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Everything posted by Swizzy

  1. There are alternatives for MAC also, but... i don't know about all of 'em, exiso is available also to MAC... as a command line utility... Most apps that are related to the Xbox 360 Scene is however Windows apps... so, you're probably best off installing bootcamp and running windows aswell on your mac...
  2. Of course, the settings that you do with wireless are the same as with wired (when it comes to port forwarding etc.) it's actually recommended that you use a wired connection rather then a wireless one because wireless is slower and less reliable (it's easy to lose signals etc. causing major problems)
  3. Swizzy

    COD Ghost TU???

    Only if it's been configured by the console to have a virtual memory unit (USBMU present on it)
  4. Extracted? you mean in XEX format? then why convert them to GOD?!Etheir way... you can use GOD2ISO to turn GOD containers into an ISO, then you can extract those if you like... personally i ussually grab the ISO's as they're ALWAYS complete... (nothing deleted by morrons that have no idea what they're actually doing) some games require certain files to be there at some point in the game... since nobody have time to play through the games 100% before they upload these modified versions of the game ALOT of ppl may end up having problems caused by someone deleting those files... maybe it works to launch the game but not play it...It's better to always convert the games on your own, that way you know what has been done from the start rather then having someone elses maybe f*cked up stuff that maybe will cause you problems (similar to this one you're having) there is also no way in hell you can verify that ALL files are there unless someone else give you a list of files that needs to be there from a working game... and there's the chance that ANY computer may have a hardware problem with the RAM causing random corruption... if someone else had this problem while converting the game... you'll also be a victim of that problem... and there's no way for you to troubleshoot it, or even fix it without grabbing the iso and doing it on you own (thus, do it yourself <3)
  5. Try extracting the games using EXISO GUI, Xbox Image Browser, Xbox Backup Creator or my personal tool: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vppykwThis will give you a folder with the contents of the ISO file (none of them will convert from GOD), if you see similar folder structures to XBLA somewhere it's most likely because it's a XBLA on DVD type of game...
  6. Swizzy

    About servers

    It's probably that the servers are having alot of ppl trying to use it at the same time, so many that the server is having troubles keeping up maybe... The forums are on the same server as LiNK (i think?) and the forums are quite often a bit slow to load for me... and i occassionally get "504 Gateway Time-out" messages (reload fixes that)
  7. Swizzy

    FSD Won't update

    Maybe there's a bug in the new dashboard? Try checking with a different memory if possible or try to build an older version and redo the process...
  8. And you are certain that the game(s) in question isn't simply a XBLA put on a DVD?
  9. These tests are in no way a valid way of actually testing it, sure... the HDD performance is better on the PC... but... modern PC's also have better hardware then the Xbox 360 have to communicate with the disc, in order to have a valid benchmarking test for which is faster on the 360 you need to run the test on an actual Xbox 360...The original HDD's i think is 5400rpm, thus any 7200rpm hdd will have much faster response time which means it'll find the data it's looking for faster, which in turn causes the load times etc. to decrease...Also, sorry about mentioning USB 3.0... my brain was apparently not fully booted yet... miss-read what you wrote... SATA3 != USB3 xDAbout your query with the crystal, i highly doubt it'll effect the processor... it's more likely used by the scaler chip or something like that... (the crystal is nowhere near the processor in the old phatties... which means it's most likely not used by it...) on 4GB corona's the crystal is used by the MMC controller among other things, for instance disabling the crystal allows us to read the contents of the NAND using the MMC interface of the MMC controller
  10. Swizzy

    COD Ghost TU???

    It might be available on Xbox Live before release, it happens all the time... idk about this early ahead, but... when i bought GOW3 i got it the day before launch it was already updating, ppl working in game stores MAY already have access to the game... or... ppl writing reviews etc. for the games... those ppl can easily go online and get the updates before the game is released to the public if the developers found and fixed a bug after the game development deadline...(the games are ussually done over a month before they're "released" to the public, that is to be able to create all the discs etc. in time to send to stores etc. so they can actually release the game...)
  11. They didn't make "the dashboard" they made a homebrew application that acts as a dashboard and patched the OSD menu (Guide button menu) to behave the way they wanted it to...You having a USB 3.0 disk doesn't matter, it's still running at USB 2.0 speeds (as that's what the xbox 360 have!) the SATA disk is STILL faster then the external one... and you know, in order for the GPU to be ABLE to draw stuff it needs to be fed data to be drawn, where do you think that data is loaded from? it's not taken from the thin air... if it's taken long to draw stuff it could be caused by the disk not beeing fast enough for the GPU to get the data it wants... the same kind of problems can be seen on a PC... it's not always the GPU or RAM speeds that is the issue... it could just as well be the medium from which the data originates...
  12. It's possible if you find a way to tell the processor to run at a higher clock rate... but, it's not documented anywhere how to do such a thing... thus it'll most likely never come...The games are optimized for the current speed of the processor, if you are experiencing lagg it's likely caused by the medium you're playing it from, i'd recommend putting the games on the internal HDD if you're having trouble running them from USB (the internal HDD is FASTER then USB)
  13. http://www.sendspace.com/file/s90pp9 <--- there you go, much cleaner/better code i didn't change the RC4 implementation tho, your implementation of that is probably better (less code) but... i cba to verify that changes made to that actually work atm...
  14. Sure, they're in no way tied to any specific console, the only thing that is important is that both consoles have the files in the same place (for the options that take a file path) otherwise those things don't work (obviously)
  15. Modding the DVD Drive only grants you the ability to run backup games, it does in no way allow you to launch homebrew or modified games...
  16. Just download the latest version, when you do that it also updates the skin
  17. Swizzy

    DashLaunch 3.10

    Maybe one or more of your game(s) have corrupt/unsupported data? i'd recommend you also doublecheck the kernel version before looking for corrupt/unsupported data... the latest kernel at the time of writing is 2.0.16537.0
  18. Thanks if you want i can clean it up for ya, make it easier to read and optimize it...
  19. RGLoader is like a hybrid between a retail machine and a devkit... it's not useful for the end-users (you) it's more useful for developers that can't get hold of a real devkit or just don't want one (they can cost quite alot and cause all kinds of problems if you're not a game studio)...
  20. Swizzy

    DashLaunch 3.10

    Most likely not... However, updating your entire dashboard MAY solve the problem(s) that's an entirely different matter tho... read up on updating your kernel/dashboard/jtag/rgh there are plenty of guides out there, most are quite safe... some are dangerous... Mine can be found here: http://xebuildtut.xeupd.com/
  21. A TU is always a TU afaik...
  22. What part of "This means that Xbox 360 E doesn't have a sensor for the motherboard temperature OR... yours is SERIOUSLY bad..." don't you understand?
  23. Then something's wonky with your machine, and i would recommend that you delete your current F3 installation and redo it (manually by FTP or USB) i recommend using XEXMenu for that process...
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