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Everything posted by saywaking

  1. This is more a concept, which should be discussed in the first place. The question is: Wouldn't it be better, if Scripts (certainly Utility Scripts) are considered as a content Type, like "homebrew" but is another type like "Utility Scripts", so the Scripts can be accessed faster through Auroras Main Page, instead of navigating through all the menus?
  2. me too and i never needed to disable anything.
  3. that makes no sense at all
  4. What tells you the test? Are you sure you used the lässt TU? Are you able to download TUs? Die you try with Aurora?
  5. Good job. Check the default login first and afterwards use the wordlist. İt may also be xbox:xbox İ wouldnt call it exploit. İts more a tool. Most people dont open ports for external use of the FTP, so the chances are low to find a vulnerable xbox on the internet. You would also have to find out its İP first. Utiliy scripting maybe. The FTP Plugin should be patched, but guess who is taking responibilities.
  6. https://github.com/XboxUnity/AuroraScripts The Readme.md contains all the available Stuff related to Utility Script developing. There is no detailed description or documentation. It is kept simple and you should be able to understand quickly when started. Just start away and ask if you got questions. If you want to make more UI-Based Scripts, you will have to look for available Menu and Gizmo Scripts.
  7. I wrote a little Script that creates a txt-File which shows you the possible Result, if you want to change this via Script. The main Problem is, that the Database saved the Directory Paths normalized (lower-case). The Script needs to look in the HDD for the real Directory Names. We also dont want to change Titles which are in the Content Directory. The lower-case handling and the actual function (apply) are not available. Go check it out and tell me if the results are worth it to continue this. PS: I consider this as a "Utility Script" TitleName2DirectoryName.zip
  8. That's actually an interesting idea. I always name my Directories better than the actual Title. There are some pitfalls tho, like multi-dvd Game Directories or some other stuff, you have to handle. PS: We wouldn't have this problem, if the Games would simply have consistent names. If it's not Microsoft's, Xbox Store's or the Publishers/Developers fault, than it's Xboxunity.net (Title-Adders). (ye, I don't know where the Titles come from. Edit: actually, after some thinking, they must come from the .xex file, as you also see the titles offline, so it's the developers fault, but anyhow, i think it's inavoidable, so lets not blame anyone) I may look into that tho.
  9. try hddhackr and FATXplorer on Windows.
  10. There is a tool for xbox with which you can create the partitions in case you use a thirdparty hdd. You could also do that on pc. i didnt look into the log file but you can find out if the hdd does problems by not using it to be sure.
  11. Ok i misunderstood. The speed is good enough to join or host, while hosting would be a bad experience. Show us your dashlaunch settings and portforwarding.
  12. its most likely because downstream speed is faster than upstream. Your upstream may be not enough. Check your internet speed, latency and ping
  13. Scripters wouldn't worry about, how that could work. If the API is giving us the functions, we can go ahead. Youtube Videos are saved in different formats. One of them is simple MP4. Videoplayback is already possible with XUI-Stuff. We have Trailers, it's basically the same. Also RTMP for Livestreams is possible, according to the XDK. Simple Youtube "Plugins" for Kodi are coded the simple way. You retrieve the information, build your list, and the items are references to the Video in certain formats. The Main Problem is, that the API of Youtube is changing fast, but let ignore that fact first. All in all, it's more of API Extensions, that i can only recommend. I hope i pointed out, how powerful the Utility Scripts could be, even if they aren't implemented for those intentions.
  14. Two options. Someone patches/TU the app to bypass the live checks. Or you write an own app. İ could actually build a youtube script but somethings like videoplayback and dynamic xuiobjects etc. are missing The script would give you the option to search, list videos and stream them.
  15. Another one: When i work with timer and miliseconds, and close the Gizmo Scene, the console freezes. "this:SetTimer(1, 1);" I guess that's not a good idea.
  16. There is one thing missing, current Fan Speed. I hope we can get it sorted out somehow. Everything else is working fine. If you want to test it early, you can pm me. Your scripts inspired me too. Credits on you.
  17. I see, that's why i got nil. I listed here, that it was not working. There is Script.ShowMessageBox() and userdata:ShowMessagebox() In the Readme, there is userdata:ShowMessageBox() edit: it appears, that gizmo:ShowMessagebox() needs 4 arguments, and the first one must be a number. In that method-list, i also see "Notify", which is not listed in the Readme (correctly). Well i decided to use Script.ShowNotification() and no MessageBox for that Temperature Manager Script. Also SetXLScene is nice to see. I hope it's full screen xD
  18. Hi, This Script gives you the ability to manage your Console-Temperature directly with Aurora. Script: Icon: Name: Temperature Manager Description: "This script displays and manages your fan speed and target temperatures." What it does: - Displays you the current CPU, GPU, RAM and CASE Temperature in Celcius (°C) - Displays you the current FAN-Speed - The Values are updated every Second (live), without refreshing the Scene - Optional: Sets the Target Temperatures permanently. (requires reboot) - Optional: Sets Fan-Speed temporarily. (lost after reboot) Screens Why did i create this?: Hmm, don't remember. What are the benefits?: - You can watch temperatures live - You can set permanent target Temps (Reboot required) - You can set temporary Fan-Speed (no Reboot required) - You can finally stop for asking Fan-Speed Features Disclaimer Be aware. Even though the given values should be in a safe range, i don't recommend setting anything above 70°C and under 30% Fan-Speed. If your console burns down, i won't help you. Is it final?: It's Version 1.0 Anyone who wants to contribute, can report Bugs, Suggest Features/Fixes or extend by using GitHub or this Thread. Where is the download?: When it's released, with the Aurora Script Repo, you can download it directly to your console. There was a canceled Version: TemperatureManagerCanceledVersion.zip
  19. Apparently, too fast Gizmo invokes lead to crash. function main() cmd = gizmo.run(table); if cmd.Result == "refresh" then main(); end end I can workaround this, when i put wait(500) before the recursion. But it would be better, if there is a Queue-System for Gizmo-Scenes. Edit: Also, Script.ShowMessageBox() in Gizmo Scenes is not possible.
  20. Apparently there is no "Kernel.GetFanSpeed()" function available. I miss that. Edited the first post. Edit: there is no "Script.SetRefreshListOnExit()" but "Script.RefreshListOnExit()" Edit: "Thread.Sleep()" is the same to "wait()" Edit: gizmo userdata ShowNotification is not working. It may also be the same of Script.ShowNotification() -> There is userdata:Notify() Edit: gizmo userdata:ShowMessageBox is mentioned in the Readme. It's ShowMessagebox()
  21. saywaking

    Site Maintenance

    it comes when you skip the "www." For reproduction, try clearing the cache or another Browser navigating directly to "realdmodscne.com"
  22. saywaking

    Site Maintenance

    me too, at least no SSL error anymore.
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