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Garzol last won the day on May 17 2014

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About Garzol

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. Hi, sorry for the late respond, been busy. Sounds odd, I myself am using the Icon view with no problem, sounds like some random bugg with FSD, tried reinstalling FSD?
  2. It's a copy and paste of my PlayBox One theme All you have done is used my PlayBox One theme and changed the pictures. No biggie, I would not mind if you at least gave me credit for using my theme, because you have NOT created it, you have changed maybe 1% of my PlayBox One theme.Here's the original
  3. Welcome back! Love your themes, really beautiful and well made.
  4. Sorry for late respond, very busy atm. That's a odd problem, have you solved it? Is it constant black screen? Have you tried redownloading the skin? If you have try deleting fsd cache.
  5. I've just released a Child Proof Edition of PlayBox One Give it a try and let me know how it works! Link to my thread
  6. Thanks guys @ Game_Over, indeed Not sure if i'll create any more new skins, atleast not now, I have very little spare time. @ cannellizer, glad you like it yeah i wish i could make it a more advance play function so people could choose among many songs, but that will have to do for now ! Now to my latest little creation, it's not that huge but i've made a child proof version of PlayBox One. I've seen alot of request around the Xbox community but no skin that actually is 100% child proof, so i thought i'll convert mine to one The homescreen and interface is still there, you can still choose Xbox360 library, XBLA library etc. But the functions as settings, delete game, move games etc have been blocked. I've also blocked the ability to choose another skin while in the PlayBox One CPE, just to make sure none of the little rascals actually changes skin and then starts deleting stuff Anyway here's the changelog: - Removed functions (Rename Game, Remove GameSaves, Move Game, Manage Trainers, Move between libraries, - Removed the ability to switch skins while in the PlayBox One Child Proof Edition (ONLY WAY TO REMOVE IS THROUGH FTP) - Removed Filemanager, Copy DVD and other stuff that could damage available files. - DELETE blocked - Settings Removed If you have to Original ''PlayBox One 1.4'' Installed, you could choose you preference there before moving to this one, for example which gameview you want, if avatar/weather is to be displayed and other options. NOTE: Alot of functions still exist, but no function that could harm your gamelibrary or other stuff (settings), this is skin version is made for use so that parents don't have to worry that their games will be removed/moved/renamed in any way. I hope i got everything, but I think i have. Enjoy guys!
  7. Releasing the final version of PlayBox One. What's new is some cosmetic stuffs: - Accept buttons fixed (cosmetic) - Coverflow now displays the focused game's background while game is in focus (When ''A'' has been pressed), no need to choose the ''No background'' if you use coverflow view. - ''Missing screenshots'' centered in Playbox Flow view
  8. Garzol

    FakeAnim v0.60b

    Put it on your internal, and in dashlaunch add where you have put the fakeanim.xex You can have as many videos as you want, just put them all in the jukebox folder and fakeanim will choose them by random. Video needs to be WMV9, no other format will work
  9. I'm glad you guys like it @XB1forsure, paths are right, only thing i can think of is wrong is the video format. For the Xbox it needs to be WMV9. The setup I used for the splash screen video i used video format WMV9 sound WMV9.2 (92kbps) framerate @ 25 with a bitrate at a constant 10 000. And the size 1920x1280.
  10. The default is the only template that exist, all skins are made from that one, I don't see the problem making a totally different skin from it, i made both PlayBox One and Skrivbordet from the original
  11. Glad you like it New version released! New with version 1.3: - Dash version, kernel version etc added to settings menu - Main menu text fixed - Continue text fixed (no longer flashes on a certain position) - Button alignment fixed - The "Start| ..." box is now layered under the Avatar so that the Avatar is fully displayed at all times - The "Settings" box is now shorter and icons reordered, now it no longer cuts the Avatar or the weather icons. - Now properly displays ''GB'' on storage units - A lot of minor cosmetic improvements - Added 14 more wallpapers
  12. It's the right tool, just choose ''All files'' instead of just xui files
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