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Swizzy a long time ago I talked to you in pm about the limit of mb/s that xbox unity supported and you said that the problem with sending TU to the server could not exceed 200 mb/s and that it would be arranged in a future Next, has the problem been solved yet?

Sadly no, i will talk to the server guy about this issue once he's fixed the current issues if the issue is still present

Sent from my SM-G903F

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Before you release the next script, you should add an aurora version check, to both the server side code, and the script. This will make sure people arent downloading skins that are incompatible with the next version of aurora when that comes out.

It's done, the server when you upload a skin it analyzes the metadata so the user won't need to enter manually the name of the skin, the author and the skin version.

Also it checks if the aurora version is plus than 0.6, if not, it won't allow you to upload it.

Same thing with coverflows.


The website and thescript are in maintenance, when it's available i will edit the post with the new URL and will update the official repo. I think in a few hours i will finish it all


Some ToDos:

When the next Aurora releases, i will add a feature to download only the skins compatible with the version you have, for now it's not needed.

When the web got more content i will add a feature on the website to list the skins with an install button so you can select install on many content and when you start the SkinDownloader will ask you to download the queue you requested on the website

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ScriptDownloader v1.1

is here finally!


This scripts allows you to download skins, coverflows and backgrounds directly from Aurora and apply them with a single button tap :o


I've made a website for it where you can download the script and upload content:


Thanks to FeArCxDxGx for donating a space in his hosting


I accept suggerences, critics, requests, etc.

On the website there is another script i've made called DeadTuRemover that deletes TUs of games that you don't have anymore.


I will wait for your comments so i can know if you liked it and what can i do to improve it.

Thanks! :turned:



  • Minor bugs fixed
  • Added backgrounds and coverflows download
  • Replaced SQL permission to Settings (to apply)
  • Website reborn from ashes and renewed


ToDo / Ideas:

  • List of skins in the website
  • Ability to make a queue of downloads to make SkinDownloader downloads it automatically
  • TrainerDownloader coming
  • Script's auto-locale feature
  • Improved UI where you can change between tabs like SystemLink's menu


Feel free to comment :)

It was nothing, I thought your idea was good and I saw that you had problems with the hosting and decided to boost your project with 100Gb.

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So I saw the abort function in any script does not work

yes True was forced to restart until ABORT ...He said bug in aurora ...

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Hi all of you that follows the development of this script.


The next version of the script has an automatic locale select and these are the finished languages:

  • English by me
  • Spanish by me
  • Portuguese by Fabrício Messias de Godoi
  • Arabic by salah.rgh2

If you want to cooperate, edit the attached file with your language and send it to me here via PM or Facebook




You don't have to edit the strings on the left side of '='

Don't delete any %s or \n

Don't add new lines

Save it with coding UTF-8 without BOM(If not, i will modify it, so doesn't matter too much)

Put your name in the Author key in LangFile section :D


Any questions of what means a line are welcome.

And like always, THANKS, we build this as a community :)


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Hi all of you that follows the development of this script.


The next version of the script has an automatic locale select and these are the finished languages:

  • English by me
  • Spanish by me
  • Portuguese by Fabrício Messias de Godoi
  • Arabic by salah.rgh2

If you want to cooperate, edit the attached file with your language and send it to me here via PM or Facebook




You don't have to edit the strings on the left side of '='

Don't delete any %s or \n

Don't add new lines

Save it with coding UTF-8 without BOM(If not, i will modify it, so doesn't matter too much)

Put your name in the Author key in LangFile section :D


Any questions of what means a line are welcome.

And like always, THANKS, we build this as a community :)

ok this is my translation in italian ;) good job guy

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ok this is my translation in italian ;) good job guy

Hi, thanks! but, better send it to me through FB as the forum won't let me download it idk why

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Hi, thanks! but, better send it to me through FB as the forum won't let me download it idk why

i send you at message private ;) good job

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Hi to everyone who follow this project, and sorry for don't update the script :(

I've had some personal issues in this time and my xbox isn't working for some reason I can't figure out now because i'm lack of time, because of that I can't continue developing or testing the script for now.


Someday not very far I'll continue it's development if there are still people interested

Thanks for the comprehension

(and as always, sorry for my bad english)

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What text editor are you using for developing this script? Just asking, as if I open it in a normal text editor, it all shows up on one line. :( really annoying, having to go through it all and seperate out the lines.

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4 hours ago, gavin_darkglider said:

What text editor are you using for developing this script? Just asking, as if I open it in a normal text editor, it all shows up on one line. :( really annoying, having to go through it all and seperate out the lines.

Use Notepad++, that supports both linux and windows line endings...

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Some people dont want a text editor programming for them. lol. I dont trust anything that will "Fix" code for me. As for the coloring, api detection, notepad++ does that. Also, it is an old trusted app, that I know works when I need it to.

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4 hours ago, Ektor Baz said:

And why not use Sublime Text is more friendly with the code

Notepad++ is just as good as Sublime Text if not better... the downside with Sublime Text is that it's NOT free while Notepad++ is 100% free of charge :)

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10 hours ago, Swizzy said:

Notepad++ is just as good as Sublime Text if not better... the downside with Sublime Text is that it's NOT free while Notepad++ is 100% free of charge :)

If that's right sublime text is not free


Question ... I can post software links like for example: sublime text with crack

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1 hour ago, Ektor Baz said:

If that's right sublime text is not free


Question ... I can post software links like for example: sublime text with crack

No, you cannot share ANY copyright protected material on this site... that includes cracks for PC software... they're illegal and will thus NOT be allowed here... you are NOT allowed to link to where one can download said crack either...

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1 hour ago, Swizzy said:

No, you cannot share ANY copyright protected material on this site... that includes cracks for PC software... they're illegal and will thus NOT be allowed here... you are NOT allowed to link to where one can download said crack either...

Ok, I just asked, I have not posted anything

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Great Job on this script!!! It is nice to download just like we do for the covers!! Thanks ALLOT for this and keep the scripts coming.

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Hi people, i've been busy for a long time, i've had some economic issues so i couldn't focus on coding and upgrading this script to the latest Aurora's version. (sorry for my bad english)


I have some ideas to improve it, like creating a download queue from the webpage with an user system, and when the script starts with same user and password it downloads/applies the changes made from the web.


And i've thought of an upgrade for this script, an "Online Content Manager Script" that syncs your Aurora and a website on startup.

When Aurora starts, it will execute the script and it will send the info of the games, updates, covers, backgrounds, etc to the website so you can manage the content of your xbox from the web and when you start Aurora it makes the changes that you've made from the web.

I don't know if this is permitted by the Aurora makers but it's a good idea to make.


I only have ideas but i don't have the time to code because i'm busy working on some other "profitable" projects, so sorry if my "update" of the script gives false hopes to who's reading

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  • Thanks 1

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