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Everything posted by saywaking

  1. awesome is it possible to turn off the Mic with a switch
  2. xbdm via the network ? You may implement it to the WebUI with WebRTC and WebGL Well i can think of a plugin which is able to record in background, but like said, it would not have even 480p the snapshots even take too long but the coding is relevant, the hardware is damn old but a POC version should be doable
  3. buy 360 and use the emulator
  4. do we have a full XBMC Skin port anywhere ? nice skin tho
  5. well it should be working if you can think logic i cant think of a persistent xbox live connection or cloud computing, because it would just not be necessary i bet swizzy just tries, because he did not test it like the way i would do
  6. LiNK on xbox is untouched and just working fine
  7. would be great to listen to the community and consider some suggestions
  8. Hi, it would be great, if you could put a new larger list view additionally with Game Information or at least LiNK Support, and CoOp info. (Split Screen, multiplayer number ...)
  9. even the xex are patchable but i think this should be doable i doubt it these apps use cloud computing or something familiar. It could even be possible to port an open Source browser
  10. Hi we have Friendships in Unity and statistics and status information. It would be a great o start implementing a PM feature to the site.
  11. on a Dualnand with the App updates and then fake live and an xbox live acc ?
  12. or just wait till its finished lol its just created and has to be reconfigured
  13. if you can read you dont have to change anything at all they just have to finish forking
  14. currently some people are playing they clone it i think i hope they do a PM Message system at least on the homepage as new feature i mean that should be done quick maybe it will be ported to the console as external plug in if there will be no source with some hacks or external server i dunno
  15. lol you dont have to log in in jqe everytime you just have to fill in the jqe tab in fsd settings once and connect it just ONCE no pc browser needed, no more "log in" needed
  16. saywaking

    LiNK greyed out

    to bad such differences in MID and TID are existing nonsense or you may explain why they did that
  17. lol wait for real what is this new project ? and why the damn this is NOT in the RSS feed which is not updated ? let other people update it then if you dont have time and why this movement ? Was it necessary ?
  18. Well maybe the next update would do the IE thing buuuuuuuuuuuuut
  19. i did not notice and i dont now what you try to tell lol fsd plugin updates would come out inofficially when we will have source which will badly happen after several years we have to extend plug ins externaly, well its basically writing own plugins, which work similar to the fsd plugin at least we would need connectivity "api" to their database which they also keep anonymous i hate closed source
  20. site co-optimus is good and the systemlink wikipedia article it would be great if there in jqe is also additional info about how playable the games are in multiplayer (split screen, player numbers ...)
  21. i doubt its automatically added in although it was instantly added some last games when they got released
  22. Lol i got it, the XML Files are just horrible What's the difference between EXT XUI and normal one ? And why is this so buggy and uncomplete :S sometimes it cant load any files
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