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Everything posted by Dracinn

  1. Guess I'll unload Freestyle Plugin because I'm using Aurora, thanks will test later.
  2. It returns to press start screen when on Tu1.
  3. It goes to Bioware screen then back to press start screen. Update: Just unload Freestyle Plugin
  4. Where would i install this as I have have never manually installed title updates?
  5. Is the new title update available if so can someone provide download, unable to play due to dialogue bugs.
  6. Thanks I can confirm that it does work on my phone.
  7. I don't see where to push the cover on the site, on phone if that makes a difference.
  8. What button combo are you using?
  9. Fantastic theme keep it up. Finally someone who actually knows what a game theme really is and not just wallpapers.
  10. I have have a console on two different kernels and my profile works just fine.
  11. I really like this, don't know if you noticed but your B button isn't consistent with the other buttons.
  12. Just go to what you want to hide click Y then scroll down to rename move left and it will say hide.
  13. I have cover art but no game info.
  14. You could get a ConusMax http://www.xconsoles.com/products/cronus_max.html
  15. I have a Corona v3 motherboard and even under load it doesn't go over 60°c, I have a 12v fan mod set to auto.
  16. We already can just name it background and put it in Aurora root directory.
  17. Can't wait to download this very elegant and simple. Keep up with skinning.
  18. There already is a place in Aurora it's just not yet implemented.
  19. Agreed, and the ability to pick from that folder which to use.
  20. Go to your DLC select details go down to rename and move overs to left and select hide.
  21. How to configure the settings?
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