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Everything posted by Thors

  1. Thors

    TU Question

    Atifkazia is right .There are 2 compatibility packs for Ghost and for some reason i needed the season pass too for the dlc to work.That being said few people like me play on TU17 for ghosts.If you play on multiplayer ,you will find more players on Ghosts TU0 .
  2. Hello to everyone.Anyone interested in playing Modern Warfare 1 ?Tommorrow i'll be playing with a friend around 00.00-01.00(GMT+3).Anyone who is interested can join,the more the merrier.We will be playing on TU4.Hope to see some players! I meant Sunday to monday night 00.00 .
  3. I've missed on that.It's was too early for me here.Maybe another time.
  4. Make a private room.It's very unfair to kick someone from a public room altho i agree cheaters are a problem.I believe that no one player should be able to kick other out of public room except maybe the admins.It would eventually lead to abuse.
  5. I've played too much of CODs,it boring for me now.But if you want to play any other games or World at war ,i'm all for it.
  6. What games do you play?I'm getting pretty bored too .The few players on link keep playing the same games every time.
  7. I may be wrong but would not disabling automatic scan make the load time faster?
  8. Beautiful skin .You should try making skins for Aurora.
  9. ok ,thanks for the reply .@Gavin I may have worded it wrongly ,am sorry.
  10. I do realize ,i was not trying to argue nor being rude or disrespectful just making point.
  11. First of all thank you for your reply.I don't wanna be rude but i have read the rules and no where in my comment did i mention i got it illegally ,nor did i say it's my intention to obtain it illegally and i did not ask or share any link. As for the trouble am having ,there is no TU9 for this version .I would not ask if i had not searched beforehand.There is no TU 9 for this version atleast i have not found it on unity,on google and i've skim atleast a dozen xbox related sites without success and finally while googling i came upon the thread mention in my post,a thread posted here long ago thus the reason i am asking here and not elsewhere.to see if meanwhile someone found a solution.Thank you.
  12. Hi. I have the game Rdr(GOTY) and would like to play on systemlink,the problem is that the only TU available for it is TU 1(For media ID 3EE87B76) while almost everyone else play on TU9.I've search but it seems like there is no TU9 for this Media ID .I came upon this thread ,which is probably the same thing i've been looking for.http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/4085-solution-for-red-dead-redemption-goty-and-normal/ Is there a way i could play with this version of the game ?Did anyone find a solution?The game is 12gb and i have a slow connection,it would be a real pain to get it again .Thank you for your time ,any help is appreciated.
  13. Mw2 has zombies? cannot find that name on skype.
  14. Thors

    PM and Notifications

    Yes! Yes ,that's the name ,he wrote in russian wishing happy easter or something like that. I did not know he was a spammer .Thanks for the quick reply ,topic can be close.
  15. Goodmorning/night! Can an admin or mod help me with this?I got a mail from Realmodscene saying that a got a PM from someone some 12 hours ago ,the problem is i did not get the notification. and i'm not sure i know the user when i try to select the message or username it says "SORRY, YOU DON'T HAVE PERMISSION FOR THAT!" . Thank you for your time. Moved to Feedback-Subforum ! Dr.Gonzo
  16. Thors

    DLC Question

    It probably is.Now that you have aurora ,download the Tu from it .It will download the correct media ID TU and place it where it needs to be,just don't forget to "Enable" the TU once downloaded.
  17. Thors

    DLC Question

    Did you update correctly?I got the dirty disc problem with another game ,reinstalling it usually solve this problem.
  18. Thors

    DLC Question

    You probably got a title update with a media Id different then your game's media id or the Tu was corrupted during transfer .Verify the media ID and try redownloading again.(why don't you use Aurora for updates?).
  19. If you create a room from xboxunity.net ,you can write any name for the room.Just click on your username ,select "add room" ,choose Title and room name.
  20. Seems like a great idea.Right now i have to keep my laptop by when am playing to see who is playing what on xboxunity.net.
  21. I tried with this and it's everything is now working as it should.Successfully flashed.Thanks for the fast reply.
  22. Hi,i need help.while updating to the newest dash i'm getting the following error:" Warning:Your current nand is not the ZeroPaired.If you have a way to switch nands do so now" Press A to retest or start to ignore and continue. It's when i'm writing the updflash.bin to nand. Is there something wrong?Should i press ignore and continue?
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