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Everything posted by Swizzy

  1. This means that Xbox 360 E doesn't have a sensor for the motherboard temperature OR... yours is SERIOUSLY bad...
  2. http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/2090-f3-rev-775/
  3. Tried making sure you have the LATEST version of them (that hopefully supports rev 775)?
  4. My code for this project is REALLY bad... xD it's nowhere near clean or even optimized...
  5. Do you get the same readings using Dashlaunch tempbcast & Dashlaunch Temp Monitor? if so; it's not a FSD bug... Dashlaunch broadcast the data that the SMC feeds, then Dashlaunch Temp Monitor convert the bytes to temperature values...
  6. Try downloading the latest version manually and installing that... it's really not hard... you can find it here: http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/2090-f3-rev-775/
  7. Can you be more precise then "nothing happens"? does the screen go black? if so; try disabling the FSD Plugin... (unload it)
  8. http://www.sendspace.com/file/4gdqi3 <--- an old project of mine that i made for a friend, a little over a year ago... might help
  9. In the root? HDDX is a mount point similar to HDD or HDD1...If it doesn't exist you need to run a program to make it...
  10. It's in FSD where you select folders to scan...The HDDX stuff on HDD1; just delete the "compatibility" folder
  11. 1. Probably because of your settings, you can specify a "type" or just let FSD decide for you... 2. Xbox backwards compatibility is supposed to be in HDDX: not HDD1: you're probably doing it wrong... you can also delete entries or move them if you want...
  12. You do realize this is a PC based application/game right? the "console" is well CMD...
  13. Does it say that the HDMI port is Input/Output or nothing about it in the manual? if there's nothing about it, it's safe to assume it's output... and seeing as it's a HP it's most likely NOT input... thus, if you want to use your computer as a monitor you need external hardware that can read the output on HDMI and show it to you on the computer monitor... (most likely not going to work well anyways due tothe speeds required to do so)
  14. This problem can often be solved by deleting the database and redoing everything...
  15. Swizzy

    Battlefield 4

    Maybe Disk 1 is the multiplayer one then? i don't really remember which it was with BF3... etheir way, the content folder is in one of them, that's the multiplayer one... and just copy that to the directory i mentioned ^
  16. Hmm, 32Gig 2.5" USB HDD?! that's new to me... xD
  17. Swizzy

    Battlefield 4

    Making Disc2 into GOD is redundant, i guess it's the multiplayer disc similar to BF3... What you need to do is just extract disc2 and copy "content" to HDD: or to the 32GB usb drive you have there... (USBMU0:)
  18. Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());^ the above code is useless... when you do Console.ReadLine() the return value is already a string, converting a string to a string is pointless don't you think? ** edit: ** http://www.sendspace.com/file/adf77n <--- for anyone that wants to try it out, here's a compilation to exe (which you can run directly with no install) and some updated/cleaned up source code [including the entire project]
  19. If you are using it to convert ISO files... then you can switch to something that doesn't need mscomctl.ocx... like Exiso, Exiso GUI or my side-project which i haven't completed yet: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vppykw (it can extract iso files just fine tho!)
  20. Most likely; no... you cannot... because as Doctor Stewie mentioned, it's most likely an output port... so there's nothing that can make it go the other way...
  21. I'd say clear out any old data and rescan... or try just rescanning once... Also, doublecheck that you have default.xex in each of the "old" games folders... 32 Gig's seems kinda small tho, i'm guessing you made a typo there? it's really 320Gig aint it?
  22. Go to the settings tab, find the plugins stuff... unload the FSD Plugin... (there's a button)
  23. That'd be the FSD crash... disable the FSD Plugin and it'll work just fine
  24. Maybe i need to fix more bugs? any other games not working for you?
  25. Swizzy

    Fsd black screen

    In normal cases you don't need to run anything through any tool other then conversion tools like ISO2GOD, exiso or similar...The problem with AC Black Flag is probably caused by ppl running the wrong disc (you need to run disc 1) another possible problem is that the data extracted isn't valid (missing data or simply corrupt data for whatever reason) the root cause of the problem is that the game is crashing, no tool that is like "game hack" can fix bugs by the developers, in order to fix bugs like that you have to edit the source code or reverse the xex and create a patch... no tool can do that automatically for you...** edit: **Just tested it myself using XEXMenu [all i had on the box at the time...] and it worked fine, i extracted the game using a alpha build of a side project of mine: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vppykw feel free to use it as much as you want... it's not officially released yet... but you can use it for whatever...** edit2: **Launching with F3 causes the black screen as for you guys, so... it's something with F3 that is causing the game to crash... try disabling the plugin maybe?** edit 3: **Unloading the FSD Plugin = game starts fine, so... it's a FSD Plugin thing that is causing the issue, all you have to do in order to play the game is to unload the FSD Plugin or wait for the Team to solve the problem ** edit 4: ** Some debug info for the developers: it's trying to read/write from/to memory which it is not allowed to acces... that message is spammed ALOT
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