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Milspex last won the day on February 9 2022

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About Milspex

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  1. remake it. It was made when 0.4b was current, things have changed in the meantime.
  2. it is confirmed working only on 0.4b like I mentioned Included in the zip is the entire 0.4b folder, try copying the whole folder and run aurora from there.
  3. Hey all, scoured my old harddrives and found my tate skin. This was made way back in the day for v0.4b so it might need a lot of reworking. Grab it quick. https://easyupload.io/u7s6n5
  4. Yes I've looked and I will install 0.6 tonight. Doesn't look like any rotate options in display though unfortunately
  5. Have there been any additions to the options on the display tab in Aurora since 0.4?
  6. change your xbox display settings , turn off widescreen. Only found this old pic below, the skin I have now has fixed the text overlaps and shows the video.
  7. I also did a Tate FBANext 640x480 skin, it's one of the first skins I ever made. Prevents neck problems hehe Instead of just changing everything in the skin to the right dimensions, you also have to change the skin properties to 640x480 Aurora 16:9 Tate skin Aurora SD Tate Skin FBANext 16:9 Tate Skin
  8. sounds like that should work. Will test this out. Only thing left that I would like to see is the ingame menu toggle mapped to different buttons, but thats just me ;-) Tried it, unfortunately didnt work. Also tried your new core in the existing Retroarch build. The core works but the options don't show either. Weird..
  9. It works in Retroarch, but not in your custom builds I believe. I think the first line in the config should list default.xex instead of fba-libretro.xex , since that file doesnt exist, but the config writes it like that. It probably has to do with the core being renamed. I will try this first
  10. Nope , even with the settings set in the config, neo geo games dont boot in unibios, which means the settings dont register. Weird, but it's the only thing I could find so far that wasnt working correctly yet.
  11. Tested it out just now. Works like a charm, just missing the fbalibretro core options. Tried just adding the core options config file but that didn't work so no unibios for now. fba-diagnostics = "disabled" fba-unibios = “enabled†fba-cpu-speed-adjust = "100" fba-controls = “arcade†Other than that all games I tried work perfectly , apart from vertical games being upside down by default. Im assuming this needs editing in the config: # Allows libretro cores to set rotation modes. # Setting this to false will honor, but ignore this request. # This is useful for vertically oriented games where one manually rotates the monitor. # video_allow_rotate = true
  12. I made a custom skin and did a lot of adjusting so yes this can be done
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