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Everything posted by MaesterRowen

  1. This has been implemented in 0.4b Thanks for the suggestion.
  2. I spent many weeks reversing the XUR binary format and writing a converter to get the files in XUI format (thats what XUI Workshop does)... Once they were in XUI format, we had to create special extension files that allowed our "consumer" version of XUITool to open them. Once we can open in XUI Tool, we can make our changes. From there- Wondro wrote the portion of XUI Workshop that converts the XUI format back into a XUR file that GUIDE can load... I guess to answer your question- no other devs do this because they aren't allowed to, thats the benefit to being in the scene we are in... that said, Microsoft offers some very few custom API options to modify a few things but nothing as extensive as we have done.
  3. Xui is a lot like XAML in that every XUI Control is just a "Container" with different base properties. Each container can be "skinned" using a Visual. A Visual is a combination of XUI Controls that define the way you want another XUI Control to look. That is where you set the text color of an Xui Button. Once you create a Button Visual, you can then set your XUI Button to that visual and it will look like it. Since you are indeed an XUI beginner, you are going to need to just play around and experiment. Once you get the hang of it you'll see its really just a combination of XAML and Flash. Good luck.
  4. XUI Tool can certainly open XUR files. You just goto File -> Open -> Change your file filter to All Files (*.*) and select the xur file. Then you'll want to goto File -> Save As -> and save it as file_name.xui. You can't open Aurora skin files in XUI Workshop. They are completely different binary types. The XUR files that are used by the XBOX GUIDE are a different version than the XUR files that are used by AURORA. Microsoft created a new version of the XUR format specifically for use with XBOX GUIDE to offer special features and controls as well as compress the files using special packing algorithms to minimize the in memory foot print as much as possible. In summary.... if you are making a skin for Aurora, you use XUI Tool, if you are modifying Freestyle Plugin or messing with Xbox GUIDE in any way, you use XUI Workshop. Good luck
  5. Awesome, thanks for sharing and contributing toward the custom filter scene! we need more of this as that's the reason we created it this way!
  6. ...just read the release information post
  7. Thanks all for the kind words and donations! All of it combined really helps keep us going- we have more fantastic features coming early next year and look forward to getting started on it!
  8. Phoenix has released version 0.4b of Aurora, check it out: Aurora info and download. If you like what we're doing here, feel free to buy us a virtual beer or something!
  9. Base XUITool should be able to open xur files extracted from the default.xzp. What file is giving you index out of range?
  10. Post your debug logs that are generated after failing to launch the game.
  11. XuiTool is the name of the program you need. Swizzy already mentioned this. It is part of the Xbox 360 Software Development Kit (SDK A.K.A. XDK)
  12. Aurora 0.4b Is Now Available! Happy Holidays everyone, This next update brings some more requested features that we hope you enjoy and get some good use. Below, we've outlined the additions, changes, deletions, and bug fixes. Take a look and leave a comment. Theme Settings - In the view menu, we've added a new section for theme settings. Here you can change your cover layout, you can select and preview backgrounds, and you can turn on or off the background animation setting. To add new backgrounds to your theme menu, you simply save them into your Aurora:\Backgrounds\ folder. Currently, we support BMP, PNG, DDS, JPG, DIB, HDR, PFM, and PPM image formats. For optimal use, please use an image that has a resolution of 1280x720. Smaller and larger images are supported; however, they are scaled and may compromise load times. Skin Settings - Also in the view menu, we've added a section for skin settings. You will have the ability to select new user created skins, you will have the ability to turn on/off the "Idle" status text and you will have the ability to select an alternate splash screen. The alternate splash screen is a skin dependent feature. In Aurora, the alternate splash screen is a darker version of the default. Other skins may offer different alternates. Launch DVD - In the system dialog (pressing Back on main menu) we have added a Launch DVD button. This button will allow you to launch whatever game (or movie) is in your DVD drive. This will not download artwork or allow you to manage title updates. That type of functionality will come in the future. Title Update Scanning - Based on community feedback, we've opted to change up the TU scanning process. In Aurora 0.3b, we attempted to solve a serious issue that came up when scanning Title Updates. For those of you who don't know, prior to Aurora 0.3b, the title update scan and backup happened in the background. If a game was launched or the console was turned off while a title update was being copied, then the copy would be corrupt and the title update would not work. This became a bigger problem as Title Updates became much larger (Alien Isolation anyone?) as the copy would take even longer, increasing the chance of an interrupted backup. To solve this problem in Aurora 0.3b, we forced the title update scan to occur during the splash screen. However, the draw back that comes with that is the longer boot times, which many people didn't like. The solution we implemented in Aurora 0.4b is to scan Title Updates the first time you boot Aurora 0.4b, and then allow the user to decide when the next scan happens. Provided you only use the built in Title Update Manager from within Aurora, then you won't have to scan for title updates again. However, if you manually copy them to your drive, or download them from another dash (like FSD), then you will need to scan again. We have implemented a Scan Now button in settings to allow you to rescan for new title updates in that case. For those of you who were okay with the AutoScan happening at boot, we've added a setting to allow that to happen every time. Lastly, we added a Clear All button which essentially will scan through all of your /Cache/ and /Content/ folders and remove any title updates it finds. Changes Added LB/RB tab icons to the FileManager and Title Update Manager to help make that more clear Updated skin.xml and added skin.meta to skin files to support the new Skin Selection settings Added alternate skin splash screen option in default skin Reconfigured the Filter & Sorts scene and made updates to the game list happen immediately Created a new dynamic list module that allows us to save a ton of XUI processing power Added screenshot activator and trigger button selection prompts to allow configuration Fixed an issue where you could move the game list while the Progress UI was displayed Fixed an issue where freezing could occur when viewing achievements scene (and a couple other scenes) Added the ability to launch LibXenon ELF files from within the File Manager Added Launch DVD button to System dialog with drive detection to enable/disable button as necesssary Moved CoverLayout selection into a popup list Moved Sort Order selection into a popup list Fixed an issue where screenshot combo would not be disabled if no network cable was inserted at boot Removed filename restrictions in filemanager - allowing special characters to be used Added ability to add or remove letterbox mode when on 4:3 screens without having to manually modify database Aurora will now turn on XHTTP in dash launch while Aurora is running. When aurora exits, it will revert it to whatever setting you had it at previously. Supported Languages The following is a list of translations available in this release. If you have a language that is not already completed that you would like to translate for us, please contact Swizzy. English - Default Language German - Translated by Nachtgarm French - Translated by Nord Sud Team Spanish - Translated by Gromber Italian - Translated by MatteIta Portuguese - Translated by SpkLeader Polish - Translated by Przemysław Kołodziejczyk Swedish - Translated by Swizzy Turkish - Translated by Bomlife Dutch - Translated by Mattie Simplified Chinese - Translated by Zesty Traditional Chinese - Translated by Zesty Russian - Translated by Cosmaty Korean - Translated by -zard- Future Updates As usual we have a quite a few more features we are planning to implement as we continue to push Aurora forward. We are continuously checking the forums for all your requests and ideas, so keep them coming! Thanks: Thanks for helping us test our new dash replacement and look forward to bringing even more functionality in the future. Special thanks goes to SpkLeader, Swizzy, Trajik, cOz, JPizzle, Blackwolf and Biohazard for their behind the scenes involvement and assistance in testing and preparing this package Support: Please post bugs in the support forum. Or check out #RealModScene on Efnet for support Current Versions: 0.4b r900 Binaries 0.4b r900 Skin 3.0b r801 Freestyle Plugin Downloads: Link: Aurora 0.4b.rar MD5: 82E6F10F993B6F9B01463527E5E5459B Note: This update is available via the Auto Updater in Aurora. For the update to succeed you must be on at least version 0.1a.1. You can find that download here. Donations: We would like to say thank you to the people have donated to us so far. If anyone else would like to show their support feel free to use this handy button... Cheers, Phoenix
  13. We have ideas for more indepth content management for DLC, Saved games and profiles in the pipeline- I don't know how close it is to reality atm, its definitely low priority- but hey, you might see something one day- who knows!
  14. I don't think we intend on implementing a 'Trainer Marketplace' where you can download trainers directly to xbox. The primary reason is that we like to validate anything we automatically download and run on your system. If someone uploads a trainer and its malicious- and you run it- then we have potential blame coming our way. The only way we can validate trainers reliably, is by managing them and the website around them, the testing and approval process etc...- and I personally, don't have enough interest in trainers and don't like to see them on LiNK- so I don't have a vested interest in making them much easier than we have them. As it is now, you actively decide to go download a trainer, place it on your system, and then launch it, we feel, that at that point- you are assuming the risk associated with it. Hope that helps.
  15. To get the skin elements to display you to have to load the skin. To do that, you'll have to convert the Aurora_Skin.xur to Aurora_Skin.xui by first loading the .xur, then saving it as Aurora_Skin.xui. Then goto File -> Load Skin -> [Aurora_Skin.xui] and as long as all your paths are the same (relatively) then it'll show the artwork.
  16. There does appear to be an issue with deleting a scan path- we are looking into it- unfortunately the solution isnt simple so it might take some time.
  17. You used to be able to do it in F3- though, that may have been lost when jqe360.com went away- another reason to upgrade to Aurora!
  18. sorry edited after i opened your attachment- didn't think you'd respond that fast.
  19. Oh, i think the issue is because of the 1280x960. You're being pushed to the rgiht (960-720) = 140px (90 degree rotation). That's because the XUI is loaded into a 1280x720 buffer at 0,0. You will need to resize your XUI back to 1280x720 and play with it another way to stop the shifting. I can think of some things to try but man it would be tough to explain in a forum post- hit me up on IRC if you want to chat.
  20. Okay i was able to see waht was going on here and will fix it, thanks for pointing it out!
  21. It's not that big of a problem- just load them how you normally would have- if you want them to show up in the aurora list you need aurora compatible trainers.
  22. Freedom, You may want to try creating a second Aurora installation and start fresh to see if something is corrupt in your files. If you start fresh and nothing downloads then something is definitely going on
  23. Post some screenshots, we'll take a look at it. See if its something we can work out.
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