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About VictorELDios

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. It is not an error what happens is that you have created custom filters
  2. is for personal use, is currently under development
  3. en el primer inicio durante unos segundos se muestra de esta manera ¿Esto es normal?
  4. Hello first of all, I do not know if this is considered a problem, if not I apologize from now, when the console appears by default Aurora by Phoenyx.cfljson and the Background Animation is seen in this way. 000000002005112206030638.bmp After a few seconds drastically changes to the established values, in this case in this way. 0000000020051122060439148.bmp I do not know why this lethargy is due, I mention that it only happens when the console is turned on for the first time, after this it does not happen even if you restart the dasboard. Thank you!
  5. I send you a message but I take the liberty to finish it, the problem is the times, but changing them is very easy, greetings! The background image you place in Images/Fondo.png Aurora_Loading.xur Fondo
  6. Yo creo que deberías calmarte @Srealmoreno no puede darte crédito de algo que no hiciste, el tomo como base un skin que estaba ya alojado en el foro con acceso a publico y actualizo su mascara, si quieres evitar eso simplemente guárdate la piel para ti, para todo esto dudo que @M0514H no sepa cambiar un simple texto, solo decidió dejarlo por que tomo como base tu mascara. 0000000020180618185226234.bmp 000000002018061818533064.bmp
  7. I had a problem with 'Last Played: Never' before deleting Aurora I made 'XexMenu' after it through FTP Delete the folder where Aurora was stored in this case inside "Hdd1 \ Aurora" after that "Aurora" copies inside "Hdd1 \" through a pendrive using Xexmenu finally it's your turn to indicate the routes where you have your games and that's it, obviously the caratulas are lost
  8. Try to call the temperature function as shown in FSD but the call does not work, it remains static just try to copy the temperature ID of 'novaHomeTabSignedIn' but they are specific that makes me understand, that if the ID is not registered it will not show values like 'XuiAvatarPresenter' the latter can be duplicated without problems, but the same problem happens when wanting to show 'GamerPicture' in that aspect is limited
  9. The little I have understood is by inverse lol there are things that I still can not do
  10. I was referring to this, temperatures are shown in digits as 47.2 ° C or similar
  11. There is no document or guide, where you know that you can call the function, the main dawn board or others?
  12. I can not call 'GamerPicture' to Utilities_SystemTools only he managed to call 'AvatarPresenter' the same thing happens to me with 'GamerTag' a greeting! I try to achieve something similar to this......
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