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Everything posted by MaesterRowen

  1. Is your xbox setup to boot directly into Aurora and not FSD first? If not, set it up that way, cold-boot your xbox and try launching from Aurora.
  2. Just a follow up- we're not going to do an "installation manager" per se- but instead we're going to do friendly Content/0000 listing in our file manager. It will be easier to find out where things should go.
  3. We do download this information from xbox.com. However its not available to scripts. I will make sure its available to scripts in the next update. We store the infromation as a packed DWORD so its going to take some bit twiddling in lua to get waht you want out of it, but has the following information: typedef struct _GAMECAPS_FLAG_DATA { BOOL OfflineDolbyDigital; BOOL OfflineHardDriveRequired; BOOL OnlineHardDriveRequired; BOOL OnlineLeaderboards; BOOL OnlineContentDownload; BOOL OnlineVoice; } GAMECAPS_FLAG_DATA; typedef struct _GAMECAPS_OFFLINE_DATA { DWORD OfflinePlayersMin; DWORD OfflinePlayersMax; DWORD OfflineCoopPlayersMin; DWORD OfflineCoopPlayersMax; DWORD OfflineSystemLinkMin; DWORD OfflineSystemLinkMax; } GAMECAPS_OFFLINE_DATA; typedef struct _GAMECAPS_ONLINE_DATA { DWORD OnlineMultiplayerMin; DWORD OnlineMultiplayerMax; DWORD OnlineCoopPlayersMin; DWORD OnlineCoopPlayersMax; } GAMECAPS_ONLINE_DATA;
  4. Try unloading the Freestyle Plugin and seeing if they work then.
  5. Link me to your debug logs from after you launch a game that fails.
  6. Kinect games are no different than other games..... unless something is really going wrong, I have a hard time believe Aurora is responsible for them not working. Maybe an easy test would be to see if you can launch those same games with F3 to see if thye work fine.
  7. Awesome! Great work, can we contact you when 0.3b is ready to be localized? If so, we can include your translation into the release. Let us know, thanks!
  8. It is needed because Usb0, Usb1 and Usb2, Memory Units, etc, can change depending the order they are plugged in. Once we have to do it for special cases we have to do it for all of the drives so they all work the same.
  9. I am pretty sure if you use Sorts, you can sort by Last Played- which should start hte list with your most recently played game.
  10. Can you reach out to me on IRC - efnet, Nick: MaesterRo ? I need you to send me the following items: default.xex for standard version of RDR (disc 1 and 2 if there are 2) default.xex for GOTY version of RDR (disc 1 and 2) Please package them together in a way that it is easy for me to know which is which. I will investigate to see what can be done, if anything.
  11. Xbox unity is NOT REQUIRED to download covers- its only for LINK and updates- if you are not receiving covers then you have a different issue- like livestrong not being disabled, xhttp not being enabled, your ethernet cable not plugged in. etc,
  12. You can also access your screenshots through the WebUI. There is a screenshot viewer there that not only lets you view/delete screenshots, but allows you to add notes to your screenshots and save them so you can view them later and remember why you took it. This is primarily useful for like if you took a screenshot of a in game map and wanted to mark your own points of interset. The WebUI can be accsesed via http://<xboxip>:9999/
  13. Sorry, cover art on xbox unity is not separated by region like it is on the xbox.com marketplace. Covers that are marked as "official" on xbox unity are downloaded first, then if that doesn't exist, i believe it uses the highest rated custom cover. The covers on xbox.com marketplace are not full 3d covers- so they can't be used directly. One day, we are going to provide a little more options in picking what cover your system downloads. But for now, the best thing we can do is allow you to manually push from xboxunity
  14. Nachtgarm - you messaged me on IRC regarding some UTF encoding issues in some LUA scripts. I've been unable to create the problem on my end so I need you to send me a copy of the .lua files causing problems for you. Also, please provide screenshots. You can PM that information to me on RMS or drop a link to me in IRC.
  15. Yeah, I did all my testing on a devkit when developing LiNK- definitely do not need devlink or ping patch or dash launch to use link. Easiest way to run with title updates is to manually patch the games to the TU you want to use.
  16. Currently by design. we will address that in an upcoming update. thanks!
  17. ROM Launch Data Aurora will set LaunchData when a ROM is executed from the GameContent menu of an Emulator. The launch data is in the following format: #define AURORA_LAUNCHDATA_APPID 'AUOA' #define AURORA_LAUNCHDATA_ROM_FUNCID 'ROMS' #define AURORA_LAUNCHDATA_ROM_VERSION 1 typedef struct _AURORA_LAUNCHDATA_ROM { DWORD ApplicationId; // AURORA_LAUNCHDATA_APPID DWORD FunctionId; // AURORA_LAUNCHDATA_ROM_FUNCID DWORD FunctionVersion; // AURORA_LAUNCHDATA_ROM_VERSION CHAR SystemPath[0x40]; // /System/Harddisk0/Parition0 CHAR RelativePath[0x104]; // /Emulators/Snes9x/Roms/ CHAR Exectutable[0x28]; // ChronoTrigger.zip CHAR Reserved[0x100]; // Reserved for future use } AURORA_LAUNCHDATA_ROM, *PAURORA_LAUNCH_DATA_ROM; It will be the responsibility of the Emulator application to detect whether or not the launch data exists; and if so check to see if the ApplicationID is 'AUOA' and that the FunctionId is 'ROMS'. The function version is the current version of the structure. If it does not match those conditions then the rest of the launch data structure may not contain the correctly formatted data. The launch data above provides enough information to mount the path and access the ROM file. The emulator can then extract/load and execute the rom as neccesary. ROM LUA Script When the GameContent menu is opened for an emulator, instead of scanning for DLC like retail games, it will scan a local directory for ROM files. The local directory that the scanner uses is /Roms. By default, every individual file that is located in this folder will show up in the list of roms after the scan has completed. Note: The scanning function is recursive so it will scan into folders and find the files within; however, it does not include the folder in the list of discovered ROMs. Customizing the Rom List: For each file that is found within the /Roms directory a LUA script is run that will output formatting information. This LUA script is located in the base folder for the emulator (next to default.xex) and should have a file name of emulator.lua. If emulator.lua is not found, an internal LUA script is run that echoes the filename passed to the script as a parameter. The internal LUA script is as follows: function prepareRomMetadata( MetaData ) return MetaData.FileName, "", "" end A custom external LUA script will be required to contain the exact same function prepareRomMetadata and should include three (3) return values. The first return value represents the display name or friendly name of the ROM. The second return value represents the system name (ie, SNES, Genesis ) and the third return value represents a path to an icon. Display Name: If the display name is blank, the ROM will not show up on the list at all. This is allows the script to ignore files in the event that certain file types are used as metadata and not for ROM executable files. System Name: If the system name is blank, or no 2nd return value is provided, then the system name will display as blank in the ROM list. Image Path: If the image path is blank or the path points to an image that is missing, then the missing icon image will be used in its place. In addition to the return values, there is also a parameter. The parameter for this function is MetaData. MetaData is a LUA table that contains information about the file that was scanned when the list was loaded. TheMetaData table is as follows: struct MetaData { string Root; // The root that the ROM was found (ie, Hdd1:, Usb0: ) string Directory; // The directory the ROM was found string FileName; // The file name of the ROM (minus the extension) string Extension; // The file extension for the ROM DWORD FileSize; // The file size for the ROM }; The idea behind the custom external LUA script is that emulator creators can provide these with their emulator to force the list to display in a way that best works for them.
  18. No trailers/previews are stored on xboxunity. All trailers you view in Aurora are downloaded from xbox.com. If you want to add your own trailer- the file needs to be a .wmv file and named Trailer.wmv and put in the correct gamedata folder. I'll let you or someone else figure out the specifics.
  19. Regarding the changes to link- First, LiNK and Aurora are different. LiNK is controlled by Freestyle Plugin and the only thing Aurora does is load Freestyle Plugin. That said... unfortunately in the current iteration of Freestyle Plugin when develping LiNK and HUD we ran into issues utilizing the virtual keyboard within HUD (remembering scene location, memory, etc). For this reason, you aren't going to be seeing private messages, game invites, chat or anything like that..... at least not in Freestyle Plugin. That's all I will say for now.
  20. We will look into the option as I agree the trailers do require a lot of space. Right after release we got streaming working so in future versions you'll also have the option to stream the trailers over http instead of downloading.... Thanks for the suggestion.
  21. I don't think we'll support in dash locales or language changing or downloading- it becomes a bit difficult to manage all of them and feel like that time could be spent adding things like file manager. Eventually, we'll have a way to change language over and above the ones available in the main dash- and everyone will be able to share their translations and share them if they want. Unfortunately, this isn't like other scenes where the UI elements are built from the ground up- we are using XUI and to do locales they need to be included as part of the XZP with no easy way to add new languages outside of that. They all have to be built into the skin file to be recognized.
  22. Trailers are all downloaded from xbox.com. We didn't write or encode any WMVs. Unfortunately, this isn't a full fledged media player- and we are stuck using the built in libraries. I wouldn't expect perfect quality and perfect frame rate at high resolutions on this.
  23. No other way- but we will include a language override setting in a future release so you can override the console language. This setting won't have a way to change it in the dash, so it will require modifying the database- but thats as easy as we can make it at this time.
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