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superted76 last won the day on March 19 2016

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64 Excellent

About superted76

  • Rank
    RMS Sophmore
  • Birthday 09/01/1976

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    Glasgow, Scotland
  • Interests
    Learning and teaching reading and writing adding and subtracting.......

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  1. I wouldn't go changing thing's as I don't imagine the people coding Aurora would have paid that much mind more so to get the project finished and released so they could start work on new projects that said don't take that all on board though because Aurora can play games loaded through the net server from what I would imagine to be indexed drives on the home PC....
  2. Lol he'll probably start the console then press eject
  3. http://www.team-cobra-ode.com/ <<< Go read Harsh
  4. Have you ruled out a bad flash device by trying another to see if that helps?
  5. does your spam folder auto clean after a week coz some do and it may have deleted without you knowing
  6. Do you plan on re-writing the dump back in or was is just curiosity?
  7. Why did you dump the NAND in the first place>? You obviously have some slight idea of what you are doing, so if your updating the dash hence the dump I'd not pay it much mind if I'm honest. Running a jTag with a bad block that's been dash-updated several times and the console isn't affected by it. I'm not however top of the class when reading your log file but I don't think remapping it would have any greater affect on the console.
  8. Try powering the console with the DVD Eject button as suggested and see if Xell boots, if so all is not lost
  9. He's possibly got an NTSC game and downloaded the PAL DLC
  10. Try using that and see if it helps Xbox Backup Creator v2.9.0.350.zip Sometimes downloaded ISO files property's are locked to prevent malware and such but generally if it's downloaded in RAR/ZIP then extracted it doesn't have this issue
  11. Right click the ISO and make sure it's not blocked by default as a download and not read only. Sometimes ISO downloads show as blocked not allowing for extraction or modification P.S lol @ Swizzy
  12. Is it a modded console or stock? Does the freeze just freeze or does the picture breakup/scatter? Could be a bad HDD or could need repasted/reballed GPU. Bit more information please
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=xbdm.xex&oq=xbdm.xex&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 XBDM.xex Plugin: <adfly link removed>. If you do not know what to do with the XBDM.xex, make sure you add it as a plugin via Dashlaunch and you will be able to connect your computer to your console with Xbox 360 Neighborhood. 16 Jan 2014
  14. Different code I believe so wouldn't think it possible but then I don't write code.....Swizzy??? Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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