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    RMS Freshman
  • Birthday 11/22/1978

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  1. I made an error, I was up to the 3rd input already on the passcode, Wasn't aware it began to do it, hence why I forgot what I did for the input. All good now , thanks guys for the quick replies.
  2. I Had 2 versions of Aurora in my HDD1, I switched "Default" path from Dashlaunch to the prior version, Then was able to delete the DB File in the new version. Switched the path in dashlaunch back to the latest version of Aurora.Rescanned Games and all is back to normal now.. You might want to have a warning prompt before making a password somehow, you can very easily create a password without even knowing until your halfway through the passcode without being able to cancel or delete process. Just something minor otherwise Aurora Is Numero Uno!!
  3. Ill try the ftp avenue 1st. I dont understand the lua script method?
  4. Are you sure you can edit or delete DB whilst it is actually running with it keycoded to not delete content? I tried on the xbox in aurora file manager, and I am unable to delete the DB file?
  5. Hi, It has been a while since I used my Xbox. I updated to the latest Aurora .6b all went well, I did notice all my covers somehow got wiped in the update (Which is ok) I accidently entered a passcode with my dpad for my "delete content" Now I do not know how to reset that passcode As I can't delete any files from the Aurora Folder. How Can I delete Everything and Start fresh to rescan all my external game hdds? Copy Aurora .6 to USB and movce it into my xbox 360, then point dashlaunch to the new folder location and rescan?
  6. With an already available online NES emulator and a $10 N64 Emulator available for xbox one. Im surprised no one has looked into getting xbone hacked via these. The emulator is able to load ROMS. If it could load roms then I dont see why it couldnt load other things? Just saying. .
  7. I figured it out, but I could only play XBLIG games off internal HDD. Is there any way they can be played off external HDD?
  8. I followed this guide but still get problems loading any games? They seem to quit 1 second after I see the XBOX INDIE screen? Also my question for "Do games work of external HDD?" has not been answered?
  9. Can XBLIG games be played off External HDD with Aurora? Either way can anyone help me and tell me which paths the TU Update goes in and the Games themselves? XBLIG Games on External Wont loaf from Aurora at all. When they're in the internal, I can get them to load. I see the XBOX INDIE screen for a second then I get a xbox cannot load error? I have enable AutoFake on with Dashlaunch and still get the same error?
  10. Fantastic. Thanks. Now let's hope they release more DLC as the game itself is great. Reminds me of Uncharted & Assassins Creed.
  11. Yep outfit unlocked now. What exactly does the Season pass do? Again thank you to everyone who has helped me and have a wonderful Christmas.
  12. YES MAN!! NICE.. It's working fine. How are you supposed to work out that path for the TU? Are all games similar? all TU's in go in \000B0000 after the games ID Folder? Or does it change depending on game? While were on topic of this game, Where does the Season Pass & DLC go? I see the DLC in Aurora but I don't think its working? I cannot see the extra costume in gasme when i go into campire and select different outfits?
  13. The file doesn't get deleted is always in its folder location. Regardless. I deleted it re put it in its correct path. Ran scan. Auto Rebooted after scan. Aurora found no tu. Game is still glitched?
  14. Tried that. It restarts after a scan. I tried autoscan on. No tu's are shown in aurora to enable. Game is still glitched?
  15. I chose Refresh with Blue button, but nothing shows up?
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