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Anonymous last won the day on November 29 2017

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95 Excellent

About Anonymous

  • Rank
    RMS Senior
  • Birthday 09/25/1990

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  • Interests
    moding gaming consoles,playing video games

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  1. Minimum 1Mbps is required for gud connection on link Unfortunately I have 512kbps connection although I am the first rank on free for all in some matches[emoji6] If I host the game means defiantly I will be get first rank lol[emoji12] [emoji12]
  2. Maybe your usp flash drive didn't inserted properly, Maybe Your fsd didn't copy properly Note: delete your old launch.ini file Open your dash launch and set default path for your default.xex and press rb and then save it to your hdd nw you hav got new launch file Don't add any unwanted plugins
  3. Oops,,,,,sorry for didn't mention abt libxenon team I am not build this software I am jus author for this guide
  4. Hi guys this is anonymous today I am going to show you how to run Linux operating system on your rgh/jtag consoles I hope this tutorial will be useful for you First you need download this two rar files First one is ubuntu Linux rar file Second one is xell launch rar file http://file.libxenon.org/free60/linux/distro/ubuntu-10.10-xenon-beta5.zip http://digiex.net/downloads/download-center-2-0/xbox-360-content/libxenon-homebrew-jtag-reset-glitch-content/9158-xell-launch-xell-reloaded-hdmi-support-quickboot-shortcut-download.html Then extract this two rar files and copy to your usp flash drive Afterthat put your usp flash drive to your console and turn on your console Next you need to start xex menu and open your usp flash drive then start default.xex file Nw you can see xell will be loaded After 1 min you can get Linux desktop screen Cheerzzzz[emoji2] [emoji2] [emoji106] [emoji106] Note: after extract ubuntu rar file as you can get iso file then you need open iso File via win rar then copy that Linux files to your usp flash drive
  5. System link feasibility not working via Mobile internet bcz you can't set port num
  6. Sorry We can't help you anything related about dlc,game sites I think This thread will be closed as soon as possible by admin
  7. No my first attempt is I connected all spi points(motherboard board to squirt chip) andthen try to read nand via fcc cable My second attempt is disconnect all spi point between squirt bga to motherboard anthen connected motherboard to squirt programmer But these two methods failure so I am asking is this problem into my console firmware chip or into rgh chip
  8. I have some unexpected issue with my rgh console,, 2 days back I was playing fifa14 that time my console hanged again I did restart my console but my console didn't boot I checked all wire connection for rgh chip everything connected perfectly I can turn on my console, rgh chip led light blinking but no response, xell screen also didn't work so I decided to do hardware flash for my console I connected squirt programmer to rgh chip via fcc cable but I can't read my nand then I connected directly to motherboard same problem, My squirt programmer connected to my pc perfectly I mean device driver installed successfully I can Change svf file (SQUIRT_RGH_trinity_bga_alwayson_120522_1450.svf) via fcc cable but I can't read my nand and I can't write xell ,,, is this problem into firmware chip ??? Or my rgh chip??? Autogg status : no backend available Note : my squirt programmer to squirt bga 1.2 chip connection perfectly bcoz I can Change svf file
  9. show me your port forward setup..
  10. finally what you are trying to say?????? RGH updating is not a rocket science u jus need some good guidance and better understanding sense tatz it, follow this tut http://forum.homebrew-connection.org/index.php?topic=144.0
  11. 3.14 dash launch: http://www.homebrew-connection.org/files/xbox/system_apps/DashLaunch/dl_dash_launch_v3.14.zip xebuild2.095 XeBuild GUI 2.095 : 17150 kernel support added http://www.homebrew-connection.org/files/xbox/nand_builder/xeBuild_GUI/dl_xeBuild_GUI_2.095.rar 17150 Avatar file: http://gxarena.com/download.php/Firmwares/Xbox360/17150.zip update tutorial: http://forum.homebrew-connection.org/index.php?topic=144.0
  12. Can I add customized subtitles into games for inserting my native language??? Is this possible??? If it's possible means how can I extract exists language from games Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk
  13. You need internal HDD Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk
  14. Nice,, I hope your next release will be your own theme[emoji4] Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk
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