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kyletempest last won the day on June 10 2020

kyletempest had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

7 Neutral

About kyletempest

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman
  • Birthday 02/21/1985

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Valhalla Messejana
  • Interests
    Get some MOD´s and make frienz!

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  1. Thank you so much could you do one for Valkyrie Profile Lenneth with intro and lopping music Sky gate?? thanks
  2. Someone have aurora trainer for Final Fantasy XIII Title ID 535107E4? Thanks.
  3. Trying just save and get it corrupted. I try many times, and i want to put sounds in skin or video using the file. I Finally found XUItool.
  4. Felida how did you got it to work on the skin? Video Intro to skins?? how do you do?
  5. Can´t save main xur it says corrupted after many times trying save, what could be?
  6. Hello buddies, could someone help me? Aurora Skin meta Generator has closing or stopping answer, everytime i try load an skin.meta, could someone tell me why? or how to fix? thanks in advance.
  7. Could you remake your tutorials? low quality video, sorry for, but thanks
  8. Direct link to MEGA https://mega.nz/#!CAgwWA7a!DHlqKFAUHBwcMvQKFWz7TZ3wP0V0fGf-aA2cJYOuKv0
  9. This community is muted... donpt know why people here dont like to help...
  10. Hwo to update a Skin to a new aurora version... ?w
  11. Felida i remeber you in Xiyzmods community, glad to see you again, i have things to beg you, how to put music in aurora skins, how to change version of aurora skin, and where to download tools to skinning. Thanks.
  12. Don´t waste your time the link of this guy is broken as you can see here https://mega.nz/#!NuQlSRoZ!ypRzE_c3YHuBnUY61PYbHE8CCSN4Ri7rl4FnFvS_9fs
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