used the upnp method and have it say the ports have passed, inf FSD, or in Aurora. It has always said it failed, and then worked. So, based upon the odds of my experience, it always fails the port test, but still works. Now, I am not saying you are wrong, but I havnt experienced this.
  15. This is wrong. Let me clarify. Applications: First off all of the applications for the 360 are homebrew. eg. Dashlaunch installer, xm360, nxe2god, etc. Applications are programs that are not games. Homebrew: Any piece of code that was not developed by a company, excepting applications, and emulators(which are also homebrew, but have their own options). eg. done by people that have a passion for programming, and will probably never leave their moms basement. lol.(It was a joke laugh!) Emulators: Any program that emulates different hardware. Games, XBLA, and Original Xbox: If you cant figure these ones out you need more help then I can give you.
  16. Only xenons with type 1 keyvault, that are jtag machines. other than that, there is no way to unban a console, other then to get microsoft to do it.
  17. Try using UPNP if your router supports it. This will handle the ports for you, but the test will still say they failed.
  18. Just because I have been in the scene for ages doesnt mean I support piracy. I am in just about every scene that involves a hack for something, but you dont see me hacking bank accounts, which wouldnt be to hard, considering 1 of the many computer jobs I have done was upgrading a banks computers. Just because I want my hardware to do every thing possible, and want to save my retail games from children, doesnt make me a pirate. The biggest reason I mod systems is because I enjoy the project in it more than I enjoy playing the games. But thanks for recognising how much experience I actually have in the scene. Just because some one is part of the scene doesnt make them a pirate. also, i was stating a fact, which I will repeat. It Is against the rules to post any links relating to piracy on this site. the people who do get banned quick, and the links removed fast. If you insist on doing this, all I will say is try google.
  19. It is simple, so i will go through this as easy as possible. 1. no, the games are stored seperatly, you will need to know your scan paths, as you will need to set them up in aurora also. 2. yes, you need to modify the default= line in launch.ini so it points to Aurora.xex eg: hdd:\aurora\Aurora.xex 3. yes you would need to install aurora on this drive as well, the process is the same, if there isnt anything on the drive, if you put a launch.ini on a flash drive with the aurora files, you can boot from that, then use the file manager to copy the files to the hdd.
  20. I would try either using uPnP, or setting up port forwarding with other ports, and adjust aurora accordingly. If you use UPNP, it will still fail the port check, but will still work, as long as your router has upnp enabled.
  21. No one on this site will help you be a pirate.
  22. Any chance we can get a dedicated room for exo zombies? The current user made public room has a lot of people using trainers, and it would be nice to have a cheat free public room that people can get banned from for using trainers. As it is now the room available is technically not a public room so complaining about people using trainers seem a moot point.
  23. In the content folder on partition 3, at least I think it is partition 3.
  24. Awesome news, I like the quick change filters, Just out of curiosity, did the ftp issues get fixed with the files not appending, so uploads/downloads fail? only ask as it wasnt mentioned, and another post said it would be fixed with the next version. Thank you for the hard work.
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