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Everything posted by felida

  1. People can pm me, I'll just send em to here, I'm out of the "skin game".. But you're welcome
  2. Try a free VPN man, and see if that works.. Just Google "FREE VPN" as that fixed this guy in South Africa's problem.. Don't remember his name.. Sorry about that But something like 500MB per month free.. He had me sign up for a free extra 100mb.. I just don't remember the site..
  3. I'm guessing that you want this in the "HUD"? As the matchmaking area can do most of this.. And for the friends thing, you can do that already, after you've talked on the site.. There is limited resources with the HUD as is.. But yeah, next time use tinypic.com or even mediafire,. As they will allow you to view pix w/o downloading m8
  4. wow.. people still just don't know when to stop.. kind of makes you wish you can make a popup video of the "rick-roll" video when they log in.. and have popup video stuff like VH1 used to do.. hahaha
  5. unfortunately people dont think man.. lmao and just use stuff that probably stole their KV's lmao.. as "auto-GG" was released like 3 weeks prior to YOU officially releasing DL and XeBuild.... haha.. but hey.. stupid is as stupid does right? i mean if swizzy wanted some KV's.. he can have mine.. lmao.. as i dont use it at all.. and hell he could have my corona sitting collecting dust.. just has 2 resistors fried.. even got a postout v2 just sitting.. but people will be super ignant
  6. where did u get that readme?? as there is nothing in mine in the packs Swizzy released?? d/l: V3.15 - update embedded patches 15574+ to allow dash tile to show data dvd game icon/name - switch to Rtl kernel functions for *printf, safer for system threads - add 17349 xebuild: Changes: ======== 1.15 - add additional checks to sort big block and mmc overdumps better - retain netKd info from header if present along with mobiles - 15574+ patch added to allow data dvd with 360 game to show name/tile info in official dash - added command line option -8 and [rawpatch] segment to data dir ini, can have up to 16 file slots with offset - added 'testkit' and 'testkit16' targets, same as devkit but has 2 keyvaults - fixed a problem with skipping newer versions of small/single page mobile files on small block NAND - trim addon patches if a tailing 0xFFFFFFFF was mistakenly included (thanks sk!) - fsroot scan now collects info on mobiles for later extraction - fix bugs with locating/extracting small mobile files in some rare cases - add 17349 might want to re-think about where ever you got that from m8..
  7. If you don't trust Swizzy, gtf out of here!!! lmao.. as his name is on most of the stuff you USE!!! He don't need your KV.. lmao..
  8. it's the freestyle plugin.. not any dashlaunch plugins, as i have 3 running, to include xbdm. freestyle/link plugin causes the loop.. have to unload it everytime.. lol Disc 2 - T ID: 45410997 M ID:4C274E0C TU6: titleid-45410997 mediaID-4955B754 works flawless..
  9. There is nothing anyone, anywhere, that can do anything for you.. ISP is the only ones, or get a VPN.. ;-)Or use your port that you play on LiNK with.. As you DO play on link, and you have to have open ports for that.. ;-) And the ISP can open multiple ports
  10. você poderia chamar-se o seu ISP e pedir-lhes para abrir as portas, mas honestamente ninguém, mas você pode fazer isso .. e eles devem, a menos que haja uma razão específica que rotina .. em seguida, ir com a rota VPN you could call up your ISP and ask them to open the ports, but honestly no one but you can do that.. and they should, unless there is a specific reason they wont.. then go with the VPN route
  11. that wont help.. you can get a free VPN.. and that WILL.. but no one can do jack about your ISP m8
  12. Yes, I used to link it the the thread here, but he created its own site, so I just linked it to there instead.. Yes the idea is good.. And it works.. And you can setup your own server.. now that leumonic has set that up.. But that app will probably drop use when nova comes out.. But it is a nice addition til it does, right??
  13. Once again the skin champ brings out something new.. Lol I'd pick it apart, but I'm out of the skin game ;-) as I have RL stuff..
  14. More will be added nef.. I've talked to Vituous69/leumonic about sharing the source with Gavin and whatnot.. To maybe get better ideas/features.. But as they have both stated, might not go too far when nova gets released.. As both Gavin/leumonic have said.. Nova will pretty much dominate over this.. But maybe.., and leumonic has stated, anyone will be able to continue the work on this when he is done.. So don't think that just because there isn't something there now, that it won't be ;-) but that would be up to who/if someone does pick it up
  15. I understand you, like I said I misunderstood, your original post m8.. And I don't know how u got video.wmv to work.. As I tried bootanims, other types of conversions, and all resulted in errors.. But I do understand what the coding would require.. To add a enable/disable feature.. But my apologies for misunderstanding the op.. ;-)But I can also understand why they didn't make that option in Aurora too.. As it would require resources dedicated to other things..
  16. the requirement is for the notifications on XB.. the whole XDK requirement is optional now.. just without it, no notifications thru XB.. in no way im trying to deter NOVA production, it is just nice to see someone is trying to help out there, WITH the mindset, that this will be unused once NOVA is live and i also understand the idea about the malicious intent.. as some have already stated and it doesn't allow chatting THROUGH the xb, like nova will.. just sends xnotifications..
  17. My bad lol mistook the placement of this thread.. But was just saying the scrolling BG is possible, as it is just the BG moving.. Very similar to Begals animated tut
  18. play on TU5.. or get the CORRECT MEDIA ID TU 6
  19. felida

    COD AW error

    the dash doesn't matter, as only the kernel matters(aurora/FSD dont) .. and the media id has to match your game's media ID.. lol ALSO: dont download the TU via WiFi, as that will likely NOT work!!
  20. felida

    COD AW error

    are they for your media ID?? unlocked? also dash wouldnt matter ;-)
  21. you can make a slideshow.. check out my tutorials.. plus as it stands, multiple bg's aint supported.. but you can work it to have multiple just sliding thru..
  22. felida

    COD AW error

    there are 3 compatibility packs.. GET EM!
  23. xrpc is needed for some stuff, like the notification of new msgs! but SDK "dependancy" is removed
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