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Everything posted by JQE

  1. I think you need to give a clearer description of what is happening. Maybe a screenshot. I see no reason you should have issues creating a room.
  2. Don't tell him he's right. We will never hear the end of it.
  3. Thanks guys. I think this will be a lot of fun
  4. Extra-Life.org is a charitable organization giving gamers the chance to use their passion and skill to give back to the less fortunate children in their own community. I believe in this cause and I think its something I could really get behind. As a father and a gamer this seems like the perfect way for me to give back to my community. On Saturday October 25th I will be doing 10 hours of straight gaming (6AM - 4PM CT) and I will do another 14 hour session in about week or two. I will be live streaming the entire 10 hours from my PS4. You can check me out by clicking the following link. http://www.twitch.tv/workerbe Please show your support for the children and donate what you can. http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=130753 Follow the above link to donate until November 30th. It's for an amazing cause and it should be a lot of fun! Stop by my twitch feed and drop me a positive comment. I will be posting a public list of all donations on RMS and would like to say THANK YOU in advance to everyone for their support. Lets make a difference!
  5. Just pick one with the correct TitleID and upload it. If the mediaID doesn't exist it will add it.
  6. Covers are working fine. Its all setup properly. Missing covers are cause noone has uploaded covers for the games. We don't create the covers, thats up to the community.
  7. I am not sure what on earth you are asking, Unity can handle more connections and all functions are now confirmed working. If something still isn't working, please try to add as much detail as you can so i can assist.
  8. TU Downloads are fixed as is login, Please don't hijack threads this thread was on something else. To see latest click on sort and filter, in the sort by content choose updated. IN the Sort Direction Choose Descending. This will show you the last updated Content. You can do the same for Link Users, Covers, Updates and so on.
  9. OK i worked through this with one user, the Linking of the console works now. The test fails, but it works online. I will resolve the test as soon as i can.
  10. In the console try to re-grab your API Key, if that doesn't work post steps to what you are doing. Saying you can't connect from console doesn't mean anything to me. Are you in HUD and can't see games? no System Link tab? Can't link console? Fails auth in test? give me exact steps and information and i will do my best to help you. The DNS and site change needed to happen for a lot of reasons. Sorry it cause some problems, but TBH we are saying larger user connections than before as the site is now able to handle them. The old sites really drained server resources. A few growing pains is a small price for what will end up being a better service.
  11. Please provide details on your user account. I do know the email features are working. I have tested numerous times today.
  12. I found an issue linking the console to API, sorry for the difficulty. Please try to link again.
  13. This was an issue with the new server Code. It has been resolved. Thanks for pointing it out to us.
  14. Hello. JQE360.com got a little big for my free google mail account. So my email got shutdown for sending too many emails. I have fixed this now, but for the last few weeks there have been some emails not getting sent. SO what i have done is removed all accounts that were not activated. If you tried to register and didn't get an email, try again now and you should be able to register properly. Updated link: http://xboxunity.net
  15. JQE

    jqe360 upload cover

    uploading is fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. I just reset my password and it worked fine. Can you please try resetting your password again. If it still doesn't work IM me your UserID and Email address you registered with and i will confirm whats going on with your account.
  17. That is an amazing theme, my hat goes off to you. That might be rocking my xbox when the new versions up.
  18. Hello and welcome to a new release of F3. It came to our attention some of F3 wasn't working quite right so we figured why not fix them up, and throw a few new features at you. -= Plugin =- We added the ability to "Pause" a game (freeze all active threads) From webUI (this is experimental). We also added profile information and acheivements to webUI. HUD got a nice new Info Bar on the bottom with game information. -= F3 =- So the TU System. You can now download TUs for multiple games simultaneously and you can pick and choose which TUs to download from each game. Each download gets its own progress bar so its easy to track. Weather. Updated to use the new API and new APi Keys. Also updated so it only gets the information 1 / hour / reboot. So it won't spam your API key. -= Update Info =- Doing a phased implementation to control server traffic. Hope you enjoy. TeamFSD.Freestyle3.0.775.7z Now that this is complete it is time we announce the disbanding of TeamFSD. We as a team have lost a lot of members and come to the point where its time to move on and grow. We will still be involved in the scene and around for discussions and such, but TeamFSD will be no more.
  19. Get the network working in Nxe or Metro F3 just connects to your existing network. If its not working then you have no IP. That simple.
  20. That would not cause this issue. If you created a new account and its happening again, but not to anyone else then you are doing something strange. I have no clue what it might be, but you are reverting to the main lobby on Ping. So somehow you are connecting from more than 1 location. There is no other reason you would be set back like that (other than being kicked but i confirmed you are not.)
  21. OK so far the ID looks fine. I am going to guess you have the Same User on 2 xboxs? Or something similiar? somehow you are being reset on the ping. This should only happen if A you are being kicked or B you are connected on 2 devices with the same Username.
  22. what is your link username? something is messed up with your account. You are resseting when you join. This is likely due to banning or low reputation. Or possible an issue with the account itself.
  23. JQE

    JQE360 Artwork Contest

    Sorry for not responding yet. Due to a sudden and trajick death of someone very close to me i havn't had time. As for the winner my personal favorite and winner is : VeeY Post number 25
  24. JQE

    JQE360 Artwork Contest

    Nice to see more coming in, lots of good ideas. This is going to be great .
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