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Everything posted by aisac

  1. it was crapy programming from the saints, the TU that came out this morning fixed that
  2. so nobody know anything? im in dash 16202 so that cant be the problem.. also latest fsd and everything please if anyone can give me at least something to work on to fix this it would be great
  3. I'm near the end of the story (no poblems so far) and when i try to finish a quest involving keith david the game goes to the loading screen and never come out.. does anyone had the same problem or a clue on how to fix this? i really was enjoying this game edit: the name of the mission im stock in is "the girl how hates the 50s"
  4. for the record, there are some hosts in public rooms that do that but its not like they are making unfair games... the hacks they use run for everyone in the game just the same so is that really a serious issue?
  5. what i mean is that changing the overscan or tv congif doesnt fix that
  6. me too, the tv config is perfect, the only thing below is the new thingy
  7. that would be so cool. io do miss crackle on xbox
  8. i ment of course you will be banned with dashlunch o rgh for that matter... if you use xbox live that is, sorry i thought it was clear
  9. i use back + y. dont know if that helps but works for me
  10. aisac

    Xbox Temp'

    i went fom 80° to 70° (playing) just by moving my xbox to a better place
  11. here is the patch to fix that: https://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=129853&uk=2569183157 just replace the original default.xex and you are done
  12. when u reinstall it, are u shure u downloaded the lastest version? and if so, did u try reinstalling it with the xbox offline?
  13. what i actually wanted to know its if its even possible to emulate ps2 on xbox for the hardware. have a clue?
  14. works perfect. is it possible to make one for ps2?
  15. xbox one or ps4... depends on the best hack. i really hope they make some new RGH cause after this everything seems crapy and expensive. So............ freestyle dash 4 for xbox one or what?
  16. so its not for xbox then? shame cause it looks fun
  17. ive been asking for this, from what ive learned u cant make more tabs for other games unless u know some programing to rewrite the default.xex from freestyle
  18. i did the changes already, turns up that the FSB couldnt recompress because of the "&" in the tabs names. I also added some of my own wallpapers and changes. Do u want me to upload my version?
  19. ill do that, thanks for the answer
  20. is that the program u use for compressing? i tried that and it crashes with skins not made from the default Since u moved around everithing i thought u knew how to add more tabs, i googled it without succes also, the wmv player is only for wmv format files? anyway its still a great skin, really functional and pretty
  21. hi, i love this skin i plan to use it for a long time so i leave you a coule of questions i hope u answer: 1- how do i recompress the skin after making some changes? i like to make gender categories for my games so i change the tabs names 2- is it posible to add 1 more line of tabs to make more gender categories like for ex.: RPGs?
  22. This is my version of Dream theme (I DONT MEAN TO STEAL THE CREDIT). All i did was change the tabs names to divide games by gender. Hope someone other than me finds this usefull. the tabs are: 360 games ---> General Games Emulators ----> Emulators & Arcade Games XBLA ---> Shooters & Sanbox Games Homebrew ---> Fighting & Sports Games Xbox Classic ---> Kinect Games download link: DreamOtherTabs.xzp Preview:
  23. yeah... its not the most practical thing yet but im hopping to see some share on facebook or at least donwload on png/jpg some day. Anyway just compare it to the non existing app from microsoft to take in game screens and its more than enough
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