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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    We have no problem helping, but spoon feeding wont happen, and stuff like mod menus as well as other stuff i wont mention, won't be helped.. there are guides readily available, if you use google to figure it out, or the search function on this site..
  2. 1 point
    Just copy the tu to the correct folder Content\0000000000000000\555308CA
  3. 1 point
    If anyone would check links in the admin signatures. All this information is available. As a matter of fact, stealth mod menus have been addressed numerous times with what Felida has said. This is RMS, not Team Xecuter... I'd personally check the modsite where you got it from, if it was made by a member there, they'd know best how to help you.
  4. 1 point
    Tip ,Avoid these questions here regarding Xbox Live and KV The law of the forum attends these things
  5. 1 point
    Can you not boot the game up on a retail xbox download the update and copy to usb then to rgh ?
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Upnp is what forwards ports for u automatically.. if you change the port numbers, u have to change them within aurora too.. if u setup portforwards, upnp should fail.. cant use both But.. here is an easy way to test if your ports actually open: Set the ports open for your pc, then test em with any of the ways avail.. and if they open, just change the ip to xb ip.. If you need help specifically, go to www.portforward.com They have guides for almost every router
  8. 1 point
    Rough..this the bestist site n where newbies should b able 2 ask. especially if there queries relate 2 rgh consoles with Aurora dash, hey we arn't as clued up but in keeping with the helping 2 keep 360s best consoles alive plz dn't dish noobs, your knowledge is greatly appreciated.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Check with file manager.. and see if default.xbe is actually in there.. now.. just fyi.. only a small number actually play on 360.. i know the list isnt anywhere near 900.. Edit: 461 is the number compatible officially..
  11. 1 point
    1.rename watch dogs default.xex to defaultORIGINAL.xex on your jtag. 2.download this edited default.xex https://copy.com/j7GSXq240nkI it's media ID is 1DEB466B and copy it to your watch dogs folder on your jtag. 3.using FSD3 file manager move watch dogs folder to any location away from your fsd3 scan path i.e hdd:\xbox 360 games\watch dogs ----> hdd:\watch dogs 4.go to your cover flow and delete watch dogs (this will clear fsd3 database of the old media ID for disc 2 of watch dogs in it's database. 5.move watch dogs back to your xbox 360 games folder set in fsd3 scan path and do a rescan by soft reset of fsd3. 6.Using TU Manager you should now be able to download latest TU. proof- now just to wait for some dlc and see if FSD3 TU Manager will download the next TU2 and that any DLC works.
  12. 0 points
    Your easiest solution, is to replace the default.xex with one that matches one on unity.. Or, take your legit game, and go onto xbox live, download the tu, then transfer it to your rgh.. you dont need xbl gold to get tu's, just the free silver will work
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