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Everything posted by gavin_darkglider

  1. Generally I would suggest reading the Readme, which tells you exactly what you need to make this work, where to put it, etc.
  2. I mentioned it to Ro last night, and he wasnt having a problem. I wasnt having a problem with it until 0.7b came out, so it probably didnt get updated right or something. I am sure it will get fixed sooner or later.
  3. It always takes a while before skins get updated. It is a process, which basically has to be redone with each new version of aurora.
  4. I have been having the same problem, nice to know it isnt on my end, like I thought it was.
  5. It is set in the launch.ini file at the root of the hdd/USB drive. just change the default=<Pathtowherever>\<whereever>.xex to default=<pathtoaurora>\Aurora.xex.
  6. Net ISO is a new feature that will allow you to stream iso/svod/god files from a server, and when mounted, it is like putting a disc in the drive. There is still a bit of work to be done there, but that is the general idea. Should also be mentioned, that it is much faster than connectX.
  7. There is no new version, it uses the xml to generate fields in the app. Might want to add a download for the XUI extensions also, so the skin devs can do their thing.
  8. For all of you who said this project was dead, here is your proof. Remember this next time, you decide to say it isnt coming.
  9. All of the bugs, new feature, etc that we targeted with this version are done. Which means they are either waiting on someone to finish a translation, or some other thing I dont know about.
  10. I only say that, because when I first talked to Marty about this, it was like 2 years ago, and all he was working on was porting the gui, and it ran but was full of issues.
  11. It is nice to see that he is getting somewhere with this project.
  12. First, static IP addressed are a bit of a pain in the ass to maintain in the long run. I would suggest a static DHCP lease, which does exactly the same thing, but is handled on the routers side of things. Also, if you are using dhcp, then it has to force refresh everytime it boots, so it *might* fix the problem. Can you see the IP address in aurora before running the connection test? There are about 20 more questions I could ask, before I could fully answer your question. Lets just start with the static DHCP lease, vs static IP. How you do that is specific to the router you are using.
  13. Yes, you can ftp the image to the xbox and import the file as a cover in aurora 0.6b. You should really check the changelogs, as there is a ton of information there.
  14. Actually, he wasnt banned by Swizzy, but by Doc Gonzo, because after I closed his thread asking for help with piracy, which I replied 2 times in saying it wasnt allowed. He then proceeded to open another thread bashing the staff on the forum, for not helping him break the law. That is why he was banned, and should probably be banned again, if he hasnt been already, as he is back again, trying to cause discord on the forum.
  15. There is also the possibility that your ports arent forwarded properly. If Link works with other games, then I would say refer to saywakings post.
  16. That should be fixed for you now. Let me know if you have issues with either of those games.
  17. At this point, for the end user, Nova is basically an upgraded Freestyle Plugin. Other than the new WebUI, the only other new feature in Nova is the NetISO stuff, and it is disabled, as the community voted that they didnt want to wait for us to finish it for the Aurora 0.7b release. This doesnt include an upgrade to the Link Service, which we teased about in the Nova thread so long ago. That is still to come, just not with 0.7b, as there was a lot of stuff that needed to be updated in the back end of the plugin, before we started adding that stuff. It also would mean some serious reconfiguration of the server stuff as well.
  18. All I can say, at this point, is that the bugs are closed for aurora 0.7b. The biggest thing left is updating the updater for Nova, which shouldnt take that long, as all it is is unload FSPLugin, erase FSPlugin files, and replace them with the Nova Files. For all I know it is already done, but I cant think of a way to test the updater, without putting the new build online, so who knows. So, it appears to me that it is pretty much ready, and would be surprised if it takes more than 2 weeks. Then again, I was estimating the end of april, and it is may now.
  19. Felida did video guides on skin design that can be found in the sticky threads here:https://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/forum/57-skin-development-and-lua-scripting/
  20. The localization team is doing their thing, and making sure there arent any bugs in localization system for new xui scenes. Other than that all the bugs have been closed, so it is pretty much ready. Not sure if it will be in the next 2 days, and I am not making any promises here, but I would be surprised if it takes more than a week or 2. Then again, release schedules are more of a goal, not a guarantee, and I have no control over when/if it get released. Not saying it wont.
  21. You should be able to tweak the timing like any glitch chip, wire lengths, and routing make a difference. The nice thing about S-RGH, is that if you follow the instructions, how the light blinks will give you hints on best tuning process, between timing files, and whatever. I also had better boot times on a corona v1 with CR4 SMC image, over the S-RGH SMC. Long story short, you should be able to get it down to no more than 2 cycles.
  22. Without the source code, it will be almost impossible to update the trainer, and editing the valid TU version doesnt mean it will work with that TU without updating other sections of the code, which is almost impossible to get, especially now the Dev's have all but disappeared.
  23. Easy answer, you need the code for the trainer, as you probably arent going to get a good decompile of the xex for the trainer. Felida would be the one to talk to, as he used to help make trainers, and spent alot of time talking with/learning from the XYZ trainer team. That being said, there is no easy way to make a trainer, it involves hours of poking memory addresses, while monitoring with xbwatson, which requires plugins from a Devkit. Not an easy task, then it all needs to be done again for every TU.
  24. This is an english forum, other languages are only allowed in the Matchmaking section. To answer the question though, yes, it will be possible to make the avatar bigger, and move it to the main scene, but it will require a custom XUI extension, and a custom skin. The xui extension should be released around the same time as 0.7b, as skin designers will need it, or certain parts of their skin wont work. You would also probably want a custom coverflow, that leaves room on the main screen for you to put the avatar.
  25. You have no idea what you are talking about...... and I warned you, so now you have been banned..... We are not adding covers to unity for this build. We do that as people upload them, and we approve them. If you would read the stuff on the forum you would know this. The current version of the WebUI doesnt do covers as far as I know, and I have used it. As for custom covers without the asset editor, that is doable with aurora 0.6b, as there was an option added to put images in a folder, and then apply them to titles. Maybe you should read up on the features that aurora 0.6b has before you go on about how we need to release 0.7b so you can have features you already have.
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