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DOC Emmett Brown

[SKIN F3] Dash RT 2.1 by DOC (r775 - English - Italian - Spanish - Russian - French - Polish)

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thank you very much for your work  :thumbsup:







by the way, what's the point of copying the included font into mediafonts? the font embedded into the theme seems to be doing its job correctly, so the changes (if there's any) when duplicating the font aren't immediately apparent... i'm genuinely curious about this



edit (again!)



disregard my previous question, i took a real good look at the theme without the duplicated font installed and noticed the parts where the skin "isn't reaching". interesting, nonetheless

Edited by Saiyaku

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This became my favorite FSD skin, thanks a lot DOC and Team FSD. Only a minor suggestion, could you please add some transparency to the game description, because it covers a good part of the game background?

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Hey, very nice skin. Brilliant job!

Is there any option to get a german language version of that?

If you are using a language file and it's not that much content, I would even translate it myself.


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HI, i also really like the skin. Outstanding!

As davidxy01 already asked, is there a possibility of a german translation? I would help him translate and we could integrate it into a german version?


Best regards

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Hey, very nice skin. Brilliant job!

Is there any option to get a german language version of that?

If you are using a language file and it's not that much content, I would even translate it myself.




HI, i also really like the skin. Outstanding!

As davidxy01 already asked, is there a possibility of a german translation? I would help him translate and we could integrate it into a german version?


Best regards


For the German version, I'd be happy to help. You do the translation of my skin and I settle graphical errors should there be.

As we did for the Spanish version, translated by bocasecaman. Ok?

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I just installed to take a look as I'm not fan of custom skins but I'm totally adopting this one, only problem is the DVD ripping issue (I hope some solution can be found).


Thanks a lot man, this skin is pure awesome dope.

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For now, the solution to the problem does not lie. The DVD ripping issue is not a serious problem. The extraction of the disk is always executed successfully. The only annoyance is the restart the FSD after extraction because of the fatal crash. Also, on the square, nowadays most of the people who have a Xbox with RGH rarely use the dvd.

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Great skin mate,

but i have some problems with loading TU's. It hangs every time, when I try to search for TU's. Any solution?

Which Rev you have installed?

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i installed This on 775 and it works really good its hard to switch back to orginal dashboard after this seems so boring compared to this so thanks on your great work and sometimes tu hang and mostly this is caused by a faulty connection

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For now, the solution to the problem does not lie. The DVD ripping issue is not a serious problem. The extraction of the disk is always executed successfully. The only annoyance is the restart the FSD after extraction because of the fatal crash. Also, on the square, nowadays most of the people who have a Xbox with RGH rarely use the dvd.


Oh ok, I thought the issue was more serious, then there's nothing to say, I think this skin is perfect, I don't mind a reboot after a game ripping.


But if you intend to continue your work on your skin, I have those few suggestions :


Maybe adding even more personalisation like being able to chose tile colors or logos, I'm especially thinking of the xbox emulator tile, I've seen in the customisation menu that it's showed as a black tile with a simple white xbox logo on it, I like the actual xbox emulator tile with it's changing images but being able to chose this one could be cool too :]


Then again thanks for this awesome skin.

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I'm using the current REV775. I already deleted "cache" and resetet the skin, but TU's wont load, it always get stuck. When I change to default skin, TU's can be downloaded succesfully.

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