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  1. Fala meu brother, existe a documentação no tópico principal da Aurora, está toda em inglês, mas com à ajuda de algum tradutor online você consegue entender bem. Recomendo que você leia tudo e aprenda sobre o desenvolvimento pois vale muito a pena poder fazer suas próprias skins. There is documentation on the main topic of Aurora, in English, but with some online translator you can understand. Recommend that you read it and learn about the development to make their own skins.
  2. Valeu maninho, show de bola essa skin. Thanks dude, great job.
  3. All

    XBMC for Xbox 360

    Com a decodificação acontecendo na GPU o processador poderá ser melhor utilizado. With the decoding happening in GPU the processor can be better used.
  4. All

    XBMC for Xbox 360

    PT-BR A GPU está sendo usada ? ou toda a carga vai para a CPU ? EN-US The GPU is being used or will all work to the CPU ?
  5. Uma boa oportunidade para implementar uma web radio. It seems the perfect opportunity to implement a web radio.
  6. The model is a Corona.The available space is about 2,8Gb. The idea would be to use as swap to reduce the load on the main memory. I will try to locate the mount point. At first I thought the flash memory would be a good choice, but I believe that reading and writing speed is very low.
  7. I currently use my console to run linux. And the system is too slow for the little memory available. Any way to make it faster using the flash memory? Sorry for my bad english.
  8. You can download the file through the xbuc or unity and insert the horizon, or another manager of your preference. Only necessary that you know the media id and the title id of the game.
  9. Pt-Br Pessoal, obrigado pelo excelente trabalho. As minhas sugestões são as seguintes. Uma forma de baixar os trainers direto da Aurora, assim como é feito com as TU's. Tornaria muito mais rápido a forma como são feitas as buscas e os downloads. Um feed de noticias relacionadas as novidades da xbox unity ou da cena xbox. Tenho outras sugestões, irei elaborar com mais calma e volto ao tópico assim que souber explicar do que se trata. En-Us Staff, thank you for the excellent work. My suggestions are the following. A way to download the trainers straight from the Aurora, as well as is done with the TU's. Would make it much faster to how they are made searches and downloads. A news feed related to the news of the xbox unity, or of the xbox scene. I have other suggestions, I will elaborate with more calm and get back to the topic so that you know to explain what it is. Thank you all and I apologize for the bad English.
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