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Everything posted by gavin_darkglider

  1. That falls on the developer of the skin, you can always try and do it yourself, but if it hasnt been done by now, the skin developer has probably given up on the skin.
  2. Or, go to mcdonalds and download it there. lol. That being said, we dont allow piracy, so while we will help you with your issues, if you tell us you downloaded it, then we arent supposed to help you. FYI.
  3. Sometimes the southbridge has issues with read/write from spi. it is rare, and can usually be fixed via reflow. That being said, I mod consoles for people from time to time, and the most difficult console I ever did took a day, and most of that was getting decent glitch times. I have had a few zephyrs fail completely, but those consoles are unreliable at best. You might be waiting, because they dont have the hardware to read/write the nand directly. There are 2 devices that I know of that do this, one being a demon, and the other being the progskeet. each comes with their own issues, such as being compatible with the regular software, easy install, easy removal, etc. On top of that, people have lives as well. Then there is the fact that you are trusting someone you dont know on the internet to do this. There are some trustworthy people, but I usually dont deal with people I dont know, or dont have a reputable business. The person who is doing this for you should have left you a way to get a hold of them.
  4. I dont know that I would call one more invasive than the other. lol. Also, in some ways FSD is more advanced, such as the fact that it works with a kinect, but when it comes down to it, I prefer Aurora, especially with larger libraries. I have like 700 games in my list, and it loads fast, and doesnt randomly crash, like FSD did with my library.
  5. Aurora is a dashboard, not an OS. Sounds like you need to update the kernel. To do this you need to generate a new nand image, and install the avatar/kinect data to the hdd for that image. Personally I like the xebuild updserv option, as it makes it super easy. If you download the version of J-Runner( ) I uploaded on this site, it has everything needed to do this.
  6. Hit the red button. Then you should find what you are looking for there.
  7. Probably not, as that would mean I would have to download the source, and install windows, and visual studio, then build it, package it, and post it. When v1.1 will do the job. The changes were minor, and not worth all of that to me. I honestly dont have any version of it on my computer anymore, as that was like 3+ years ago,
  8. I know what the changes are. lol. I was one of the testers for that app, and while it was being developed, Felida and I were getting new builds every couple of hours from swizzy. I had 1.2 long before it ever hit GitHub.
  9. This thread is about 1.1. There might be another thread about 1.2. I dont remember. lol.
  10. At this rate sooner rather than later, the devs had to roll back the changes for netISO, which took a bit of time, and due to the nova release, there was some stuff with the FTP server that needed modified, and while the devs were there figured they would fix a bug or 2 that had been around for a couple of years, but was minor. Then there are some fixes for the stuff for the WebUI in the new plugin. It should be soon, but being one of only testers, outside of the devs, that currently has an xbox, and being in the middle of packing my house, mine is in a box, so it might be a couple of weeks. I think there is still some work that needs to be done on the WebUI end, so that might work out well, since I dont know when the final test build will be passed on. Other than that from what I can tell, there are some new graphical elements that are being worked on for XUI stuff..... So, it is getting more attention then it has in about 2 months. We have lives outside of this, and work on it when we can.
  11. I have booted trinity consoles using corona power supply's and vice versa. It generally doesnt cause damage, but in the grand scheme, if the voltage is the same, then 10-15W usually doesnt make much of a difference, because there is a thing called tollerance on most parts, and some of the parts, especially in the power stages are rated higher then needed. That is why the general rule when you go to school for IT when it comes to power supplies, is that you can never really go to high, but if you go way to low, then things wont work as expected.
  12. Red Ring is phat xbox, red dot is slim console. Unless the red dot is on the power supply. Since it boots xell, I doubt that. You can pull the error code from the console the same way as you would with red ring, on a phat console with red dot on a slim console. That being said, I dont trust the error code I get from a RGH console, and would recommend flashing back stock nand first, then get the error code, and check what may cause that code. It could be something stupid like a bad HDD, or if it is a 4gb trinity, a bad 4g module. Could be a hardware failure somewhere also. Xell can boot on some messed up consoles, as it doesnt go through all the hardware checks the retail kernel does on boot. Cant say without seeing the error code.
  13. Not all original xbox games work on the 360. Microsoft released a list of games that are guaranteed to work with the emulator profiles that are available in the OG xbox emulator. Even then some of those have weird glitches. Might want to check the list. That being said, I am fairly sure I have that game, and it works. I would have to check, but since I am moving in the next 2 weeks, my 360 is in a box in my garage, waiting to be moved, so I cant check currently. Also, that is why I have an OG xbox on the shelf, just for those games that dont play on the 360. lol. Still need to do the ram upgrade on that.... Put that on my list of shit to do when I have time. lol.
  14. I dont recall that being in the script function updates. There is stuff for uploading, stuff for downloading, a few things for xui, but nothing about getting current fan speed. I will add it to the feature request stuff where the devs and testers post notes, but I dont know if it will come in 0.7b. edit: Added it to the new feature tracker.
  15. Something that takes less than 5 minutes per console takes too long..... Yet you have actual dev kits, which means you are potentially a developer? Tracking a bug takes in any software can take longer than that. lol.
  16. I see no reason why it shouldnt work on an xdk, assuming your xdk lets you run retail built apps like aurora. If you cant run aurora on your xdk, then the script will not work. You can always dump the nand, and adjust the smc yourself though, assuming you have a hardware flasher, and the know how to inject the new smc back into the nand image you dumped, as unless it is RGloader on an RGH, it will be more difficult to adjust these values.
  17. This is a known issue, that has been there for as long as the server has been up. Some email services get the email, and others dont. Kind of hard to fix. When one of the admins on the xboxunity site sees this, they will enable your account, and let you know. I dont have that kind of access there, so I cant help you.
  18. I was using HDD:\Games as an example. The HDD part obviously, or not so obviously depending on what you know, could be changed.
  19. What is wrong with games? I use games for 360 games, content folder for live and indie, and OGxbox for OG xbox games, Homebrew for homebrew, and Emulators for emulators. Never had an issue with it. Game is a path, but on the hdd, the path is HDD:\game, not Game:\. In that sense it doesnt make a difference.
  20. Sorry to hear about your console, I am surprised you havnt just picked up another one, and installed the chips from the one you have. I got me a trusty jasper, those consoles seem to last forever.... All of the problems I have had with it, I brought on my self, but I also found a way to fix it by myself..... Damn trace repairs. lol. That being said, it has been a reliable console for over 4 years, excepting when the disc drive stopped working, but you sent me a new one, and I still hardly put discs in it. lol. At this point, I hardly turn it on. Dont really turn on my xbox one either though. lol. The kids play it a bit though, when it isnt in a box, because I am in the process of moving.
  21. Both c0z and para are fairly elusive these days. That being said, what I meant, is that I have been doing this since 2013 or so, and while I have heard of c0z, and seen his work, I have never seen him make a direct post on any forum, or interact directly with the users. Para used to be very active, and supportive of his trainers when xzymods was around, even before the aurora trainers were a thing. Dashlaunch has been around, as long as I have been in the scene, but I have never seen a single post on any public internet forum from c0z, and his name is attached to just about every serious homebrew project for the 360. The other fairly elusive people are ced2911, and loveMhz(Team XeLove) but I dont think they are in the scene anymore at all. I can definitivly say that about Team Xelove, considering he dumped his code on his blog at one point and said he was done with the 360, and was moving on to different things. Here is the link to that blog, looks like the latest thing he was working on was a wifi enabled fishtank. https://lovemhz.com/.
  22. The problem is with the smb protocol version. you have to enable the older version as well. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2696547/how-to-detect-enable-and-disable-smbv1-smbv2-and-smbv3-in-windows-and Follow the directions there, and I am betting it will work for you. Doing so does create a slight security risk, if your external firewalls arent setup properly though.
  23. Did you attempt to use a modified skin for the plugin? If the skin wasnt patched correctly, then it doesnt load, and the plugin defaults back to the skin of the retail hud. This is just a guess though, as I dont know what you did. Also, if using the official skin, it should say freestyle home, not aurora home. The aurora home skin was something I put out, then others modified for their own uses. That was a hack and a half, figuring out where the issue was trying to get the recompiled file to load with the plugin. It is all documented somewhere on this forum, but where I couldnt tell you now. That being said, with 0.7b, the freestyle plugin is no more, and nova is born. Should solve this problem for you, if the problem is/isnt skin related. try copying the skin xur files from the aurora archive for the hud, and replacing them on your console, and see if that fixes the issue.
  24. c0z is the most elusive person in the scene. I am sure if I tried really hard, I could get in touch with him, just because I have other connections in the 360 homebrew scene, but it isnt high on my priority list. He does some great work, dont get me wrong, but all of the hardcore developers in the scene are the ones that have their names on the stuff, but you never see posting anything.... They like it that way, as they do this because they enjoy it, but also dont really want to be hounded by the rest of the people. That is where the intermediaries like the staff on this forum come in. lol. Then again, some of the staff on this forum who do get hounded about stuff are more in the know then we let on.....
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