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ethanvenzin last won the day on February 27 2015

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About ethanvenzin

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. I cleared the cache and things,tried without TU so far it is pretty stable for now,I don't know if it will do it again thanks ScorpNZ and Swizzy for replying
  2. *sigh* I don't know what is going on with my mass effect 2 but to the point,it freezes a lot so I had to hard restart it a lot,I just wanna ask is it the same to all of you because a lot of time when I try to save it freeze and lots of time I run missions it freezes on the next sequence,and the latest problem is when I finally able to finish the horizon mission,when I save the file instead of saving it deleted my saves all 3 of them and the create a new save button doesn't work as well,now I can't progress the level again I had to load the restart horizon mission save and it freezes after I hacked the tower. Pleaae can anyone help me is it in all me2 or only if you import character,and for the record I installed and enabled TU2 please anything is appreciated guys.
  3. So i don't know what the hell happened,i've unlocked those dlcs,and after i moved it out of the contents folder to somewhere the xbox won't detect,and moved it back one by one it worked,thanks Swizzy for answering this post
  4. So recently I got GOW 3 with the dlcs,but when I play it stucks after selecting storage device And showing downloading menu thing,then it freezes everytime,I tried to disable title update or signing out then sign in later but it doesn't work,I haven't tried removing the dlc but I can't make backup right now so I'm pretty helpless now. please can anyone help me solve this? Much appreciated thanks.
  5. Lol,some people are not so lucky to have next gen ahem.. "Current" gen consoles ya know
  6. Yeah,they need to make it for ps4 and xb1 as well so they created DA Keep,And they created it for retail paltforms but i play it on a hacked console and yeah that's the cons from playing on hacked console
  7. Unfortunately I don't have a retail xbox,I really really looking forward to it but why can't they just make it like dragon age 2
  8. Hey guys,just wanna ask is it possible to import world state to jtag without xbox live? Well the default world state sucks and I wanna import world state but i can't do it without xbox live
  9. Thanks guys i have finally fixed it,it's my bad actually when i cannot play that's maybe because i was using disc 1's xex files,and i changed it and downloaded a new title update because the old one didn't work and it finally working the only issue i got is the loop thing,but that's not really a problem thanks guys
  10. ethanvenzin

    ASEAN users?

    I got it working from aurora just fine bruh,you should connect to unity
  11. ethanvenzin

    ASEAN users?

    Any ASEAN users playing on system link? maybe COD or some other games?
  12. Still can't get it to work but anyway i'll figure it out later thanks guys everyone who replied
  13. Well,maybe I'll try unloading xbdm because I didn't unload it before thanks,I'll try it later when I can dammit why did I deleted my save
  14. I tried to unload the plugins but It still doesn't work
  15. I have updated my kernel,it's 17150 If i try to launch it nothing happens,usually there is bioware logo and shit stuff,but this nothing happens just black screen but i'm able to use the guide button to get back to the dash etc. i haven't tried unloading plugins but i'll try later thanks guys
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