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Everything posted by Swizzy

  1. Use Notepad++, that supports both linux and windows line endings...
  2. Dashlaunch is standalone, the avatar stuff is part of the official Xbox 360 update and is installed to the HDD
  3. I made a experimental build that i put on the forums, well a few actually... don't remember if abyone actually verified them to actually work...
  4. Lag has nothing to do with whether or not the ports are open or not... lag has to do with the connection between you, the host and everyone else playing...
  5. FSD sucks and is no longer being supported, upgrade to Aurora and everything should be listed properly
  6. That doesn't make much sense either as the southbridge doesn't overheat... it's the chip in the center of the board without any cooling, it simply doesn't run fast enough to ever really overheat, and even if it did you wouldn't have the kind of temperatures that would cause the balls underneath go bad like on the XCGPU
  7. A way to check the data once extracted is to use QuickSFV (or any other SFV checking tool you prefer), i've attached a sfv with the data, if any of the files is missing/corrupt, you know that's where the issue is... Aurora.sfv
  8. Do note that you have to extract the contents from the MU data before deleting the Xbox 360 folder tho as you lose the content within otherwise
  9. We don't offer support for stealth users...
  10. Here's what you need to do; check what glitch chip you have installed, then look up which point is the "POST_OUT" point (usually C) then you need to get that de-soldered... doing this will make the glitch chip no longer try to glitch the console, that should allow you to have your console booting back into the stock NAND... Once you know that's still working, you can look at what wires are actually setup and we can try to help you get it back to a working condition again from there... Are you able to solder yourself? if not - you're best bet is to find someone that knows how to install these hacks that can help you fix it as it'll likely require you to re-install the chip with a different configuration
  11. Doesn't mean that that app changed anything, you only need to open the ports if you are hosting, not if you're playing... besides, blocks tends to be on a ISP level which is something you cannot do anything about...
  12. Doesn't guarantee solving the problem, besides, that's locally on the phone and not on the ISP level which is where most blocks are located
  13. Just because you downloaded it from here doesn't mean everything is hunky dory, you still have to extract ALL files and copy ALL files, if ANY of the files failed to transfer for any reason it may cause the issue you're having... I would recommend that you try to run Aurora from USB, if it's not working there, then it's likely something messed up on your computer causing the problem (meaning, whatever you used to extract the files from the downloaded file isn't working right or something is wrong with your antivirus software or RAM for example) You may also have a too old kernel for Aurora to run, what kernel are you on?
  14. E79 has nothing to do with the CPU/GPU, or as it is on Xbox 360 Slim (XCGPU), E79 is related to the NAND and/or the southbridge
  15. Yes, there's no "System Internal Memory" tho, there's only "System Memory" and "Memory"... Besides creating the Content folder, you also have to delete the Xbox 360 folder (which holds the files for the old format) this removes the restriction, they cannot co-exist, if the Xbox 360 folder (old style) exists that has precedence over the new format
  16. You can put Aurora there however you like, just like you can with XEXMenu... if you don't have anything to launch it with you have to use Dashlaunch to do so (XEXMenu can run from a DVD or anywhere really)
  17. Possibly, but... port forwarding is required for you to be able to host a game only... however, the connection needs to be stable in order to actually work regardless of open ports or not, and some mobile networks block traffic on non-standard ports and/or unknown protocols Essentially, i highly recommend that you don't use a hotspot connection for LiNK, get a proper landline connection and you won't have anywhere near as much issues
  18. You probably had RGH 1.1 installed, this causes the hacked NAND to no longer work as some fuses has been blown in the CPU to prevent the older CB to load/work, the stock nand now has the latest CB installed which has randomization implemented to prevent glitching, the chip doesn't know this and will attempt to glitch it anyways (it was fine back when you had the old CB to glitch also the normal CB) What you need to do is re-write the chip software to 1.2 or 2.0 and possibly change the soldering config... lift POST_OUT and the retail nand will work
  19. Using this method will piss off alot of people as you will be the weak link dragging the experience down for evetyone...
  20. That means one or more files is missing/corrupt, please verify that you downloaded and unpacked ALL files, i would recommend doing so to a FAT32 USB drive and running Aurora from there, or copying it over from USB to HDD on the console (don't use FTP as your client likely defaults to ASCII transfer mode which is no good)
  21. That site has nothing to do with LiNK, you need to check if xboxunity.net is working, if not - LiNK is likely not working...
  22. http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/7547-aurora-06b-by-phoenix/
  23. No, not internal system memory, i'm talking about System Memory on the USB, the old format, it's still supported for reading AND creating but is limited to 32GB
  24. "System Volume Information" is a regular Windows folder... nothing to do with Xbox 360 Yes, for Content... but not System, like i mentioned^
  25. You just extract the contents and delete the hidden Xbox 360 folder, that'll make it be the "new" format when you put the files where they belong
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