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Found 5 results

  1. First off i'll give credit to some people. Muppo & x1024 - for a lot of the work on this skin as I used Muppo's 'Blue Mountains Neo' skin as the base for this one. Their skins can be found here: Blue Mountains Neo Blur Swizzy & Felida - for every time I had a question or wanted some help they were always willing to read and respond to anything I asked (even stupid questions). Team Phoenix - for all their hard work coding & testing Aurora and then releasing it to the public free of charge..without them none of this could be possible. Thanks Team Phoenix! Unique Features of my skin.. Splash Screen - I have made an animation for the splash screen for all those people myself included who have lots of games to load at start up and don't want to stare at a static image, I got the idea when watching the anime show 'psycho pass' and tried to replicate the animation as best I could. Colours are a little messed up in the video due to my camera but you get the idea. There is an audio track to go with the animation but I didn't record it when making the video as my son was trying to sleep at the time. Note: If you unpack the .xzp there is an image 'info.png' which you can edit to have your name appear in the animation..it currently reads 'Default User' for sake of ease. Synopsis Screen - I wanted to have something different from all the other skins so I made all my own textures with photoshop & gimp and this is what I ended up with. Other Pages.. Main Screen - Self explainitory, I kept Blue Mountains Neo's quick view here because it just looks so awesome all I did was change some textures and some font. The animation on the main screen I got from someone else but it was back in 0.5b and I can't remember where it was from sorry, It does look great though. Settings Screen - Again this is from Blue Mountains Neo I edited the transitions, added my own background, textures, music etc. That about does it, hope you like my skin. Holmite Gears of War Edition.xzp
  2. hi guys if any one have gears of war 3 tu 6 please provide it , i download tu from unity but doesn't work for me tid 4D5308AB mediaid 6EF14DF9 Edit: nevermind i fix it
  3. Hi, Can somebody provide me with a mediafire link to the latest Gears of War 3 title update for Xbox 360? Thanks a lot
  4. XBOX ONE S SKIN BY WBI POLAR MIXED WITH GOW 3 MAIN BACKGROUND SONG; XBOX ONE INTRO SOUND,GEARS OF WAR 2 MUSIC I LOVE THE NEW XBOX ONE S DESIGN..IT IS SO WHITE,I WAS DOING A GOW 3 SKIN AND I DECIDED TO MAKE A WEIRD MIX, I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS AWESOME PICTURE SLIDE SHOW I AM JUST AN SKIN EDITOR,I TOOK THINGS AND I MAKE IT BETTER I PUT A LOT OF TIME DOING THIS you can choose any languague on your xbox leave a comment or give me one like (it takes more time to load the skin don`t worry,it is ok, and there is a little delay when you press b or start) DOWNLOAD HERE XBOX ONE GOW skin by Polar.rar extract the file from .rar and put the .xzp archive here path: aurora/skins others skins that i've made for this commmunity http://www.realmodsc...for-aurora-05b/ http://www.realmodsc...nnormal-screen/ http://www.realmodsc...kin-aurora-05b/ http://www.realmodsc...05b/#entry50353 http://www.realmodsc...kin-aurora-05b/ http://www.realmodsc...kin-aurora-05b/ http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/6401-street-fighter-aurora-05b-amazing-skin/
  5. 2016 skin gears of war aurora 0.5b INTRO SOUND:robzombie,headshot MAIN BACKGROUND SONGS; gears of war 3 rock version,mad world(instrumental) you can choose any languague on your xbox leave a comment or give me one like download here gears of war skin by Polar.rar extraxct .rar file and put the .xzp aurora/skins I added layout made by fertingax360,used by permission, path aurora/media/layout then,choose it skin street fighter by Polar http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/6401-street-fighter-aurora-05b-amazing-skin/
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