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Everything posted by felida

  1. i've asked that question m8, if there will be "voice-chatting" for games that don't support it.. got straight told no.. lol.. but in NOVA, there will be texting? but i forgot what thread it was in.. so i can't link it to you.. but i'm pretty sure MaesterRowen is the one who said no.. FOUND IT: http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/5217-nova-the-future-of-link/page-5#entry42802 but i do like your idea of the fakelive option being able to be known.. so you CAN know who is talking.. but yeah.. doubtful on that too probably..
  2. Look in the match making area.. That has been setup for a while..
  3. true.. the xzp tool.. but that allows you to keep the xui in the skin.. which apparently isn't an intended function, hence why i made the suggestion in my video, to delete it ;-) holy shit you're fast.. i quoted you, you pop it out... lmao
  4. i typed "xuipkg /r /o text.xzp *.*" as exporting won't pack it up.. but just gives you the .xur that is used in the skin "test.xzp" is the filename of the skin ;-) and you can thank SWIZZY for that, as i forgot which thread i seen it on, and yeah m8.. i learned all my skin stuff in 1 day, but i learn by trial and error.. to extract the skin, you type "xuipkg /u <skinname>.xzp" for example "xuipkg /u default.xzp" will extract the default skin
  5. you should watch the actual 7 minute video, explains ALOT more, unless you already watched that lol.. but yeah i made these 2 small ones to explain a lil bit.. then decided, to make the longer one
  6. Here is a DETAILED video on how to change the HUD!! Credz to MaesterRowen and Gavin_Darkglider, and anyone else who has helped// I SHOULD TELL YOU, that only the singed in/signed out need to be "byte-changed" as i was playing with the other stuff, and the FD -> BA wasn't necessary, and this stuff can be done without restarting aurora, as it pulls the info once you press the guide button.. VERY helpful in testing stuff!! Edit By Gavin_Darkglider(The one who figured this out, Yeah that one. lol.): The byte fix is one way to fix it, but the problem really happens when XUI Workshop converts the symbol º in the temperates, it doesnt do it properly. This is easily fixed, so no hex editor is needed by changing the square box looking symbol in the preset temperatures back to that symbol. You can do this by holding alt and pressing 167 on the number pad on the keyboard, and then releasing alt. if you save the XUI, you will never have to do it again, or worry about hex editing the file again. This is only needed on the "HomeTab" Hud Scenes, as they are the only one that show the temperatures. the rest will work as is. Felida must have missed that in my ramblings, on my progress on this. Here is the link to the fixed XUI Tool Extensions. Happy Themeing. XuiToolXamExtensions.rar Edit:(by felida, the guy who makes the videos and gets whipped by Gavin, lmao) here is a video showing you what he means, º <--- copy that, no need to press alt+167.. or press it.. either way works, but i show you copy/paste works also!! EDIT 3(or 4 lol): How to change Language Locale for those who are not US/ENG based (pix by MattieIta )
  7. It is called the "Matchmaking" area, as it is separated by region: http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/forum/42-matchmaking/ dunno why people ask for things that are already here???
  8. you can rename any game in aurora, when you are using iso2god, in 360 content manager.. a couple of different ways
  9. i've decided to make a 7:30 min long video explaining certain things, to help those creating skins. as my other posts just tackled minor things. Changing loading screen: http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/5378-changing-the-loading-screen/ Why so many frames?: http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/5379-why-there-are-alot-of-frames-in-the-skins/ Thanks to Swizzy, Gavin_darkglider, Team Phoenix, and everyone else who has helped!!! and begal for his tut on animating BG's.. the stuff i type in cmdprompt is: xuipkg /r /o <skinname>.xzp *.* Now the major Tut:
  10. same stuff is in my 3 skins man, just kind of redundant to post something i've done posted 3 times??? darkened green has the animated logo intro, my darkened red has an animated BG on main screen, feel free to pick them apart!!! and of course, all 3 have the music in em too ;-) http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/5335-skin-darkened-red/ http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/5332-skin-darkened-green/ http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/5320-skin-darkened-blue/
  11. If there are questions, lemme know, i'll pop out another video to show why/the process.. can't wait to see what y'all produce and share ;-)
  12. Here is your answer ;-) and to show everyone why ;-) @Swizzy here is your "documentation" you suggested ;-)
  13. there isn't, but you CAN add it ;-) maybe i'll make a video showing how to do that next??
  14. Hello, there have been plenty of questions as to how to change stuff in the skins for Aurora, so i figured i'd make a small video explaining the process(in a small way). ps- im no video guy/tut maker, just thought i'd share ;-)
  15. No problem, m8.. just figured i'd share as someone crating it for you isn't the same as doing it yourself.. as you might get other ideas and whatnot, and can freely change it to how ever you want
  16. i did? in the post right above the one i quoted u? unless you want me to write a TUT on it??
  17. Why not make it yourself? As there is the coverflow editor on this site?
  18. i've learned if you are on different TU's and stuff, no one will show up in the lists.. tested with AW TU 10-12.. and also depends on if they are actually playing the game VS being in private rooms
  19. Bro, Aurora's BG size is 1280x720, there are alot of free resizers out there.. but be mindful of the fact, smaller pix pixelate at higher resolutions.. FSD, has many tuts, Aurora, not so much, i learned by trial and error.. which is pretty easy.. but all you have to do is change Aurora.Skin.Scenes.Settings.About.Aurora.Logo.png for main(but it is used in the about tab), or Aurora.Skin.Scenes.Splash.Logo.Alternate.png for the alt screen and i can't stop saying bro, bro.(direct TV joke)
  20. @Swizzy, sorry m8, was working on the damn ratings thing, plus 17th was my moms 56th bday.. so wasn't around that much.. but all 1800+ USA 360/xbla titles are rated, and sent to Gavin.. and i was able to TeamViewer with 2Ceedz and show him the errors.. can't really do that on a thread m8
  21. there is roughly 26 frames to each transition, and his error was around frame 180ish.. one of the last ones.. all i did was straighten up his skin by taking it to where he wanted it, the copied the x/y/z to make across ALL frames(the starter spot).. and that fixed it.. as he had slight differences all around(yes ALOT of differences 2ceedz).. but if you want it smooth, gotta make sure you copy the EXACT x/y/z spot, instead of eyeing it.. otherwise you'll get the transition error 2Ceedz was getting.. a few pixels off equates to a huge difference on TV screen
  22. np m8, glad i could be of some help
  23. ummm, you can use Swizzy's Asset editor? OR you can press Y, then go down to "refresh" to manually download the specific title.. there are multiple ways to accomplish this.. and it's your choice in them, but no, not really, as it scans EVERY section you have listed as a content path.. or you can just bite the bullet and NOT rename your games? like i said, multiple ways to accomplish the end result m8
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