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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/14 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Don't be so stubborn about your ways etheir, if you want f*ing tabs, stick to F3... we're creating something new here, if you don't like it, don't use it... we're NOT changing this EVER Keep asking about this shit and you'll be banned from RMS
  2. 2 points
    For Dr. Gonzo and the German Speakers/ Translators The Following Thread can only be discussed and solutions can be found only by German languaged skill owners , to provide an accurate language for future Aurora Updates. ******* Deutsch/ German ******** Es sind Denkanstöße, die ihr berücksichtigen solltest. Nicht alles Markierte ist meiner Ansicht nach falsch, nur hätte man meiner Meinung nach bessere Begriffe auswählen können. Einige Bemerkungen sind im Anhang. Es sind einfach einige Begriffe nicht übersetzt worden, Tippfehler entstanden und unklare Begriffe benutzt worden. Manches würde ich lieber auch ersetzen und möglichst einheitlich gestalten. (zb. Verben für Befehle benutzen, Satzbau Vereinheitlichung etc.) Was ich vergessen habe. "Verzeichnis Hoc" fehlt ein "h" (Wird wahrscheinlich abgeschnitten) Es wäre toll, wenn die Community bei schwierigen Wörtern die Auswahl selber treffen würde. Ich hatte auch darüber nachgedacht, Refresh mit erneuern oder aktualisieren zu ersetzen, was aber mehrdeutig sein könnte. Wohingegen Dr. Gonzo "Download" so belassen hat. Man sieht also die unterschiedlichen Entscheidungen, welche man nicht einfach dahinnehmen sollte. Ich finde manche Begrifflichkeiten wirklich zu lasch oder auch zu "unnötig" professionell. Mein Motto: Kurz und verständlich. Jeder mit einer JTAG-Konsole hat sicherlich ein bisschen Englisch drauf. Ich persönlich finde zum Beispiel in diesem Kontext das "Gesietze" überhaupt nicht angebracht. "Duzen" hört sich viel lockerer an. Sowas sollte man mit der Community entscheiden. Man sollte ausserdem im Satzbau auf Unterschiede im Blickfeld achten. Es macht einen Unterschied aus, wenn man "Herunterladen" oder "Lade herunter" schreibt. Wählt einheitlich. Bei Abkürzungen sollte man auch nochmal drüber nachdenken. Ansonsten wird dieser Thread wahrscheinlich noch gepflegt.
  3. 1 point
    woooo hooo! Found the culprit: Enabled xhttp in dashlaunch and bam! Aurora was able to grab API key from Unity - Thanks Swizzy!
  4. 1 point
    Brother, apology is not solutions for your bad words try to change your attitude it's public forum,still I didn't get why some peoples are using this kind of slang (f**k,su*k,sh*t) it's not a new generation language we are educated people so we have more responsiplity Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    It's easier to just use the webUI ( http://*IP*:9999 ) example: Could you explain what you mean? "feels poor about feature richness"? you mean it feels like it doesn't have much to come with? Well, the default view isn't supposed to be full of lot's of stuff, that's the whole point... it's supposed to be simple and fast, while still having everything you need at the tips of your fingers...
  8. 1 point
    This is great !!! A big thank you to you guys for all your hard work
  9. 1 point
    He started working on that before release due to him having the localization build with all the skin changes in it already
  10. 1 point
    Right now Arabic isn't supported (we don't have a way of selecting language manually yet, and we're currently using the dashboard to tell what language to use, the currently supported languages (which are missing) are: Japanese Korean Traditional Chinese Norwegian Simplified Chinese Send me a PM on here and i'll keep it for when we add support for other languages not supported by the Xbox 360 dashboard, i'll at that point send you the things you need to make a translation, however... Arabic will probably be harder to translate to then other languages due to it beeing a left-to-right language unlike the others (if i am not mistaken?) This is a part of the "Details" screen... if you still can't find 'em, you don't need 'em The file browser will be added in an future update, as you can see in the post... Right now there is no way to convert the FSD covers to be used by Aurora, maybe in the future you'll have a tool to do so... Title updates, those you just have to install in the correct folder and start Aurora and it'll handle them automatically There are plans of making a way to switch filters quickly, just wait and it'll be added, we've got many things coming in future updates
  11. 1 point
    Very nice round of updates here guys , as always greatly appreciated , keep the awesome stuff coming
  12. 1 point
    hi bro thanks for your work its a nice skin, now aurora is 0.2b can you update the skin please ??
  13. 1 point
    New update has just dropped and people are already complaining about stuff. Wow. Great release guys, keep up the good work please!
  14. 1 point
    I am a user who doesn't appreciate much (Translated by BioHazard). now thats funny lol Biohazard.. sorry for sounding like a dick. its just the one and only reason I haven't switched to aurora is no WebUI. sorry for not being happy without WebUI
  15. 1 point
    Hi! i have a problem. Ports and all works just when i go to jqe360 and type my name (xbox man) and password then i click on the button "Link Console to JQE360" says " can`t connect to server check you username and password". But i write password and username 10 times but its still the same. Please help!
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