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Everything posted by mthodmn101

  1. correct, but rather redundant... much rather have it say the actual latest game like in all skins
  2. actually, his temps are pretty normal for a Trinity on auto... that is about 20% fan speeds, which basically moves no air.... but definitely set temp thresholds in dashlaunch to like 60 60 60
  3. no they didnt... the problem doesnt exist on live... only when playing offline
  4. extract the skin and open the main.xui using the SDK and fix it
  5. use dashlaunch... it can launch elfs
  6. prob need to go in manually and delete the database file. or just delete the Data folder in F3 folder and re-add your paths
  7. MOH warfighter isnt a "real" 2 disk game. For Disk 1, put the content folder located on it on the root of Hdd1:. For Disk 2, use iso2god and play wherever
  8. ive done a clean install, and when i click on xbox 360 tab, it takes a while for them all to load. dunno how something could be wrong
  9. F3 cover loading is a lot slower than that of FSD 2.2, just the way it is
  10. dunno bout the 1st one, but the 2nd one, the manual scan, was uploaded on the spiffy360 forums... u can incorporate it into any of your themes
  11. i would go back to him but its a really old version of his skin.. he has updated his but im not a fan of his newest version.
  12. if they are going into homebrew, they might have a modified default.xex .... when adding game paths, specify where u want the stuff in that path to go, ie 360, xbox1, homebrew, etc
  13. use gimp with the dds plugin or use photoshop
  14. waiting as long as it takes, if it ever comes out... but i'm content with FSD 2.2 ... i couldnt get my theme running on F3 anyways so am just sticking with 2.2
  15. yes. i am stickin with FSD 2.2 until RxE in October 2014
  16. extract the theme and edit the dds files in the root of the theme
  17. Hello, I need help updating the theme i used on 2.2 for the newest F3. The FSD 2.2 Theme is attached. Also here: http://www.mediafire...6qws6w617hnexyz i have tried but was unsuccessful. met.rar
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