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Everything posted by gavin_darkglider

  1. Yes that was the video I was talking about. lol. I just didnt want to go find it on youtube, because I am lazy. lol. And essentially what I was saying was move the Scripts scene to one of the tabs, so yes, you understood what I was saying. That feature could also be used to create a better NxE style skin as well. As you said, it gives skin developers alot of options for layouts and stuff.
  2. I said like 2 years ago that FFMPEG would be a cool addition to aurora, and got shot down, as it isnt a media center, but a game launcher. That being said, MaesterRowen has been working on porting an MP3 library, but I dont know what the status of that is, so I can say with some confidence it wont be in 0.7b. That being said, there is an older FFMPEG library for the xbox, but it is fairly buggy, and still needed alot of work at the time. That was like 5 or 6 years ago, and no one has messed with it sense. So FFMPEG has come a long way since then, so I am assuming a new port would be in order for the new features/libraries. That is a lot of work, and the general interest isnt there for the people with the know how.
  3. With aurora 0.7b there is a new skin option that will allow you to create tabs on the main page, so in therory, you could create a new tab in the main section of the skin where coverflow is, and put the scripts menu there. Felida did the testing on that feature, so he would be the one to ask about this. I think this will get more use, if MaesterRowen ever finishes his MP3 library for aurora scripts. He keeps saying once he finishes the back end, it would be cool to see how the users implement a front end for this in the skins, and scripts. Who knows when that will happen though. I think in felida's testing, he used it to start and stop different background music, that was included in the skin he was testing with. He posted a video at one point for proof of concept for the developers, and testers, but I dont think it ever made it to the public. As I said, Felida is the person to talk to about this.
  4. That doesnt surprise me. Sometimes adblock doesnt work as expected, such as when you white list sites like Hulu, and then it is still blocking ads. lol. The other browser extension that gives me issues is no coin. When it works, it works great, but since it only checks for a specific script in websites, all the person hosting the site has to do is rename the file, and then it is useless. It isnt hard to remove the script element, until you realize it isnt in the page you are viewing, but in an Iframe, that is actually another site all together, which means that then you have to pull the URL for that Iframe out, and go to that site, then remove the script element. Find this a lot on upload your own video sites that pirates use, but are also used for other things besides piracy. Need to find a way to filter that before it gets to the browser to begin with. Might be a project for another day. lol.
  5. Didnt even notice, but then again, i use ad block plus and privoxy, which both remove ads, so i hardly ever see them. lol. makes sense though, as i servers cost money.
  6. 1. I am assuming you are using Samba, and not windows for your share for connectX. If this is the case, you can set it up to also run as a WINS server. If you are using windows, I dont think that non server versions include a WINS server, if those even do anymore. 2. Your welcome. As for Unity correcting the behavior, that isnt surprising, as it looks games up in the unity database by TitleID, not name. The livestrong issue makes sense also, since we have said since the beginning that some assets are pulled from live adjacent servers. 3. Copies of the logs of aurora freezing would be helpful to see what is causing this issue for you.
  7. 1. Having VLAN support on a console doesnt make sense at all. That is something that is on switches, and routers, and if set up properly, you dont need an extra router to resolve NetBIOS. VLAN's are there to change what network ports are assigned to be able to communicate with each other and usually applies to ethernet ports on a switch, like the one in any router. You can use it with wireless, but that will put all wireless on one VLAN, as it does it on a per card basis. Which means if your WIFI card is in master mode, then all devices connected to it could be separated from the devices on the switch, or ethernet ports on the router. Might want to take a class on advanced networking, because what you are describing is wrong on a lot of different levels, just my professional opinion, since this is what I do, when I can find work. That being said, even if we were to try and add support for that to Aurora, which we probably wont, in order to use it, we would have to patch the underlying kernel in the nand to support VLAN's, which I am fairly certain it doesnt. Even running a PC with linux wont support VLAN's, unless the kernel is set up to support VLAN's. 2. You must be doing something wrong, as aurora doesnt pull names of games from the name of the folder it is in, but from the default.xex for the game. I have multiple multi disc games on my console, and have never had this issue, at least for the first disc. some game manufactures didnt put the game name into the discs default.xex after the first disc. In that case, you can either hide the extra discs with the hide multidisc filter, or you can manually rename them, using the game rename feature in aurora. Comes in handy with some games, such as Duke Nukem Forever, which still has its codename(Buckeye) in the xex. 3. This is an issue with the xbox dropping the connection to the server. This could be do to your network configuration, especially if I am understanding what you are doing, or the server load at any given time. I have mentioned on multiple occasions it would be nice if there was a CRC check implemented, especially for title updates, that way if what is downloaded doesnt match what is on the server, it will automatically erase the corrupt files, and try again. WIFI connections are the worst for this. 90% of title updates I have tried downloading while using WIFI on the xbox have been corrupted.
  8. I get that, and while it could potentially end in some sort of data loss as far as games go, this is something that will probably never get a fix. Mainly, because there are better ways to pull off similar attacks, then brutforcing the FTP server in aurora. Such as installing a copy of aurora on a flash drive, and then plugging in that drive to the console and booting it. This will bypass any security you have set up within aurora, for the FTP server or otherwise. The xbox 360 as a console was never designed with security as a fundamental. No console is really set up for that, not in the way that a PC is. on top of that you can shut off the ftp sever when it isnt in use, and the attack is only viable when you are sitting in aurora, and once you launch a game the service is shutdown. The only way I could see this being "useful" is if someone gains access to your network, then to your console, then decides they want a place to dump information to. Even then, I would go after a PC, using a pass the hash attack on the SMB server, and dump my files there, just because there is more of a chance I will have access to it when I need it. Can you tell you arent the only hacker in the scene. lol. That being said, most of the community around modded consoles are the users, and they dont really understand the vulnerabilities, that are being exploited to mod the console they are using anyway, they just want it to work for them. Or, that is the impression I have gotten in my many years in the scene.
  9. Not sure what you are asking here? Are you using trainers, or trying to play on live with a stealth server? If you are trying to use a stealth server, we wont help you, as that isnt something we support. All aurora does is launch games, so issues you are having in game could have to do with trainers, or dashlaunch plugins you might have loaded. Your post is scatterbrained, and hard to decipher.
  10. I have been chatting with the developers about solutions to this problem, but this probably wont be implemented in nova until after the release of 0.7b, if ever.
  11. Trainers are tricky. If you dont have the right TU it doesnt work. With the information listed, I dont know what to tell you exactly. There are a ton of aurora based trainers from XYZmods, which is offline now, but have been reposted here. I released a pack I put together a few years ago, and felida has released the trainers he had also on this site. You will get more support for those on this site, than the non aurora based trainers, just because aurora has standardized the process of trainers, where the others floating around on the internet depend on a lot of different factors, custom loaders, dashlaunch plugins etc. It isnt like they are hard to use if you know what you are doing, but not as easy to give instructions on, since everyone is loaded slightly differently.
  12. Google PS3 trainer how to, and I bet you come up with more answers then you know what to do with. We have no problems answering questions on this site, but we are not here to spoon feed people information either.
  13. The choice wasnt mine to make, infact this was implemented into Nova, but was actually written by cOz, so if you want the answer to those questions, they would be better directed at him. That being said, even I dont know how to get a hold of him, so I couldnt tell you how to take it up with him. What I can say is that it works a lot better than connectX, and is similar to a networked iso option for modded PS3's.
  14. 1. CIFS/NFS share is pretty much what is going on with connectX. 2. Extracted ISO doesnt work with NetISO. Only GOD, and ISO. 3. All network traffic is a Server/Client communication system. It doesnt matter what the server is, so being a network based thing there needs to be a server, and designing the server ourselves gives us more options on expansion, and how things are handled, which allows us to stream information stored in the iso images, that gets stored into a DB on the server side, so we can send preview images, and title information, that is stored in the iso/god file(s), that we couldnt send otherwise, and if we handled it on the xbox side, would slow down loading of the information, or would make the process less dynamic, if you were to change the files on the server. It would add loading time to the service, as the xbox would have to load all of the images, from the server, to pull the information, then arrange it in a temporary DB, to do it all over again. 4. When you mount an image with netIso service, you can browse the files in the image like you can with any disc you put in the drive, as it emulates the drive on the console, with the iso mounted to it. This will allow any copy/paste operation you can do with a disc. You will not be able to move or delete files off of an iso image, as it is a read only file system. 5. Audio/Video ISO's arent currently supported, but could easily be added to the server in the future. We need to make sure everything else is working as expected, before we worry about that, as the service is primarily for creating a faster and more stable game streaming service. We cant fix connectX, as that was written by Microsoft, and dont have the code. 6. Any nas device should be supported, once the server code is ported from windows to linux, as most Nas systems are running linux. And the current plan is to release the code for the server, so other people can port it, and make it fit the needs of more light weight devices, such as NAS systems, routers running custom firmwares, etc. Unfortunatly with any linux system, it is going to be a challenge, as you will need to compile with the same toolchain as the system on your device was compiled with. Since the GPLv2 which the linux kernel is released under, states that if you sell any device running linux, you have to not only release the code for the GPLv2 code, but also the toolchain you used to build said code, this wont be much of an issue, if you know how to tweak GCC. 6. For reasons stated previously, we wont switch it to Ciffs/NFS. As for NFS, most of our users are running windows on their PC's anyway, which is part of the reason why the server was written for windows first and foremost. 7. Yes, you can only have one ISO mounted per xbox at a time. This is a limitation in the xbox kernel, since the client software mounts the image at the DVD device handle. There might be a way around this, if we take advantage of the HD-DVD drive handle, but if we do, the kernel wouldnt recognize games there, just movies, as that attachment was made specifically for DVD/HD-DVD's. Not that that fad went anywhere with blueray coming out like 6 months later. lol.
  15. For local system link, the plugin needs to be disabled, or actually, to be more specific, link needs to be disabled. This is because the plugin defaults to creating a VPN tunnel, for the link service.
  16. TBH, online on a devkit nand, isnt even Xbox Live, it is a seperate set of xbox live servers for testing networked games. There are a few things you can get there, but they arent useful on a Freeboot console, Retail console, or a devkit(Unless you have a dev version of the game you want to use the DLC with).
  17. Generally winchester consoles are not RGHable. 15432 managed to mod one, but it required replacing the XCGPU with a zero fused CPU, so that is outside the scope of what most people are able to do hardware wise.
  18. In theory that is just like any brute force tool for FTP. We could add a security feature that shuts down FTP after 3 to 5 login attempts, but the reality is, that since you can disable FTP, and enable it when you can, and there isnt much of a chance of people opening the ports to the internet, I doubt it is high on the priority list. Also, most people dont bother changing the default username/password combination, so I am not sure how useful this is. On top of this, I wouldnt waste the time trying to bruteforce the password, when it is stored in plain text in the db, which I can get with another copy of aurora on a flash drive. That being said, this would also work on XBMC, Avalaunch, EvoX, UnleashX, FSD, etc, for both the 360, and the OG Xbox, and possibly most FTP servers on the internet. If you really wanted to make it into an exploit, you should make it upload an xex, and then execute that xex. Little known secret, Aurora is already set up to launch xex files from FTP. Your xex would have to clean itself up when done though, which is harder, as the system doesnt want you to erase the current running program. For more information on that, check out the FTP site commands. In all honesty, Aurora isnt really designed for high security applications, but for being a simple game loader for our users, that is stable with large libraries, that alse has some other features to make life easy for those using a modified xbox 360. Also the easiest way to stop your script, is to change the ftp user, as it only brute forces the password, and expects the username to either be default or specified. Nice to see an actual hacker on this site, as security testing is a hobbie of mine. lol. I have all sorts of exploits for things, not that I release my code much. Mainly just fixes for the exploits I find, if I think they are detrimental, or new features for something here or there. lol. It has been a while since I released anything, as my actual life has kept me too busy to be hacking stuff too much lately. lol.
  19. At this point, dump the current nand, and then write an ecc image for your console, and see if you can get xell. until you get xell, there isnt any more advice i can give..... excepting a full post out monitor, but the only chip for slim consoles that have that are the cr3 pro. it would give you an idea of where it is failing in the boot process though.
  20. First, the tutorial section is not for asking for tutorials, but for documentation based upon user experience. Once a tutorial is posted, it needs to be approved by the staff, before anyone else can view it. Second, the process for most games DLC installs is the same. That being said, if you found a guide for that specific game, then try it. Old is a relative term. If the game came out before 2016, then I wouldnt expect to find a new tutorial in 2018 for a 5 year old game. Make sense? As for getting the DLC, that is on you, even if you did write a tutorial with the process, all links to DLC would be removed by the staff, as we dont support piracy.
  21. It isnt freezing, it is searching for installed TU files, and copying them to aurora, so if the are disabled, they arent deleted.
  22. Aurora stores its settings in a database. if you delete the data directory, then maybe you can fix the problem. It will be like a fresh install of aurora. Now to do this, you have to be running xex menu, fsd, or another version of aurora from a flashdrive, or similar, as you cant remove this data if the files are open, and aurora opens them, and doesnt close them until you launch a game.
  23. Glitching consoles can be iffy. Are you using a postfix adapter? If not, that could be the problem. If not, then the green light should be blinking. If that is the case, 3 things come to mind. 1. your glitch timing is off, possible if using the glitch timing pre programmed by ace. If that is the case, I suggest S-RGH timing files. They are about as good as a cr4 as far as boot time goes. 2. there is a bad block on your nand in the ecc area, which is preventing it from booting. 3. you damaged the xbox on the install.
  24. While the server would possibly run in mono, the iso libraries are in visual C++, so those would still have to be ported for GCC to be able to build the required libraries. All that being said, I dont think mono will be much help here, and with a little work, you could port from C# to C++, or even python, which if you ask me would make a much better platform for architecture changes between platforms. There are a lot of game sorting options in the server that arent written currently, but arent needed, so for a basic server, once you have the protocol information, and compression algorithms, it should be fairly simple to pull off. It is also easier to run on a router, or otherwise, if it doesnt have to be compiled against a specific toolchain, as the python dependencies would help with that.
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